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Oct 19, 2006 header __DOS_HAVE_TO_READ Subject =~ /have to read/ header __DOS_REQ_TO_READ Subject =~ /require to read/ body __DOS_TOLD_DAY /have been told that (?:Mon|Tues|Wednes|Thurs|Fri)day is the day/ body __DOS_OIL_EXCEED /oil \w{2,20} exceeded all its expectations/ body __DOS_DEAL_MAKE_MONEY /is the \w{2,20} deal and those who knows it is making money/ body __DOS_GREAT_DRAWN_UP /great \w{2,20} are drawn up/ body __DOS_KEY_GET_IN_EARLY /key is getting in early/ body __DOS_INCREASE_UP /increase is up/ body __DOS_WASTE_TIME_MISS /(?:waste time|loss moment) and miss out/ body __DOS_NO_STOPPING /no stopping this one/ meta DOS_TO_READ_STOCK (__DOS_HAVE_TO_READ || __DOS_REQ_TO_READ) + __DOS_TOLD_DAY + __DOS_OIL_EXCEED + __DOS_DEAL_MAKE_MONEY + __DOS_GREAT_DRAWN_UP + __DOS_KEY_GET_IN_EARLY + __DOS_INCREASE_UP + __DOS_WASTE_TIME_MISS + __DOS_NO_STOPPING > 4 describe DOS_TO_READ_STOCK Stock pumping you just have to read ## score DOS_TO_READ_STOCK 2.0 # text messages from my phone to email addresses often end up with a score of 4.9+ header __BELL_MOBILITY_RELAY X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=mail\.txt\.bellmobilite\.ca helo=erwdbmgweb02\.bellmobilite\.ca / meta BELL_MOBILITY_TXT_MSG INVALID_DATE && MISSING_SUBJECT && FROM_STARTS_WITH_NUMS && __BELL_MOBILITY_RELAY describe BELL_MOBILITY_TXT_MSG Adjustment for poorly formatted text->email messages tflags BELL_MOBILITY_TXT_MSG nice ## score BELL_MOBILITY_TXT_MSG -4.0 # header DOS_DOT_COM_AT Envelope-From:addr =~ /^[^=]+\.com\@[^\@]+$/ describe DOS_DOT_COM_AT Envelope-From has a domain.com@anotherdomain.com # pump and dump stock spam claiming to be sent by The Bat! header __DOS_RCVD_MON Received =~ / Mon, / header __DOS_RCVD_TUE Received =~ / Tue, / header __DOS_RCVD_WED Received =~ / Wed, / header __DOS_RCVD_THU Received =~ / Thu, / header __DOS_RCVD_FRI Received =~ / Fri, / header __DOS_RCVD_SAT Received =~ / Sat, / header __DOS_RCVD_SUN Received =~ / Sun, / body __DOS_BODY_MON /\bmon(?:day)?\b/i body __DOS_BODY_TUE /\btue(?:s(?:day)?)?\b/i body __DOS_BODY_WED /\bwed(?:nesday)?\b/i body __DOS_BODY_THU /\bthu(?:r(?:s(?:day)?)?)?\b/i body __DOS_BODY_FRI /\bfri(?:day)?\b/i body __DOS_BODY_SAT /\bsat(?:day)?\b/i body __DOS_BODY_SUN /\bsun(?:day)?\b/i meta __DOS_REF_TODAY (__DOS_RCVD_MON && __DOS_BODY_MON) || (__DOS_RCVD_TUE && __DOS_BODY_TUE) || (__DOS_RCVD_WED && __DOS_BODY_WED) || (__DOS_RCVD_THU && __DOS_BODY_THU) || (__DOS_RCVD_FRI && __DOS_BODY_FRI) || (__DOS_RCVD_SAT && __DOS_BODY_SAT) || (__DOS_RCVD_SUN && __DOS_BODY_SUN) meta __DOS_REF_NEXT_WK_DAY (__DOS_RCVD_MON && __DOS_BODY_TUE) || (__DOS_RCVD_TUE && __DOS_BODY_WED) || (__DOS_RCVD_WED && __DOS_BODY_THU) || (__DOS_RCVD_THU && __DOS_BODY_FRI) || (__DOS_RCVD_FRI && __DOS_BODY_MON) || (__DOS_RCVD_SAT && __DOS_BODY_MON) || (__DOS_RCVD_SUN && __DOS_BODY_MON) meta __DOS_REF_2_WK_DAYS (__DOS_RCVD_MON && __DOS_BODY_WED) || (__DOS_RCVD_TUE && __DOS_BODY_THU) || (__DOS_RCVD_WED && __DOS_BODY_FRI) || (__DOS_RCVD_THU && __DOS_BODY_MON) || (__DOS_RCVD_FRI && __DOS_BODY_TUE) || (__DOS_RCVD_SAT && __DOS_BODY_TUE) || (__DOS_RCVD_SUN && __DOS_BODY_TUE) body __DOS_BODY_STOCK /\bstock\b/i body __DOS_BODY_TICKER /\b[A-Z]{4}\.(?:OB|PK)\b/ meta DOS_STOCK_BAT __THEBAT_MUA && (__DOS_BODY_STOCK || __DOS_BODY_TICKER) && (__DOS_REF_TODAY || __DOS_REF_NEXT_WK_DAY || __DOS_REF_2_WK_DAYS) describe DOS_STOCK_BAT Probable pump and dump stock spam body __DOS_FIN_ADVANTAGE /\bfinancial advantage/i body __DOS_STRONG_CF /\bstrong cash flow/i body __DOS_STEADY_COURSE /\bsteady (?:and increasing )?course\b/i meta DOS_STOCK_BAT2 DOS_STOCK_BAT && (__DOS_FIN_ADVANTAGE + __DOS_STRONG_CF + __DOS_STEADY_COURSE > 2) # http://www.fod*rx.com # http://www.rx555*com uri DOS_URI_ASTERISK m{^[Hh][Tt]{2}[Pp][Ss]?://[^/:]+(?:\*[A-Za-z0-9-]*\.|\*)[A-Za-z]{2,3}(?:\.[A-Za-z]{2})?(?:$|:|/)} describe DOS_URI_ASTERISK Found an asterisk in a URI ## score DOS_URI_ASTERISK 1.5 header __DOS_SINGLE_EXT_RELAY X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^\[ [^\]]+ \]$/ body __DOS_HI /^Hi,$/ body __DOS_LINK /\blink\b/ uri __DOS_HAS_ANY_URI /./ meta DOS_FIX_MY_URI __MIMEOLE_1106 && __DOS_HAS_ANY_URI && __DOS_SINGLE_EXT_RELAY && __DOS_HI && __DOS_LINK describe DOS_FIX_MY_URI Looks like a "fix my obfu'd URI please" spam #score DOS_FIX_MY_URI 1.2 # 20070405 - pump and dump income statement spam body __DOS_SYMBOL_4 /\bSymbol [A-Z]{4}\b/ body __DOS_HEADLINES /\bHeadlines\b/ body DOS_PROVISION4 /\bProvisionfor income taxes\b/ describe DOS_PROVISION4 Provision for income taxes score DOS_PROVISION4 1.5 body DOS_REPORT_FIN_INC /\bReport of financial income\b/ describe DOS_REPORT_FIN_INC Report of financial income score DOS_REPORT_FIN_INC 0.5 meta DOS_STOCK_INCOME_STATEMENT DOS_REPORT_FIN_INC && DOS_PROVISION4 && __DOS_SYMBOL_4 && __DOS_HEADLINES describe DOS_STOCK_INCOME_STATEMENT Pump and dump stock income statement spam score DOS_STOCK_INCOME_STATEMENT 1.5 # 20070405 - pump and dump spam CDYV, generic version ([A-Z]{4} for CDYV) body DOS_STOCK_CDYV_GENERIC /(?:Lookup|Sym8oL|Search for|Promoting sym|S\.umbol|Target sym|Campaign for): [A-Z]{4},?.{1,50}\b[Pp]rice/ describe DOS_STOCK_CDYV_GENERIC Pump and dump stock spam score DOS_STOCK_CDYV_GENERIC 2.5 # 20070905 - GIF spam header __DOS_HAS_LIST_ID exists:List-ID header __DOS_HAS_LIST_UNSUB exists:List-Unsubscribe header __DOS_HAS_MAILING_LIST exists:Mailing-List # we complete ignore(!) received headers we can't get "useful" info from, which screws up detecting direct-to-mx header __DOS_RELAYED_EXT ALL-EXTERNAL =~ /(?:^|\n)[Rr][eE][cC][eE][iI][vV][eE][dD]:\s.+\n[Rr][eE][cC][eE][iI][vV][eE][dD]:\s/s meta __DOS_DIRECT_TO_MX __DOS_SINGLE_EXT_RELAY && !__DOS_HAS_LIST_ID && !__DOS_HAS_LIST_UNSUB && !__DOS_HAS_MAILING_LIST && !__DOS_RELAYED_EXT meta DOS_OUTLOOK_TO_MX __ANY_OUTLOOK_MUA && !__OE_MUA && __DOS_DIRECT_TO_MX && !DOS_OUTLOOK_TO_MX_IMAGE describe DOS_OUTLOOK_TO_MX Delivered direct to MX with Outlook headers meta DOS_OUTLOOK_TO_MX_IMAGE __ANY_OUTLOOK_MUA && !__OE_MUA && __DOS_DIRECT_TO_MX && __ANY_IMAGE_ATTACH describe DOS_OUTLOOK_TO_MX_IMAGE Direct to MX with Outlook headers and an image meta DOS_OE_TO_MX __OE_MUA && __DOS_DIRECT_TO_MX && !DOS_OE_TO_MX_IMAGE describe DOS_OE_TO_MX Delivered direct to MX with OE headers meta DOS_OE_TO_MX_IMAGE __OE_MUA && __DOS_DIRECT_TO_MX && __ANY_IMAGE_ATTACH describe DOS_OE_TO_MX_IMAGE Direct to MX with OE headers and an image # 20070907 - Google "I'm feeling lucky" redirect uri DOS_GOOGLE_LUCKY_REDIRECT m{^http://[^/]\.google\.[^/]/search?(?:.*&|&?)btnI=?} describe DOS_GOOGLE_LUCKY_REDIRECT Invisible Google redirect using the "lucky button" # 20070911 - new-ish anal porn site spam # force publish it for scoring, it's the only spam I get that isn't caught header DOS_ANAL_SPAM_MAILER X-mailer =~ /^[A-Z][a-z]{6}e \d\.\d{2}$/ describe DOS_ANAL_SPAM_MAILER X-mailer pattern common to anal porn site spam tflags DOS_ANAL_SPAM_MAILER publish # 20071004 - new variant in the last few days header DOS_ANAL_SPAM_MAILER2 X-mailer =~ /^[A-Z][a-z]{6}e .* \d\.\d{2}$/ describe DOS_ANAL_SPAM_MAILER2 X-mailer pattern common to porn site spam #tflags DOS_ANAL_SPAM_MAILER2 publish # 20070927 - sendmail specific check to detect forged received headers header DOS_FORGED_RCVD_QUADS ALL-EXTERNAL =~ /(?:^|\n)Received:\s+from \[(\d{2,3}\.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\] .+\nReceived:\s+from \[\1\] by \S+; / describe DOS_FORGED_RCVD_QUADS Probable forged received header # 20080213 - generic DOS_FORGED_RCVD_QUADS_x header DOS_RCVD_IP_TWICE_A X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /\[ ip=(?!127)([\d.]+) [^\[]*\bhelo=\S+ [^\[]*\[ ip=\1 / describe DOS_RCVD_IP_TWICE_A Received from the same IP twice in a row header DOS_RCVD_IP_TWICE_B X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^\s*\[ ip=(?!127)([\d.]+) [^\[]*\[ ip=\1 [^\]]*\]\s*$/ describe DOS_RCVD_IP_TWICE_B Received from the same IP twice in a row (only one external relay) header DOS_RCVD_IP_TWICE_C X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^\s*\[ ip=(?!127)([\d.]+) [^\[]*\bhelo=(?:![\d.]{7,15}!)? [^\[]*\[ ip=\1 [^\]]*\]\s*$/ describe DOS_RCVD_IP_TWICE_C Received from the same IP twice in a row (only one external relay; empty or IP helo) # 20071108 - asks you to remove the dot from the end of the domain name body DOS_REMOVE_DOMAIN_DOT /e(?:mov|let)e the (?:dot|period|point) from the end/ meta DOS_REMOVE_DOMAIN_DOT_YAHOO DOS_REMOVE_DOMAIN_DOT && FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD # 20071118 - web pharmacy spam body __DOS_MED_WHAT_COULD /\bwhat (?:more|else) could you /i body __DOS_MED_NO_DIRECTION /\bN0 (?:(?:medicinal|doctor) (?:directions|instructions|recommendations)|prescriptions needed)\b/ body __DOS_MED_CAN_WEB_PHARM /\b(?:Web-Based Canadian|Canadian On-Line) Pharmacy\b/i body __DOS_MED_MARK_DOWN /\d{2}% (?:mark down|reduction)/i meta DOS_MED_CAN_PHARM_NOV07 __OE_MSGID_2 && __DOS_HAS_ANY_URI && ((__DOS_MED_WHAT_COULD && __DOS_MED_NO_DIRECTION) || ( __DOS_MED_CAN_WEB_PHARM && __DOS_MED_MARK_DOWN)) # 20071220 ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader mimeheader DOS_ZIP_HARDCORE Content-Type =~ /^application\/zip;\sname="hardcore\.zip"$/ describe DOS_ZIP_HARDCORE hardcore.zip file attached; quite certainly a virus score DOS_ZIP_HARDCORE 2.5 endif body DOS_PLAYED_IN_HARDCORE /played in hardcore porn/ describe DOS_PLAYED_IN_HARDCORE Claims someone played in hardcore porn score DOS_PLAYED_IN_HARDCORE 1.5 meta DOS_HC_ZIP_VIRUS DOS_ZIP_HARDCORE && DOS_PLAYED_IN_HARDCORE describe DOS_HC_ZIP_VIRUS Hardcore porn virus spam score DOS_HC_ZIP_VIRUS 3.5 # 20071227 header DOS_PORN_BOUNDARY Content-Type =~ /\bboundary="----\#(?:SUBSTANCE|CONTENT)_BOUNDARY"$/ describe DOS_PORN_BOUNDARY Content boundary common to porn spam score DOS_PORN_BOUNDARY 1.0 # 20070225 header X_MAILER_CME_6543_MSN X-Mailer =~ /^CME-V6\.5\.4\.3; MSN\s*$/ # 20070723 header DOS_FAKE_UPS_TRACK_NUM Subject =~ /UPS Tracking Number \d{10}/ describe DOS_FAKE_UPS_TRACK_NUM Invalid UPS Tracking Number in Subject # 2000818 header __DOS_MSGID_DIGITS9 Message-ID =~ /<\d{9}\@.*>/ header __DOS_MSGID_DIGITS10 Message-ID =~ /<1[013-9]\d{8}\@.*>/ meta DOS_DEREK_AUG08 __DOS_SINGLE_EXT_RELAY && __DOS_HAS_ANY_URI && __NAKED_TO && __LAST_UNTRUSTED_RELAY_NO_AUTH && SPF_PASS && __TVD_MIME_ATT_TP && __CT_TEXT_PLAIN && (__DOS_MSGID_DIGITS9 || __DOS_MSGID_DIGITS10) # 20081030 - high bit mail sent direct to MX claiming to be The Bat! meta DOS_HIGH_BAT_TO_MX __DOS_DIRECT_TO_MX && __HIGHBITS && __LAST_UNTRUSTED_RELAY_NO_AUTH && __THEBAT_MUA describe DOS_HIGH_BAT_TO_MX The Bat! Direct to MX with High Bits # 20081101 - domain expiration/maintenance phishes uri DOS_PHISH_WWW_COM_BIZ /^http:\/\/www\.[^.]+\.com\.[^.]+\.biz$/ uri DOS_PHISH_WWW_COM_RU /^http:\/\/www\.[^.]+\.com\.[^.]+\.ru$/ # 20081105 - high bit body with no message id header meta DOS_BODY_HIGH_NO_MID __HIGHBITS && MISSING_MID describe DOS_BODY_HIGH_NO_MID High bit body and no message ID header # 20081111 - less conservative shot at highbit spam meta DOS_HIGHBIT_HDRS_BODY __FROM_NEEDS_MIME && __SUBJECT_ENCODED_B64 && __FROM_ENCODED_B64 && __SUBJECT_NEEDS_MIME && __HIGHBITS describe DOS_HIGHBIT_HDRS_BODY Headers need encoding and body is highbit