#!/usr/bin/perl -w # <@LICENSE> # Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # use strict; use File::Spec; my $PREFIX = '@@PREFIX@@'; # substituted at 'make' time my $DEF_RULES_DIR = '@@DEF_RULES_DIR@@'; # substituted at 'make' time my $LOCAL_RULES_DIR = '@@LOCAL_RULES_DIR@@'; # substituted at 'make' time use lib '@@INSTALLSITELIB@@'; # substituted at 'make' time BEGIN { # Locate locally installed SA libraries *without* using FindBin, which generates # warnings and causes more trouble than its worth. We don't need to be too # smart about this BTW. my @bin = File::Spec->splitpath($0); my $bin = ( $bin[0] ? File::Spec->catpath( @bin[ 0 .. 1 ] ) : $bin[1] ) # /home/jm/foo -> /home/jm || File::Spec->curdir; # foo -> . # check to make sure it wasn't just installed in the normal way. # note that ./lib/Mail/SpamAssassin.pm takes precedence, for # building SpamAssassin on a machine where an old version is installed. if ( -e $bin . '/lib/Mail/SpamAssassin.pm' || !-e '@@INSTALLSITELIB@@/Mail/SpamAssassin.pm' ) { # Firstly, are we running "make test" in the "t" dir? the test files # *need* to use 'blib', so that 'use bytes' is removed for pre-5.6 perls # beforehand by the preproc. However, ./spamassassin does not, as the # preproc will have stripped out the "use rule files from cwd" code from # Mail::SpamAssassin. So we want to use blib just for the t scripts. if ( $bin eq '../' && -e '../blib/lib/Mail/SpamAssassin.pm' ) { unshift ( @INC, '../blib/lib' ); } else { # These are common paths where the SA libs might be found. foreach ( qw(lib ../lib/site_perl ../lib/spamassassin ../share/spamassassin/lib) ) { my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( $bin, split ( '/', $_ ) ); if ( -f File::Spec->catfile( $dir, "Mail", "SpamAssassin.pm" ) ) { unshift ( @INC, $dir ); last; } } } } } use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Mail::SpamAssassin; use Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator; my %resphash = ( EX_OK => 0, # no problems EX_USAGE => 64, # command line usage error EX_DATAERR => 65, # data format error EX_NOINPUT => 66, # cannot open input EX_NOUSER => 67, # addressee unknown EX_NOHOST => 68, # host name unknown EX_UNAVAILABLE => 69, # service unavailable EX_SOFTWARE => 70, # internal software error EX_OSERR => 71, # system error (e.g., can't fork) EX_OSFILE => 72, # critical OS file missing EX_CANTCREAT => 73, # can't create (user) output file EX_IOERR => 74, # input/output error EX_TEMPFAIL => 75, # temp failure; user is invited to retry EX_PROTOCOL => 76, # remote error in protocol EX_NOPERM => 77, # permission denied EX_CONFIG => 78, # configuration error ); sub print_version { print "SpamAssassin version " . Mail::SpamAssassin::Version() . "\n" . " running on Perl version " . join(".", map { $_||=0; $_*1 } ($] =~ /(\d)\.(\d{3})(\d{3})?/ )) . "\n"; } sub print_usage_and_exit { my ( $message, $respnam ) = @_; $respnam ||= 'EX_USAGE'; if ($respnam eq 'EX_OK' ) { print_version(); print("\n"); } pod2usage( -verbose => 0, -message => $message, -exitval => $resphash{$respnam}, ); } sub usage { my ( $verbose, $message ) = @_; my $ver = Mail::SpamAssassin::Version(); print "SpamAssassin version $ver\n"; pod2usage( -verbose => $verbose, -message => $message, -exitval => 64 ); } # Check to make sure the script version and the module version matches. # If not, die here! Also, deal with unchanged VERSION macro. if ($Mail::SpamAssassin::VERSION ne '@@VERSION@@' && '@@VERSION@@' ne "\@\@VERSION\@\@") { die 'ERROR! spamassassin script is v@@VERSION@@, but using modules v'.$Mail::SpamAssassin::VERSION."!\n"; } # by default: # - create user preference files # - have ArchiveIterator detect the input message format (file vs dir) # my %opt = ( 'create-prefs' => 1, 'format' => 'detect' ); my $doing_whitelist_operation = 0; my $count = 0; my @targets = (); my $exitvalue; # gnu_getopt is not available in Getopt::Long 2.24, see bug 732 # gnu_compat neither. Getopt::Long::Configure( qw(bundling no_getopt_compat no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case)); GetOptions( 'add-addr-to-blacklist=s' => \$opt{'add-addr-to-blacklist'}, 'add-addr-to-whitelist=s' => \$opt{'add-addr-to-whitelist'}, 'add-to-blacklist' => \$opt{'add-to-blacklist'}, 'add-to-whitelist|W' => \$opt{'add-to-whitelist'}, 'configpath|config-file|config-dir|c|C=s' => \$opt{'configpath'}, 'create-prefs!' => \$opt{'create-prefs'}, 'debug-level|debug|D:s' => \$opt{'debug-level'}, 'error-code|exit-code|e:i' => \$opt{'error-code'}, 'help|h|?' => \$opt{'help'}, 'lint' => \$opt{'lint'}, 'local-only|local|L' => \$opt{'local'}, 'mbox' => sub { $opt{'format'} = 'mbox'; }, 'mbx' => sub { $opt{'format'} = 'mbx'; }, 'prefspath|prefs-file|p=s' => \$opt{'prefspath'}, 'remove-addr-from-whitelist=s' => \$opt{'remove-addr-from-whitelist'}, 'remove-from-whitelist|R' => \$opt{'remove-from-whitelist'}, 'remove-markup|despamassassinify|d' => \$opt{'remove-markup'}, 'report|r' => \$opt{'report'}, 'revoke|k' => \$opt{'revoke'}, 'siteconfigpath=s' => \$opt{'siteconfigpath'}, 'test-mode|test|t' => \$opt{'test-mode'}, 'version|V' => \$opt{'version'}, 'x' => sub { $opt{'create-prefs'} = 0 }, # # NOTE: These are old options. We should ignore (but warn about) # the ones that are now defaults. Everything else gets a die (see note2) # so the user doesn't get us doing something they didn't expect. # # NOTE2: 'die' doesn't actually stop the process, GetOptions() catches # it, then passes the error on, so we'll end up doing a Usage statement. # You can avoid that by doing an explicit exit in the sub. # # last in 2.3 'pipe|P' => sub { warn "The -P option is deprecated as 'pipe mode' is now the default behavior, ignoring.\n" }, 'F:i' => sub { warn "The -F option has been removed from spamassassin, please remove from your commandline and re-run.\n"; exit 2; }, 'add-from!' => sub { warn "The --add-from option has been removed from spamassassin, please remove from your commandline and re-run.\n"; exit 2; }, # last in 2.4 'stop-at-threshold|S' => sub { warn "The -S option has been deprecated and is no longer supported, ignoring.\n" }, # last in 2.6 'log-to-mbox|l:s' => sub { warn "The -l option has been deprecated and is no longer supported, ignoring.\n" }, 'auto-whitelist|a' => sub { warn "The -a option has been removed. Please look at the use_auto_whitelist config option instead.\n"; exit 2; }, 'warning-from|w:s' => sub { warn "The -w option has been removed from spamassassin, please remove from your commandline and re-run.\n"; exit 2; }, 'whitelist-factory|M:s' => sub { warn "The -M option has been removed from spamassassin, please remove from your commandline and re-run.\n"; exit 2; }, ) or print_usage_and_exit(); if ( defined $opt{'help'} ) { print_usage_and_exit("For more information read the spamassassin man page.\n", 'EX_OK'); } if ( defined $opt{'version'} ) { print_version(); exit($resphash{'EX_OK'}); } # create the tester factory my $spamtest = new Mail::SpamAssassin( { rules_filename => $opt{'configpath'}, site_rules_filename => $opt{'siteconfigpath'}, userprefs_filename => $opt{'prefspath'}, local_tests_only => $opt{'local'}, debug => defined( $opt{'debug-level'} ), dont_copy_prefs => ( $opt{'create-prefs'} ? 0 : 1 ), PREFIX => $PREFIX, DEF_RULES_DIR => $DEF_RULES_DIR, LOCAL_RULES_DIR => $LOCAL_RULES_DIR, } ); # set debug levels, if any specified (only useful for this command-line # tool really) if ( defined $opt{'debug-level'} && $opt{'debug-level'} ne '' ) { my $levels = $opt{'debug-level'}; while ( $levels =~ s/^([a-z]+)=([+-]?\d+)[,;:]*//s ) { $Mail::SpamAssassin::DEBUG->{$1} = $2 + 0; } if ( $levels !~ /^\s*$/ ) { print_usage_and_exit("bad areas in --debug option ($levels)!"); } } if ( $opt{'lint'} ) { $spamtest->debug_diagnostics(); my $res = $spamtest->lint_rules(); warn "lint: $res issues detected. please rerun with debug enabled for more information.\n" if ($res); exit $res ? 1: 0; } if ( $opt{'remove-addr-from-whitelist'} or $opt{'add-addr-to-whitelist'} or $opt{'add-addr-to-blacklist'} ) { $spamtest->init(1); if ( $opt{'add-addr-to-whitelist'} ) { $spamtest->add_address_to_whitelist( $opt{'add-addr-to-whitelist'} ); } elsif ( $opt{'remove-addr-from-whitelist'} ) { $spamtest->remove_address_from_whitelist( $opt{'remove-addr-from-whitelist'} ); } elsif ( $opt{'add-addr-to-blacklist'} ) { $spamtest->add_address_to_blacklist( $opt{'add-addr-to-blacklist'} ); } else { die "oops! unhandled whitelist operation"; } exit(0); } # if we're going to do white/black-listing, let's prep now... if ( $opt{'remove-from-whitelist'} or $opt{'add-to-whitelist'} or $opt{'add-to-blacklist'} ) { $doing_whitelist_operation = 1; $spamtest->init(1); } # if we're doing things in test mode, force disable long-term memory # functions like autowhitelist and bayes autolearn. if ($opt{'test-mode'}) { $spamtest->{'conf'}->{'use_auto_whitelist'} = 0; $spamtest->{'conf'}->{'bayes_auto_learn'} = 0; } ########################################################################### # Everything below here needs ArchiveIterator ... my $iter = new Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator( { 'opt_j' => 0, 'opt_n' => 1, 'opt_all' => 1, } ); $iter->set_functions( \&wanted, sub { } ); # add leftover args as targets # no arguments means they want stdin: push ( @ARGV, '-' ) if ( !@ARGV ); @targets = map { join ( ":", '', $opt{'format'}, $_ ) } @ARGV; # mbox and mbx handling doesn't deal with STDIN, so make a temp file if they # want STDIN. do it here since they may specify "-" on the commandline # instead of leaving it as the default. # my $tempfile; if ( $targets[0] =~ /:mbo?x:-$/ ) { my $handle; local $/ = undef; # go into slurp mode ( $tempfile, $handle ) = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::secure_tmpfile(); print {$handle} ; close $handle; # re-aim the targets at the tempfile instead of STDIN $targets[0] =~ s/:-$/:$tempfile/; } # Go run the messages! eval { $iter->run(@targets); }; # If we needed to make a tempfile, go delete it now. if ( defined $tempfile ) { unlink $tempfile; } # Let folks know how many messages were handled, as long as the handling # didn't produce output (ala: check, test, or remove_markup ...) if ( $opt{'report'} || $opt{'revoke'} || $doing_whitelist_operation ) { print "$count message(s) examined.\n"; } # if the eval died from something, report it here and return an error. if ($@) { die $@; } # Ok, exit! exit( $exitvalue || 0 ); ########################################################################### # this is never called, it's just used to shut up the warnings sub NEVERCALLED { $Mail::SpamAssassin::DEBUG = {}; } ########################################################################### # make sure it only returns false values so that result_sub() isn't called... sub wanted { my $dataref = $_[3]; my $mail = $spamtest->parse($dataref); $count++; # This is a short cut -- doing white/black-list? Do it and return quickly. if ($doing_whitelist_operation) { if ( $opt{'add-to-whitelist'} ) { $spamtest->add_all_addresses_to_whitelist($mail); } elsif ( $opt{'remove-from-whitelist'} ) { $spamtest->remove_all_addresses_from_whitelist($mail); } elsif ( $opt{'add-to-blacklist'} ) { $spamtest->add_all_addresses_to_blacklist($mail); } else { warn "oops! unhandled whitelist operation"; } $mail->finish(); return; } # handle removing reports if ( $opt{'remove-markup'} ) { # If we're not going to retest, just remove the markup and print it out if ( !$opt{'test-mode'} ) { print $spamtest->remove_spamassassin_markup ($mail); $mail->finish(); return; } else { # remove the markup and retest it... a little more tricky ... # go ahead and remove the markup, then fake that the clean version # was what was sent in # my $new_mail = $spamtest->parse( $spamtest->remove_spamassassin_markup($mail) ); $mail->finish(); $mail = $new_mail; } } # handle reporting and revoking if ( $opt{'report'} || $opt{'revoke'} ) { # Make sure the message is clean first ... my $new_mail = $spamtest->parse( $spamtest->remove_spamassassin_markup($mail) ); $mail->finish(); my $failed; if ( $opt{'report'} && $spamtest->report_as_spam($new_mail) ) { $failed = 'report'; } if ( $opt{'revoke'} && $spamtest->revoke_as_spam($new_mail) ) { $failed = 'revoke'; } if ($failed) { warn "Warning, unable to $failed message\n"; warn "For more information, re-run with -D option to see debug output.\n"; } $new_mail->finish(); return; } # OK, do checks and put out the message. my $status = $spamtest->check($mail); print $status->rewrite_mail (); if ( $opt{'test-mode'} ) { print $status->get_report(); } # if this message was spam, set the exit value appropriately. if ( defined $opt{'error-code'} && $status->is_spam() && !defined $exitvalue ) { $exitvalue = $opt{'error-code'} || 5; } # clean up after ourselves $mail->finish(); $status->finish(); return; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 NAME spamassassin - mail filter to identify spam using text analysis =head1 SYNOPSIS B [options] [ < I | I ... ] B B<-d> [ < I | I ... ] B B<-r> [ < I | I ... ] B B<-k> [ < I | I ... ] B B<-W>|B<-R> [ < I | I ... ] Options: -L, --local Local tests only (no online tests) -r, --report Report message as spam -k, --revoke Revoke message as spam -d, --remove-markup Remove spam reports from a message -C path, --configpath=path, --config-file=path Path to standard configuration dir -p prefs, --prefspath=file, --prefs-file=file Set user preferences file --siteconfigpath=path Path for site configs (def: /etc/mail/spamassassin) -x, --nocreate-prefs Don't create user preferences file -e, --exit-code Exit with a non-zero exit code if the tested message was spam --mbox read in messages in mbox format --mbx read in messages in UW mbx format -t, --test-mode Pipe message through and add extra report to the bottom --lint Lint the rule set: report syntax errors -W, --add-to-whitelist Add addresses in mail to whitelist (AWL) --add-to-blacklist Add addresses in mail to blacklist (AWL) -R, --remove-from-whitelist Remove all addresses found in mail from whitelist (AWL) --add-addr-to-whitelist=addr Add addr to whitelist (AWL) --add-addr-to-blacklist=addr Add addr to blacklist (AWL) --remove-addr-from-whitelist=addr Remove addr from whitelist (AWL) -D, --debug [area=n,...] Print debugging messages -V, --version Print version -h, --help Print usage message =head1 DESCRIPTION SpamAssassin is a mail filter to identify spam using text analysis and several internet-based realtime blacklists. Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail headers and body text to identify "spam", also known as unsolicited commercial email. Once identified, the mail is then tagged as spam for later filtering using the user's own mail user-agent application. SpamAssassin also includes support for reporting spam messages to collaborative filtering databases, such as Vipul's Razor ( http://razor.sourceforge.net/ ). The default tagging operations that take place are detailed in L. By default, message(s) are read in from STDIN (< I), or from specified files and directories (I ...) STDIN and files are assumed to be in I format, with a single message per file. Directories are assumed to be in a format where each file in the directory contains only one message (directories are not recursed and filenames containing whitespace or beginning with "." or "," are skipped). The options I<--mbox> and I<--mbx> can override the assumed format, see the appropriate OPTION information below. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-e>, B<--error-code>, B<--exit-code> Exit with a non-zero error code, if the message is determined to be spam. =item B<-h>, B<--help> Print help message and exit. =item B<-t>, B<--test-mode> Test mode. Pipe message through and add extra report. Note that the report text assumes that the message is spam, since in normal use it is only visible in this case. Pay attention to the score instead. If you run this with B<-d>, the message will first have SpamAssassin markup removed before being tested. If you run tests with the auto-whitelist enabled, the score result will be added to the AWL. This may not be what you want to do. If it is not, then disable the auto-whitelist. =item B<-r>, B<--report> Report this message as manually-verified spam. This will submit the mail message read from STDIN to various spam-blocker databases. Currently, these are the Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse C, Pyzor C, Vipul's Razor C, and SpamCop C. If the message contains SpamAssassin markup, the markup will be stripped out automatically before submission. The support modules for DCC, Pyzor, and Razor must be installed for spam to be reported to each service. SpamCop reports will have greater effect if you register and set the C option. The message will also be submitted to SpamAssassin's learning systems; currently this is the internal Bayesian statistical-filtering system (the BAYES rules). (Note that if you I want to perform statistical learning, and do not want to report mail to third-parties, you should use the C command directly instead.) =item B<-k>, B<--revoke> Revoke this message. This will revoke the mail message read from STDIN from various spam-blocker databases. Currently, these are Vipul's Razor. Revocation support for the Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse, Pyzor, and SpamCop is not currently available. If the message contains SpamAssassin markup, the markup will be stripped out automatically before submission. The support modules for Razor must be installed for spam to be revoked from the service. The message will also be submitted as 'ham' (non-spam) to SpamAssassin's learning systems; currently this is the internal Bayesian statistical-filtering system (the BAYES rules). (Note that if you I want to perform statistical learning, and do not want to report mail to third-parties, you should use the C command directly instead.) =item B<--lint> Syntax check (lint) the rule set and configuration files, reporting typos and rules that do not compile correctly. Exits immediately with 0 if there are no errors, or greater than 0 if any errors are found. =item B<-W>, B<--add-to-whitelist> Add all email addresses, in the headers and body of the mail message read from STDIN, to the automatic whitelist. Note that you must be running C or C with the auto-whitelist enabled for this to work. =item B<--add-to-blacklist> Add all email addresses, in the headers and body of the mail message read from STDIN, to the automatic whitelist with a high score (ensuring they will be ''blacklisted''). Note that you must be running C or C with the auto-whitelist enabled. =item B<-R>, B<--remove-from-whitelist> Remove all email addresses, in the headers and body of the mail message read from STDIN, from the automatic whitelist. STDIN must contain a full email message, so to remove a single address you should use B<--remove-addr-from-whitelist> instead. Note that you must be running C or C with the auto-whitelist enabled. =item B<--add-addr-to-whitelist> Add the named email address to the automatic whitelist. Note that you must be running C or C with the auto-whitelist enabled. =item B<--add-addr-to-blacklist> Add the named email address to the automatic whitelist with a high score (ensuring they will be ''blacklisted''). Note that you must be running C or C with the auto-whitelist enabled. =item B<--remove-addr-from-whitelist> Remove the named email address from the automatic whitelist. Note that you must be running C or C with the auto-whitelist enabled. =item B<-L>, B<--local> Do only the ''local'' tests, ones that do not require an internet connection to operate. Normally, SpamAssassin will try to detect whether you are connected to the net before doing these tests anyway, but for faster checks you may wish to use this. Note that SpamAssassin's network rules are run in parallel. This can cause overhead in terms of the number of file descriptors required if B<--local> is not used; it is recommended that the minimum limit on fds be raised to at least 256 for safety. =item B<-d>, B<--remove-markup> Remove SpamAssassin markup (the "SpamAssassin results" report, X-Spam-Status headers, etc.) from the mail message. The resulting message, which will be more or less identical to the original, pre-SpamAssassin input, will be output to STDOUT. (Note: the message will not be exactly identical; some headers will be reformatted due to some features of the Mail::Internet package, but the body text will be.) =item B<-C> I, B<--configpath>=I, B<--config-file>=I Use the specified path for locating the distributed configuration files. Ignore the default directories (usually C or similar). =item B<--siteconfigpath>=I Use the specified path for locating site-specific configuration files. Ignore the default directories (usually C or similar). =item B<-p> I, B<--prefspath>=I, B<--prefs-file>=I Read user score preferences from I (usually C<$HOME/.spamassassin/user_prefs>). =item B<-D> [I], B<--debug> [I] Produce diagnostic output. The level of diagnostic output can be set for each area separately; I is the area of the code to instrument, and I is a positive or negative number indicating the debug level or bitmask for that area of code. For example, to produce diagnostic output on all rules that hit, use: spamassassin -D rulesrun=255 =item B<-x>, B<--nocreate-prefs> Disable creation of user preferences file. =item B<--mbox> Specify that the input message(s) are in mbox format. mbox is a standard Unix message folder format. =item B<--mbx> Specify that the input message(s) are in UW .mbx format. mbx is the mailbox format used within the University of Washington's IMAP implementation; see C. =back =head1 CONFIGURATION FILES The rule base, text templates, and rule description text are loaded from the configuration files. By default, configuration data is loaded from the first existing directory in: F<@@DEF_RULES_DIR@@>; F<@@PREFIX@@/share/spamassassin>; F; F . Site-specific configuration data is used to override any values which had already been set. This is loaded from the first existing directory in: F<@@LOCAL_RULES_DIR@@>; F<@@PREFIX@@/etc/mail/spamassassin>; F<@@PREFIX@@/etc/spamassassin>; F; F; F; F; F . Spamassassin will read *.cf in these directories, in alphanumeric order within each directory (similar to SysV-style startup scripts). In other words, it will read F<10_misc.cf> before F<50_scores.cf> and F<20_body_tests.cf> before F<20_head_test.cf>. Options in later files will override earlier files. The user preferences (such as scores to attach to each rule), are loaded from the file specified in the B<-p> argument. If this is not specified, F<~/.spamassassin/user_prefs> is used if it exists. C will create this file if it does not exist, using F as a template. This file will be looked for in: F<@@LOCAL_RULES_DIR@@>; F<@@PREFIX@@/etc/mail/spamassassin>; F<@@PREFIX@@/share/spamassassin>; F; F; F; F. =head1 TAGGING The following two sections detail the tagging that takes place for messages. Note that if you use the B<-t> argument, all mails will be tagged as if they are spam messages. =head2 TAGGING FOR SPAM MAILS If an incoming message is tagged as spam, instead of modifying the original message, SpamAssassin will create a new report message and attach the original message as a message/rfc822 MIME part (ensuring the original message is completely preserved and easier to recover). The new report message inherits the following headers (if they are present) from the original spam message: =over 4 =item Subject: header =item From: header =item To: header The above headers can be modified if the relavent C option is given. =item Cc: header =item Date: header =back And (by default) these headers are added: =over 4 =item X-Spam-Status: header A string, C is set in this header to reflect the filter status. =item X-Spam-Flag: header Set to C. =item X-Spam-Report: header =back Please note that the headers that added are now fully configurable via the add_header option. Please see the manpage for Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf(3) for more information. =over 4 =item spam mail body text The SpamAssassin report is added to top of the mail message body, if the message is marked as spam. =back =head2 DEFAULT TAGGING FOR HAM (NON-SPAM) MAILS =over 4 =item X-Spam-Status: header A string, C is set in this header to reflect the filter status. =back Added headers are fully configurable via the add_header configuration option. Please see the manpage for Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf(3) for more information. =head1 INSTALLATION The B command is part of the B Perl module. Install this as a normal Perl module, using C, or by hand. For further details on how to install, please read the C file from the SpamAssassin distribution. =head1 SEE ALSO sa-learn(1) spamd(1) spamc(1) Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf(3) Mail::SpamAssassin(3) =head1 PREREQUISITES C =head1 BUGS See =head1 AUTHORS The SpamAssassin(tm) Project =head1 COPYRIGHT SpamAssassin is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, as described in the file C included with the distribution. =cut