#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Getopt::Std; getopts("fm:l:L:pxh"); use vars qw { $opt_f $opt_m $opt_p $opt_x $opt_h $opt_l $opt_L }; sub usage { die "hit-frequencies [-f] [-m RE] [-l LC] [-p] [-x] [spam log] [nonspam log] -f falses. count only false-negative or false-positive matches -m RE print rules matching regular expression -l LC also print language specific rules for lang code LC (or 'all') -L LC only print language specific rules for lang code LC (or 'all') -p percentages. implies -x -x extended output, with S/O ratio and scores options -l and -L are mutually exclusive. if either the spam or and nonspam logs are unspecified, the defaults are \"spam.log\" and \"nonspam.log\" in the cwd. "; } usage() if($opt_h || ($opt_l && $opt_L)); if ($opt_p) { $opt_x = 1; } my %freq_spam = (); my %freq_nonspam = (); my $num_spam = 0; my $num_nonspam = 0; my %ranking = (); my $ok_lang = ''; readscores(); $ok_lang = lc ($opt_l || $opt_L || ''); if ($ok_lang eq 'all') { $ok_lang = '.'; } foreach my $key (keys %rules) { if ( ($opt_L && !$rules{$key}->{lang}) || ($rules{$key}->{lang} && (!$ok_lang || $rules{$key}->{lang} !~ /^$ok_lang/i) ) ) { delete $rules{$key} ; next; } $freq_spam{$key} = 0; $freq_nonspam{$key} = 0; } readlogs(); my $hdr_all = $num_spam + $num_nonspam; my $hdr_spam = $num_spam; my $hdr_nonspam = $num_nonspam; if ($opt_p) { if ($opt_f) { printf "%7s %7s %7s %6s %6s %6s %s\n", "OVERALL%", "FNEG%", "FPOS%", "S/O", "RANK", "SCORE", "NAME"; } else { printf "%7s %7s %7s %6s %6s %6s %s\n", "OVERALL%", "SPAM%", "NONSPAM%", "S/O", "RANK", "SCORE", "NAME"; } printf "%7d %7d %7d %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f (all messages)\n", $hdr_all, $hdr_spam, $hdr_nonspam, soratio ($num_spam,$num_nonspam), 0, 0; $hdr_spam = ($num_spam / $hdr_all) * 100.0; $hdr_nonspam = ($num_nonspam / $hdr_all) * 100.0; $hdr_all = 100.0; # this is obvious printf "%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f (all messages as %%)\n", $hdr_all, $hdr_spam, $hdr_nonspam, soratio ($num_spam,$num_nonspam), 0, 0; } elsif ($opt_x) { printf "%7s %7s %7s %6s %6s %s\n", "OVERALL", "SPAM", "NONSPAM", "S/O", "SCORE", "NAME"; printf "%7d %7d %7d %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f (all messages)\n", $hdr_all, $hdr_spam, $hdr_nonspam, soratio ($num_spam,$num_nonspam), 0, 0; } else { printf "%10s %10s %10s %s\n", "OVERALL", "SPAM", "NONSPAM", "NAME"; printf "%10d %10d %10d (all messages)\n", $hdr_all, $hdr_spam, $hdr_nonspam; } my %done = (); my @tests = (); my $rank_hi = 0; my $rank_lo = 9999999; foreach my $test (keys %freq_spam, keys %freq_nonspam) { next unless (exists $rules{$test}); # only valid tests next if ($rules{$test}->{issubrule}); next if $done{$test}; $done{$test} = 1; push (@tests, $test); my $isnice = 0; if ($rules{$test}->{tflags} =~ /nice/) { $isnice = 1; } my $fs = $freq_spam{$test}; $fs ||= 0; my $fn = $freq_nonspam{$test}; $fn ||= 0; my $fsadj = $num_spam == 0 ? 0 : ($fs / ($num_spam)) * 100.0; my $fnadj = $num_nonspam == 0 ? 0 : ($fn / ($num_nonspam)) * 100.0; my $soratio = $soratio{$test} = soratio ($fsadj, $fnadj); if ($isnice) { $soratio = 1.0 - $soratio; my $tmp = $fsadj; $fsadj = $fnadj; $fnadj = $tmp; } # now, given the S/O ratio (0.0 to 1.0) and match%s (0.0 to 100.0), # come up with a ranking. # my $rank = $soratio * ($fsadj / (($fnadj || 0.0008) * 10)); $rank = log($rank+0.001); $ranking{$test} = $rank; $rank_hi = $rank if ($rank > $rank_hi); $rank_lo = $rank if ($rank < $rank_lo); } # now normalise the rankings to [0, 1] $rank_hi -= $rank_lo; foreach $test (@tests) { $ranking{$test} = ($ranking{$test} - $rank_lo) / $rank_hi; } foreach $test (sort { $ranking{$b} <=> $ranking{$a} } @tests) { next unless (exists $rules{$test}); # only valid tests next if ($rules{$test}->{issubrule}); my $fs = $freq_spam{$test}; $fs ||= 0; my $fn = $freq_nonspam{$test}; $fn ||= 0; my $fa = $fs+$fn; next if ($opt_m && $test !~ m/$opt_m/); # match certain tests next if ($rules{$test}->{tflags} =~ /net/); # not net tests next if ($rules{$test}->{tflags} =~ /userconf/); # or userconf # adjust based on corpora sizes (and cvt to % while we're at it) my $fsadj = $num_spam == 0 ? 0 : ($fs / ($num_spam)) * 100.0; my $fnadj = $num_nonspam == 0 ? 0 : ($fn / ($num_nonspam)) * 100.0; if ($opt_f && $fsadj == 0 && $fnadj == 0) { next; } if ($opt_p) { $fa = ($fa / ($num_spam + $num_nonspam)) * 100.0; $fs = $fsadj; $fn = $fnadj; } my $soratio = $soratio{$test}; if (!defined $soratio) { $soratio{$test} = soratio ($fsadj, $fnadj); } if ($opt_p) { printf "%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %s\n", $fa, $fs, $fn, $soratio, $ranking{$test}, $scores{$test}, $test; } elsif ($opt_x) { printf "%7d %7d %7d %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %s\n", $fa, $fs, $fn, $soratio, $ranking{$test}, $scores{$test}, $test; } else { printf "%10d %10d %10d %s\n", $fa, $fs, $fn, $test; } } exit; sub readlogs { my $spam = $ARGV[0] || "spam.log"; my $nonspam = $ARGV[1] || (-f "good.log" ? "good.log" : "nonspam.log"); foreach my $file ($spam, $nonspam) { open (IN, "<$file") || die "Could not open file '$file': $!"; my $isspam = 0; ($file eq $spam) and $isspam = 1; while () { next if (/^#/); /^(.)\s+(-?\d+)\s+(\S+)\s*(\S*)/ or next; my $caught = ($1 eq 'Y'); my $hits = $2; $_ = $4; s/,,+/,/g; if ($isspam) { if ($opt_f) { if (!$caught) { $num_spam++; } } else { $num_spam++; } } else { if ($opt_f) { if ($caught) { $num_nonspam++; } } else { $num_nonspam++; } } my @tests = split (/,/, $_); foreach my $t (@tests) { next if ($t eq ''); if ($isspam) { if ($opt_f) { if (!$caught) { $freq_spam{$t}++; } } else { $freq_spam{$t}++; } } else { if ($opt_f) { if ($caught) { $freq_nonspam{$t}++; } } else { $freq_nonspam{$t}++; } } } } close IN; } } sub readscores { system ("./parse-rules-for-masses") and die; require "./tmp/rules.pl"; } sub soratio { my ($s, $n) = @_; $s ||= 0; $n ||= 0; if ($s + $n > 0) { return $s / ($s + $n); } else { return 0; } } sub tcr { my ($nspam, $nlegit, $nspamspam, $nlegitspam) = @_; my $nspamlegit = $nspam - $nspamspam; my $nlegitlegit = $nlegit - $nlegitspam; my $lambda = 99; my $werr = ($lambda * $nlegitspam + $nspamlegit) / ($lambda * $nlegit + $nspam); my $werr_base = $nspam / ($lambda * $nlegit + $nspam); $werr ||= 0.000001; # avoid / by 0 my $tcr = $werr_base / $werr; return $tcr; }