# SpamAssassin rules file: broken rules # # This file isn't installed with SpamAssassin. Rules which appear broken # but might be worth another try are moved onto this pile. Normally every # line in this file should be commented out. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of either the Artistic License or the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the file "License" in the top level of the SpamAssassin source # distribution for more details. # ########################################################################### # ## these rules may need to factor in ok_languages or ok_locales ## Dec 18 2002 jm: but how? ;) They are ready to be promoted otherwise ##freqs: 0.084 0.2047 0.0095 0.956 0.84 0.01 T_BODY_UNPRINTABLE #body T_BODY_UNPRINTABLE /[\x00-\x07\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]{3,}/ #describe T_BODY_UNPRINTABLE Body includes 3 consecutive unprintable characters # ## Nov 12 2002 jm: not keen on this. many ISPs do not provide rDNS these ## days as policy. stupid policy, but there we are. and SpamAssassin policy ## is not to punish users with stupid ISPs... ## ## Dec 20 2002 jm: should make fantastic meta-fodder though. ;) ## ##freqs: 11.817 22.1680 5.3554 0.805 0.53 0.01 T_SENDER_NO_REVERSE #header T_SENDER_NO_REVERSE eval:check_for_sender_no_reverse() #describe T_SENDER_NO_REVERSE No reverse lookup for sender's IP # bug 1310: these four rules are pretty slow and not that great # they need to work better before being added back into SA proper #body SALE /\bsales? (?:price|system|department|technology|ends|today)|\b(?:on|summer|movie|clearance|for|your|increase|super|losing|return|business|airfare) (?-i:S)ales?/i #describe SALE Stuff on Sale #body WINNER /\byou.{0,4} a winner|\bregister to win/i #describe WINNER Claims you are a winner #body MONTH_TRIAL /(?:month|day) .{0,9}trial/i #describe MONTH_TRIAL Month Trial Offer #body MEMBER_2 /\b(?:free|special|paid|dear|gold|opt.in|valued|because you are an?|be a|becoming a|sent to) .{0,9}members?\b/i #describe MEMBER_2 Being a Member # These were all removed for the 2.50 GA run. Low scoring, etc. #body NAME_BRAND /\b(?:famous name|major) brand/i #describe NAME_BRAND Name Brand # #body SIGN_UP /\b(?:free sign up|sign up today)\b/i #describe SIGN_UP Sign up Free Today # #body CANCEL /\bcancel at any time\b/i #describe CANCEL Cancel at any time! # #body NO_COMBINE /\bwith any other offer/i #describe NO_COMBINE Can not be combined with any other offer # #header X_SMTPEXP_REGISTRATION exists:X-SMTPExp-Registration #header X_SMTPEXP_VERSION exists:X-SMTPExp-Version #describe X_SMTPEXP_REGISTRATION Message has X-SMTPExp-Registration header #describe X_SMTPEXP_VERSION Message has X-SMTPExp-Version header # #body MEMBER /\bmember (?:number|reward|value|benefit|rate|report|card|information)s?\b/i #describe MEMBER Member Stuff # #header EXCHANGE_SERVER X-Mailer =~ /Internet Mail Service \([\d\.]+\)/ #describe EXCHANGE_SERVER Came via Internet Mail Service plugin #tflags EXCHANGE_SERVER nice # #body REG_THANKS /\bThank you for registering\b/i #describe REG_THANKS Something about registration #tflags REG_THANKS nice # #header SUBJ_ENDS_IN_SPACE Subject =~ /(?:\s{6}|\t\s|\s\t)$/ #describe SUBJ_ENDS_IN_SPACE Subject ends with lots of white space # #header MSGID_CHARS_WEIRD MESSAGEID =~ /["=\\~]/ #describe MSGID_CHARS_WEIRD Message-Id has characters often found in spam # #header ALL_CAPS_HEADER ALL =~ /\n(?:TO|FROM|SUBJECT|DATE):/s #describe ALL_CAPS_HEADER Header with all capitals found # #header MSG_ID_ADDED_BY_MTA Message-Id =~ / \(added by (?!postmaster\@wanadoo\.fr)/ #describe MSG_ID_ADDED_BY_MTA 'Message-Id' was added by a relay # #header FROM_MALFORMED From !~ /(?:\"[^\"]+\"|\S+)\@\S+\.\S+|<\S+(?:\!\S+)+>/ [if-unset: unset@unset.unset] #describe FROM_MALFORMED From: has a malformed address # #header SHORT_RECEIVED_LINE Received =~ /\S{120,}/s #describe SHORT_RECEIVED_LINE 'Received:' contains huge hostname # #header YR_MEMBERSHIP_EXCH Subject =~ /Your Membership Exchange/ #describe YR_MEMBERSHIP_EXCH Subject contains 'Your Membership Exchange' # #body PARA_A_2_C_OF_1618 /Paragraph *.a.{0,10}2.{0,10}C\. of S\. 1618/i #describe PARA_A_2_C_OF_1618 Claims compliance with Senate Bill 1618 # #body CHECK_OR_MONEY_ORDER /check or money order/i #describe CHECK_OR_MONEY_ORDER Talk about a check or money order # #body DEAR_EMAIL /\bDear [A-Za-z0-9_-]+\@/ #describe DEAR_EMAIL Dear you@you.com? #test DEAR_EMAIL ok Dear duncf@rogers.com, #test DEAR_EMAIL fail Dear Duncan! # ## this one gets a few false positives #body SOCIAL_SEC_NUMBER /social security (?:number|record)/i #describe SOCIAL_SEC_NUMBER Talks about social security numbers # #body EXCUSE_5 /that your email address is removed/i #describe EXCUSE_5 Claims you can be removed from the list # #body INVESTOR_SPEC_SHEET /Investor Spec Sheet/i #describe INVESTOR_SPEC_SHEET Standard investment opportunity spam # ## detect "mort$age", but not "mortgage" #body MORTGAGE_OBFU /mor[tga\$]*\$[ga\$]*e/i #describe MORTGAGE_OBFU Attempt at obfuscating the word "mortgage" #test MORTGAGE_OBFU ok Mort$a$e #test MORTGAGE_OBFU ok Mor$gage #test MORTGAGE_OBFU ok Mort$age #test MORTGAGE_OBFU ok Mortga$e #test MORTGAGE_OBFU fail Mortsa$e #test MORTGAGE_OBFU fail Morlage #test MORTGAGE_OBFU fail mortgage #test MORTGAGE_OBFU fail mortgage$ #test MORTGAGE_OBFU fail mortgage$ # #body INTERNET_TERROR_RANT /At the time of this mailing.{9,50}legitimate return email address.{100,299}internet terrorists/i #describe INTERNET_TERROR_RANT Cyber FirePower! rant about losing dropboxes # ## jm: use {2,3} to avoid matching iso-2022-jp charset items. split into US_DOLLARS_4 #body US_DOLLARS_4 /\s(?:\$|US\$|usd?).?\d{1,3}\.\d+.?(?:m|millions?)\b/i #describe US_DOLLARS_4 Nigerian scam key phrase ($NNN.N m/USDNNN.N m/US$NN.N m) #test US_DOLLARS_4 fail JP charset test: this should not match: $1 $ #test US_DOLLARS_4 fail JP charset test: this should not match: $1$ #test US_DOLLARS_4 fail $-$NFbMF$K!"A49q$+$iLd$$9g$o$;$,;&E~$7$F$$$^$9!# #test US_DOLLARS_4 ok of US$8.5 million (Eight #test US_DOLLARS_4 ok of US8.5 millions (Eight # #body OFFER_EXPIRE /\boffer expires\b/i #describe OFFER_EXPIRE Offer Expires # #body INVESTMENT /\binvestment decision/i #describe INVESTMENT Investment Decision # #body COUPON /\boff coupon/i #describe COUPON Offers Coupon # #body CANT_LIVE_WITHOUT /\bcan.{0,4} live without\b/i #describe CANT_LIVE_WITHOUT Can't live without? # #body GETAWAY /\bweekend getaway/i #describe GETAWAY Weekend Getaway # #body GIVING_AWAY /\bgiving away\b/i #describe GIVING_AWAY They're just giving it away! # #body CYBER_FIRE_POWER /\b(?:by|for) Cyber FirePower\!/ #describe CYBER_FIRE_POWER mentions Cyber FirePower!, a spam-tool # #body ANOTHER_NET_AD /Another Internet Ad campaign produced/ #describe ANOTHER_NET_AD Tells you it's an ad # #body EU_200_32_CE /Directive 200.32.CE/i #describe EU_200_32_CE Claims compliance with European spam regulations # #body FILTERED_BY_WORLDREMOVE /filtered by WorldRemove/ #describe FILTERED_BY_WORLDREMOVE Claims to listen to some removal request list # #body FREE_HOSTING /\bfree hosting\b/i #describe FREE_HOSTING Free Hosting # #body GREEN_EXCUSE_1 /using email instead can significantly reduce this/i #describe GREEN_EXCUSE_1 Claims spam helps the environment # #body GREEN_EXCUSE_2 /the trees, save the planet, use email!/i #describe GREEN_EXCUSE_2 Claims spam helps the environment # #body POPLAUNCH /StealthLaunch PopLaunch\b/ #describe POPLAUNCH spam software: PopLaunch # #body SIGNIFICANT /\bsignificant savings\b/i #describe SIGNIFICANT Significant Savings # #body SLASH_PRICE /\bslash.{0,2} price/i #describe SLASH_PRICE Slashed Price # #body THIS_AINT_JUNK /This.{0,30}is not (?:a )?junk(?: email)?/is #describe THIS_AINT_JUNK Claims "This is not junk email" # #body OUR_POLICY_ON_SELLING /our policy on selling/i #describe OUR_POLICY_ON_SELLING Mentions their policy on selling # #body BANG_CARTOONS /\bcartoons!/i #describe BANG_CARTOONS Talks about cartoons with an exclamation! # #body BANG_CYBERANALYSTS /\bcyberanalysts!/i #describe BANG_CYBERANALYSTS Talks about cyberanalysts with an exclamation! # #header RATWARE_V3161 ALL =~ /V3,1,6,1/ #describe RATWARE_V3161 Bulk email software fingerprint (V3161) found in headers # #uri LONG_NUMERIC_HTTP_ADDR /^https?\:\/\/000\d+/is #describe LONG_NUMERIC_HTTP_ADDR Uses a long numeric IP address in URL # ## one spamhaus uses servers numbered like this: #uri HTTP_NUMBER_WORD /^https?:\/\/(?:zero|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten|eleven|twelve|thirteen|fourteen|fifteen|sixteen|seventeen|eighteen|nineteen|twenty)\./i #describe HTTP_NUMBER_WORD URL contains spamhaus signature: numbered servers # #uri E_WEBHOSTCENTRAL_URL /e-webhostcentral\.com/i #describe E_WEBHOSTCENTRAL_URL Frequent SPAM content # #uri FREEMEGS_URL /25freemegs\.com/i #describe FREEMEGS_URL Frequent SPAM content # #uri FREEWEBCO_NET_URL /freewebco\.net/i #describe FREEWEBCO_NET_URL Frequent SPAM content # #uri FREEWEBHOSTINGCENTRAL /freewebhostingcentral/i #describe FREEWEBHOSTINGCENTRAL Frequent SPAM content # #uri WEB4PORNO_URL /web4porno\.com/i #describe WEB4PORNO_URL Frequent SPAM content # #uri WWW_NETSITESFORFREE_NET /netsitesforfree\.net/i #describe WWW_NETSITESFORFREE_NET Frequent SPAM content # #uri WWW_REMOVEYOU_COM /removeyou\.com/i #describe WWW_REMOVEYOU_COM Frequent SPAM content # #uri YELLOWSUN /yellowsun01\.com/i #describe YELLOWSUN Frequent SPAM content # #rawbody CARRIAGE_RETURNS eval:check_carriage_returns() #describe CARRIAGE_RETURNS Message contains a lot of ^M characters #lang fr describe CARRIAGE_RETURNS Message contennant plein de caractères ^M (retour chariot) # #header NIGERIAN_SUBJECT3 Subject =~ /^(?:Re:|\[.{1,10}\])?\s*your assistance\b/i #describe NIGERIAN_SUBJECT3 Subject is indicative of a Nigerian spam #header NIGERIAN_SUBJECT4 Subject =~ /^(?:Re:|\[.{1,10}\])?\s*i need your urgent\b/i #describe NIGERIAN_SUBJECT4 Subject is indicative of a Nigerian spam #header NIGERIAN_SUBJECT5 Subject =~ /^(?:Re:|\[.{1,10}\])?\s*treat as urgent\b/i #describe NIGERIAN_SUBJECT5 Subject is indicative of a Nigerian spam #header NIGERIAN_SUBJECT7 Subject =~ /^(?:Re:|\[.{1,10}\])?\s*[!*_-]+\s*(?:business|urgent)/i #describe NIGERIAN_SUBJECT7 Subject is indicative of a Nigerian spam #header NIGERIAN_SUBJECT8 Subject =~ /^(?:Re:|\[.{1,10}\])?\s*(?:appeal|request) for urgent assistance$/i #describe NIGERIAN_SUBJECT8 Subject is indicative of a Nigerian spam # #meta FORGED_MUA_MUTT __USER_AGENT_MUTT && !__VALID_MUTT_MSGID #describe FORGED_MUA_MUTT Forged mail pretending to be sent from Mutt # #body EU_EMAIL_OPTOUT /EU (?:e-?mail opt.?out|e.?commerce) directive/i #describe EU_EMAIL_OPTOUT Claims compliance with European spam regulations # Rules that have a 0 score, re-enabling for mass-checks, etc. score ALL_CAP_PORN 0.001 score ANTISPAM_BILL 0.001 score ASCII_FORM_ENTRY 0.001 score ASKS_BILLING_ADDRESS 0.001 score BANG_GUARANTEE 0.001 score BANG_MORE 0.001 score BARELY_LEGAL 0.001 score BEST_PORN 0.001 score BE_AMAZED 0.001 score CALL_FREE 0.001 score CASHCASHCASH 0.001 score CLICK_BELOW 0.001 score CONGRATULATIONS 0.001 score DATE_IN_FUTURE_96_XX 0.001 score DATE_IN_PAST_12_24 0.001 score DATE_IN_PAST_24_48 0.001 score DEAR_FRIEND 0.001 score DIET 0.001 score DIRECT_EMAIL 0.001 score DISCLAIMER_LEGALESE 0.001 score DOMAIN_4U2 0.001 score DOMAIN_BODY 0.001 score DOMAIN_SUBJECT 0.001 score DONT_DELETE 0.001 score DO_IT_TODAY 0.001 score EARN_PER_WEEK 0.001 score EXCUSE_1 0.001 score EXCUSE_10 0.001 score EXCUSE_13 0.001 score EXCUSE_14 0.001 score EXCUSE_16 0.001 score EXCUSE_7 0.001 score FAILURE_NOTICE_1 0.001 score FAILURE_NOTICE_2 0.001 score FANTASTIC 0.001 score FOR_INSTANT_ACCESS 0.001 score FOR_JUST_SOME_AMT 0.001 score FREE_ACCESS 0.001 score FREE_DVD 0.001 score FREE_SAMPLE 0.001 score FREE_TRIAL 0.001 score FROM_HAS_MIXED_NUMS 0.001 score FROM_HAS_UNDERLINE_NUMS 0.001 score FROM_STARTS_WITH_NUMS 0.001 score FWD_MSG 0.001 score GET_IT_NOW 0.001 score GREAT_OFFER 0.001 score GUARANTEED_STUFF 0.001 score HAS_ORGANIZATION 0.001 score HIDDEN_CHARGES 0.001 score HOTMAIL_FOOTER1 0.001 score HOTMAIL_FOOTER4 0.001 score HOTMAIL_FOOTER5 0.001 score HTML_90_100 0.001 score HTML_COMMENT_EGP 0.001 score HTML_COMMENT_EMAIL 0.001 score HTML_EMBEDS 0.001 score HTML_EVENT 0.001 score HTML_EVENT_UNSAFE 0.001 score HTML_FONT_BIG_B 0.001 score HTML_FONT_COLOR_CYAN 0.001 score HTML_FONT_COLOR_MAGENTA 0.001 score HTML_FONT_COLOR_NAME 0.001 score HTML_FONT_COLOR_NOHASH 0.001 score HTML_FONT_COLOR_UNKNOWN 0.001 score HTML_FONT_COLOR_YELLOW 0.001 score HTML_FONT_FACE_BAD 0.001 score HTML_FONT_FACE_CAPS 0.001 score HTML_FONT_INVISIBLE 0.001 score HTML_IMAGE_AREA_04 0.001 score HTML_IMAGE_AREA_05 0.001 score HTML_IMAGE_AREA_06 0.001 score HTML_IMAGE_AREA_07 0.001 score HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_08 0.001 score HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_12 0.001 score HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_06 0.001 score HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_10 0.001 score HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_12 0.001 score HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_14 0.001 score HTML_JAVASCRIPT 0.001 score HTML_RELAYING_FRAME 0.001 score HTML_SHOUTING3 0.001 score HTML_SHOUTING5 0.001 score HTML_TAG_BALANCE_A 0.001 score HTML_TAG_BALANCE_BODY 0.001 score HTML_TAG_BALANCE_FONT 0.001 score HTML_TAG_BALANCE_HEAD 0.001 score HTML_TAG_BALANCE_HTML 0.001 score HTML_TAG_BALANCE_TABLE 0.001 score HTML_TAG_EXISTS_BASE 0.001 score HTML_TAG_EXISTS_PARAM 0.001 score HTML_TITLE_EMPTY 0.001 score HTML_WIN_BLUR 0.001 score HTML_WIN_FOCUS 0.001 score HTML_WITH_BGCOLOR 0.001 score HTTP_ESCAPED_HOST 0.001 score HTTP_WITH_EMAIL_IN_URL 0.001 score INCREASE_SOMETHING 0.001 score INSTANT_ACCESS 0.001 score JAVASCRIPT_URI 0.001 score LARGE_COLLECTION 0.001 score LINES_OF_YELLING 0.001 score LINES_OF_YELLING_2 0.001 score LINES_OF_YELLING_3 0.001 score LINK_TO_NO_SCHEME 0.001 score LONG_DISTANCE 0.001 score LOTS_OF_STUFF 0.001 score LOW_PRICE 0.001 score MAILER_DAEMON 0.001 score MAILTO_LINK 0.001 score MAILTO_WITH_SUBJ 0.001 score MASS_EMAIL 0.001 score MILLION_USD 0.001 score MIME_BOUND_MA 0.001 score MIME_EXCESSIVE_QP 0.001 score MIME_HTML_NO_CHARSET 0.001 score MIME_MISSING_BOUNDARY 0.001 score MISSING_HEADERS 0.001 score MISSING_OUTLOOK_NAME 0.001 score MSGID_HAS_NO_AT 0.001 score MSN_FOOTER1 0.001 score NEW_CUSTOMER 0.001 score NIGERIAN_SUBJECT6 0.001 score NO_DISAPPOINTMENT 0.001 score NO_OBLIGATION 0.001 score NO_QS_ASKED 0.001 score ONCE_IN_LIFETIME 0.001 score ONE_TIME 0.001 score ONLY_COST 0.001 score OPT_OUT 0.001 score OPT_OUT_CAPS 0.001 score ORDER_NOW 0.001 score PATCH_CONTEXT_DIFF 0.001 score PHONE_CANCER 0.001 score PLING_QUERY 0.001 score PRIZE 0.001 score RATWARE_SCREWUP_2 0.001 score REFINANCE_YOUR_HOME 0.001 score REMOVAL_INSTRUCTIONS 0.001 score REMOVE_FROM_LIST 0.001 score REPLY_REMOVE_SUBJECT 0.001 score RESENT_TO 0.001 score SAVE_BUCKS 0.001 score SAVE_MONEY 0.001 score SAVE_UP_TO 0.001 score SAVINGS 0.001 score SELECTED_YOU 0.001 score SHOPPING_SPREE 0.001 score SIGNATURE_SHORT_DENSE 0.001 score SIGNATURE_SHORT_SPARSE 0.001 score SMTPD_IN_RCVD 0.001 score SUBJ_2_CREDIT 0.001 score SUBJ_FOR_ONLY 0.001 score SUBJ_FREE_CAP 0.001 score SUPPLIES_LIMITED 0.001 score TO_ADDRESS_EQ_REAL 0.001 score TO_HAS_SPACES 0.001 score UNSUB_PAGE 0.001 score UNSUB_SCRIPT 0.001 score UPPERCASE_50_75 0.001 score UPPERCASE_75_100 0.001 score USER_AGENT 0.001 score USER_AGENT_APPLEMAIL 0.001 score USER_AGENT_ENTOURAGE 0.001 score USER_AGENT_IMP 0.001 score USER_AGENT_MACOE 0.001 score USER_AGENT_MOZILLA_XM 0.001 score VERB_UP_TO_OR_MORES 0.001 score WEIRD_PORT 0.001 score WHILE_SUPPLIES 0.001 score WHY_PAY_MORE 0.001 score WORK_AT_HOME 0.001 score X_ACCEPT_LANG 0.001 score X_MSMAIL_PRIORITY_HIGH 0.001 score YAHOO_MSGID_ADDED 0.001 score YOU_WON 0.001 score DEBIAN_BTS_BUG 0.001 score HTML_IMAGE_AREA_08 0.001 score MAILMAN_REMINDER 0.001 score NO_MEDICAL 0.001 score RATWARE_CHARSET_V2 0.001 score RATWARE_DIRECT_EMAIL 0.001 score PORN_GALLERIES 0.001 score NO_SELLING 0.001 score NO_MIDDLEMAN 0.001 score WWW_AUTOREMOVE_COM 0.001 score MICROSOFT 0.001 score EXCUSE_18 0.001 score EXPERTS_SHOW_HOW 0.001 score NO_GIMMICK 0.001 score MIME_LONG_LINE_QP 0.001 score DATE_IN_PAST_48_96 0.001 score RATWARE_CHARSET 0.001 score US_DOLLARS_2 0.001 score RATWARE_CARETOP 0.001 score PRIORITY_MAIL 0.001 score WWW_CLIK4YOU_COM 0.001 score SERIOUS_ONLY 0.001 score RATWARE_GR 0.001 score SPAM_FORM 0.001 score NATURAL_VIAGRA 0.001 score MURKOWSKI_CRUFT 0.001 score SMIME_SIGNATURE 0.001 score MAILTO_TO_B2BMAIL 0.001 score SPAM_FORM_INPUT 0.001 score EMAIL_MARKETING 0.001 score MORE_TRAFFIC 0.001 score SPAM_FORM_RETURN 0.001 score MAILMAN_CONFIRM 0.001 score SPAM_FORM_ACTION 0.001 score IN_ACCORDANCE_WITH_LAWS 0.001 score MARKUP_SSPL 0.001 score CONFIDENTIAL_ORDER 0.001 score SUBJ_RIPPED 0.001 score RATWARE_DIFFOND 0.001 score MAJORDOMO 0.001 score OUR_COMPENSATION 0.001 score HELPED_FINANCE 0.001 score AUTO_EMAIL_REMOVAL 0.001 score TRACE_BY_SSN 0.001 score VAR_REF_IN_RECEIVED 0.001 score INCREDIBLE 0.001 score ENHANCE_WEBSITE 0.001 score WORRY_FREE 0.001 score X_MAILER_GIBBERISH 0.001 score INTL_EXEC_GUILD 0.001 score FORGED_MUA_MSN 0.001 score HTML_IMAGE_AREA_09 0.001 score TO_INVESTORS 0.001 score PRODUCED_AND_SENT_OUT 0.001 score RATWARE_LC_OUTLOOK 0.001 score DISCONTINUE 0.001 score CREDIT_BUREAU 0.001 score UNDISC_RECIPS 0.001 score MSN_GROUPS 0.001 score EXCUSE_2 0.001 score EXCUSE_8 0.001 score S_1618 0.001 score MONSTERHUT 0.001 score WEALTH 0.001 score X_FIX_PRESENT 0.001 score BUY_JUDGEMENTS 0.001 score CREDITORS_CALLING 0.001 score EJACULATION 0.001 score CHILD_SUPPORT 0.001 score MANY_FROMS 0.001 score POST_IN_RCVD 0.001 score MICRO_CAP_WARNING 0.001 score HOTMAIL_FOOTER2 0.001 score HOTMAIL_FOOTER3 0.001 score HTML_00_10 0.001 score CHANGE_TERMS 0.001 score SECRET_RECORD 0.001 score PSYCHIC 0.001 score OUR_PUBLICATIONS 0.001 score SUBJECT_IS_IN_REVIEW 0.001 score RATWARE_BANG_HASH 0.001 score MIME_BOUND_MAIL_BOUND 0.001 score HTML_MESSAGE 0.001 score BAD_HELO_WARNING 0.001 score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_01_10 0.001 score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_11_20 0.001 score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_21_30 0.001 score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_31_40 0.001 score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_41_50 0.001 score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_60 0.001 score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_61_70 0.001 score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_71_80 0.001 score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_81_90 0.001 score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_91_100 0.001 score RCVD_IN_RELAYS_ORDB_ORG 0.001 score X_OSIRU_DUL 0.001 score X_OSIRU_DUL_FH 0.001 score X_OSIRU_OPEN_RELAY 0.001 score X_OSIRU_SPAMWARE_SITE 0.001 score X_OSIRU_SPAM_SRC 0.001 score RCVD_IN_MULTIHOP_DSBL 0.001 score RCVD_IN_UNCONFIRMED_DSBL 0.001 score X_NJABL_DIALUP 0.001 score BAYES_40 0.001 score BAYES_44 0.001 score BAYES_50 0.001 score BAYES_56 0.001