#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME seek-phrases-in-corpus - given a corpus of spam, seek out common phrases =head1 SYNOPSIS seek-phrases-in-corpus [--grep 'pattern'] ham:dir:/path spam:dir:/path2 ... =head1 DESCRIPTION Given a _small_ corpus of ham and spam mails (specified in mass-check format), this will attempt to find patterns that appear in at least 2 spams, then list out all the patterns that have a 1.0 S/O ratio (ie. hit spam and no ham). The output format looks like: 1.000 8.633 0.000 /pattern/, /pattern2/, /pattern3/ 1.000 8.633 0.000 /pattern4/ 1.000 10.000 0.000 /pattern5/ First field is S/O (and will always be 1.000). Second, the SPAM% figure -- how much of the spam corpus, as a percentage, contains the pattern. Third is the list of one or more pattern(s) that hit this subset of messages. Note that patterns that hit a different subset of the messages in the spam corpus, are listed on separate lines; e.g., in the example above, /pattern3/ and /pattern4/ both hit 8.633% of the spam corpus -- however, they hit a different 8.633%, not the same subset of messages. On the other hand, /pattern2/ and /pattern3/ are hitting exactly the same messages. The patterns are simple substrings, not regular expressions; don't be misled by the use of "/" as a delimiter. The body text is rendered as SpamAssassin "body" rendering. =cut # <@LICENSE> # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- use Getopt::Long; use Carp qw(croak); use FindBin; use strict; use warnings; my $sadir = "$FindBin::Bin/../.."; my $tmpdir = "/tmp/findpats.tmp.$$"; my %opt = (); GetOptions( 'grep=s' => \$opt{grep}, ) or die "see perldoc for usage"; my $mcargs = join(' ', @ARGV); # extract just the ham or spam targets my $mcargs_h = $mcargs; $mcargs_h =~ s/\bspam:\S+\b//gs; my $mcargs_s = $mcargs; $mcargs_s =~ s/\bham:\S+\b//gs; if ($mcargs_h !~ /\bham:/) { die "seek-phrases-in-corpus: no 'ham:type:path' corpus specifier found!\n"; } if ($mcargs_s !~ /\bspam:/) { die "seek-phrases-in-corpus: no 'spam:type:path' corpus specifier found!\n"; } my $re = $opt{grep}; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (-d "$tmpdir/cor") and run ("rm -rf $tmpdir/cor"); (-d "$tmpdir/cor") or run ("mkdir -p $tmpdir/cor"); # note: -c=/dev/null so no rules ever run # don't grep the ham set! run("cd $sadir/masses && ". "./mass-check --cf='loadplugin Dumptext plugins/Dumptext.pm' ". " --cf='loadplugin GrepRenderedBody plugins/GrepRenderedBody.pm' ". " -n -o --showdots -c=/dev/null ". " $mcargs_h > $tmpdir/w.h"); # *do* grep the spam, though run("cd $sadir/masses && ". "./mass-check --cf='loadplugin Dumptext plugins/Dumptext.pm' ". " --cf='loadplugin GrepRenderedBody plugins/GrepRenderedBody.pm' ". ($re ? " --cf='grep $re' " : ""). " -n -o --showdots -c=/dev/null ". " $mcargs_s > $tmpdir/w.s"); run("perl -w $sadir/masses/rule-dev/phrase-extract-in-log ". "$tmpdir/w.h $tmpdir/w.s > $tmpdir/result"); run("cat $tmpdir/result"); exit; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub run { my $cmd = shift; warn "[$cmd]\n"; system $cmd; ($? >> 8 != 0) and Carp::croak("command failed"); }