#!/usr/bin/perl # # very handy for e.g.: # # grep SUBJECT_FREQ spam.log | ./mass-check-results-to-mbox | grep Subject: # # <@LICENSE> # Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # my $grep = undef; my $annotate = 1; while ($#ARGV >= 0) { $_ = $ARGV[0]; shift; if ($_ eq '-grep') { $grep = $ARGV[0]; shift; } if ($_ eq '-noannotate') { $annotate = 0; } } while (<>) { s/^[^\s:]+://; # filenames, from "grep foo *" next if /^#/; /^.\s+-?\d+\s+(\S+) / or next; my $mail = $1; if ($mail =~ /^(\S+):); close IN; while (scalar @msg > 0 && $msg[0] =~ /^(?:From|X-Mass-Check-Id:) /) { shift @msg; } $annotate and unshift (@msg, "X-Mass-Check-Id: $mail\n"); handle (\@msg); } } ########################################################################### sub find_in_mailbox { my ($mail) = @_; $mail =~ /^(\S+):[0])) { return $msgp; } } # failed. have to (re-|)open. if ($folder =~ /\.gz$/) { open (MBOX, "gunzip -cd $folder |") or mywarn ("gunzip $folder failed: $@"); } elsif ($folder =~ /\.bz2$/) { open (MBOX, "bzip2 -cd $folder |") or mywarn ("bunzip2 $folder failed: $@"); } else { open (MBOX, "<$folder") or mywarn ("open $folder failed: $@"); } $CURRENT_MBOX_OPEN = $folder; while () { /^From \S+ +... ... / and last; } my $msgp = mbox_search($mail, $folder); return $msgp; } sub mbox_search { my ($mail, $folder) = @_; my $wantid = $mail; my $count = 0; my $host = $ENV{'HOSTNAME'} || $ENV{'HOST'} || `hostname` || 'localhost'; while (!eof MBOX) { my @msg = (); my $msgid = undef; my $in_header = 1; $count++; while () { if (/^$/ && $in_header) { $in_header = 0 ; if (!defined ($msgid)) { $msgid = sprintf('', $count, $host); push (@msg, "Message-Id: $msgid\n"); } } if ($in_header) { /^Message-Id: (.*)\s*$/i and $msgid = $1; } /^From \S+ +... ... / and last; push (@msg, $_); } $msgid = "$folder:$msgid"; # so we can find it again $msgid =~ s/\s/_/gs; # make safe # print "JMD $wantid $msgid\n"; if ($wantid ne $msgid) { next; } return \@msg; } close MBOX; $CURRENT_MBOX_OPEN = undef; } ########################################################################### sub handle { my $msgp = shift; print STDOUT "From nobody\@nowhere Wed Aug 21 12:41:07 2002\n", @$msgp, "\n"; } sub mywarn { warn @_; if ($annotate) { print "X-Mass-Check-Warning: ".join ('',@_)."\n"; } }