header AXB_XMID_DIGDOTSHRT Message-ID =~ /\<[0-9]{5}\.[a-z]{2,10}\@/ describe AXB_XMID_DIGDOTSHRT Lambrusco Fingerprint #score AXB_XMID_DIGDOTSHRT 3.5 header AXB_RCVD_ZOONAT Received =~ /\bwith SMTP id [A-Za-z]{14}\.[0-9]{13}\;/ describe AXB_RCVD_ZOONAT Moscato Fingerprint ##score AXB_RCVD_ZOONAT 1.0 #counts AXB_XRCVD_ZOONAT 569s/0h of 38722 corpus (34129s/4593h AxB2) 06/02/07 header AXB_RCVD_ZOOBSEND Received =~ /\(\ssendmail\b/ describe AXB_RCVD_ZOOBSEND Barolo Fingerprint ##score AXB_RCVD_ZOOBSEND 1.0 #counts AXB_RCVD_ZOOBSEND 322s/0h of 14842 corpus (10251s/4591h AxB2) 05/02/07 # use the score suggested by 3.2.x rule updates score AXB_RCVD_ZOOBSEND 3.577 header AXB_XTIDX_CHAIN Thread-Index =~ /(?:\*|\<\>|\)|\()/ describe AXB_XTIDX_CHAIN Montepulciano Fingerprint ##score AXB_XTIDX_CHAIN 1.0 header AXB_XM_SENDMAIL_NOT Received =~ /\([123456790]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1}\/[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{1}\)/ describe AXB_XM_SENDMAIL_NOT Nebbiolo fingerprint ##score AXB_XM_SENDMAIL_NOT 1.0 #counts AXB_XM_SENDMAIL_NOT 10467s/0h of 41392 corpus (36780s/4612h AxB2) 02/17/07 ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader mimeheader AXB_MIME_IMG830 Content-ID =~ /^<[0-9a-f]{30}\@/ describe AXB_MIME_IMG830 Valpolicella Fingerprint ##score AXB_MIME_IMG830 1.0 #counts AXB_MIME_IMG830 527s/0h of 27479 corpus (22876s/4603h AxB2) 02/15/07 #counts AXB_MIME_IMG830 3s/0h of 9878 corpus (4619s/5259h AxB) 02/15/07 endif header AXB_XMID_1510 Message-Id =~ /<[0-9A-F]{15}\.[0-9A-F]{10}\@/ describe AXB_XMID_1510 Brunello Fingerprint ##score AXB_XMID_1510 1.0 #counts AXB_XMID_1510 10s/0h of 98258 corpus (93666s/4592h AxB2) 11/28/06 header AXB_XMID_1212 Message-Id =~ /^<[0-9]{12}\.[0-9]{12}\@/ describe AXB_XMID_1212 Barbera Fingerprint ##score AXB_XMID_1212 1.0 # counts AXB_XMID_1212 63s/0h of 98258 corpus (93666s/4592h AxB2) 11/28/06 header AXB_XMID_OEGOESNULL Message-ID =~ /^<[0-9-a-f]{12}\$[0-9-a-f]{8}\$[0]{8}\@/ describe AXB_XMID_OEGOESNULL Amarone Fingerprint ##score AXB_XMID_OEGOESNULL 1.0 #counts AXB_XMID_OEGOESNULL 14476s/0h of 98258 corpus (93666s/4592h AxB2) 11/28/06