# SpamAssassin rules file: Gmail, Yahoo! and similar providers if version >= 3.002004 ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DKIM header __ML1 Precedence =~ m{\b(list|bulk)\b}i header __ML2 exists:List-Id header __ML3 exists:List-Post header __ML4 exists:Mailing-List header __ML5 Return-Path:addr =~ m{^([^\@]+-(request|bounces|admin|owner)|owner-[^\@]+)(\@|\z)}mi meta __VIA_ML __ML1 || __ML2 || __ML3 || __ML4 || __ML5 describe __VIA_ML Mail from a mailing list header __AUTH_YAHOO1 From:addr =~ m{[\@.]yahoo\.com$}mi header __AUTH_YAHOO2 From:addr =~ m{\@yahoo\.com\.(ar|au|br|cn|hk|mx|my|ph|sg|tw)$}mi header __AUTH_YAHOO3 From:addr =~ m{\@yahoo\.co\.(id|in|jp|nz|th|uk)$}mi header __AUTH_YAHOO4 From:addr =~ m{\@yahoo\.(ca|cn|de|dk|es|fr|gr|ie|it|no|pl|se)$}mi meta __AUTH_YAHOO __AUTH_YAHOO1 || __AUTH_YAHOO2 || __AUTH_YAHOO3 || __AUTH_YAHOO4 describe __AUTH_YAHOO Author claims to be from Yahoo header __AUTH_GMAIL From:addr =~ m{\@gmail\.com$}mi describe __AUTH_GMAIL Author claims to be from gmail.com header __AUTH_PAYPAL From:addr =~ /[\@.]paypal\.(com|co\.uk)$/mi describe __AUTH_PAYPAL Author claims to be from paypal.com header __AUTH_EBAY From:addr =~ /[\@.]ebay\.(com|at|be|ca|ch|de|ee|es|fr|hu|ie|in|it|nl|ph|pl|pt|se|co\.(kr|uk)|com\.(au|cn|hk|mx|my|sg))$/mi describe __AUTH_EBAY Author claims to be from eBay meta NOTVALID_YAHOO !DKIM_VALID && __AUTH_YAHOO && !__VIA_ML priority NOTVALID_YAHOO 500 describe NOTVALID_YAHOO Claims to be from Yahoo but is not meta NOTVALID_GMAIL !DKIM_VALID && __AUTH_GMAIL && !__VIA_ML priority NOTVALID_GMAIL 500 describe NOTVALID_GMAIL Claims to be from gmail.com but is not meta NOTVALID_PAY !DKIM_VALID && (__AUTH_PAYPAL || __AUTH_EBAY) priority NOTVALID_PAY 500 describe NOTVALID_PAY Claims to be from PayPal or eBay, but is not #score NOTVALID_YAHOO 2.8 #score NOTVALID_GMAIL 2.8 #score NOTVALID_PAY 6 endif endif