# SpamAssassin rules file: known spam mailers # # Sometimes these leave 'sent by mailername' fingerprints in the # headers, which provide a nice way for us to catch them. # # Please don't modify this file as your changes will be overwritten with # the next update. Use @@LOCAL_RULES_DIR@@/local.cf instead. # See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of either the Artistic License or the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the file "License" in the top level of the SpamAssassin source # distribution for more details. # ########################################################################### header RATWARE_EGROUPS X-Mailer =~ /eGroups Message Poster/ describe RATWARE_EGROUPS Bulk email software fingerprint (eGroups) found in headers header RATWARE_HASH_2 X-Mailer =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9\._]{16,}$/ describe RATWARE_HASH_2 Bulk email software fingerprint (hash 2) found in headers header RATWARE_HASH_2_V2 X-Mailer =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9\._]{14,}$/ describe RATWARE_HASH_2_V2 Bulk email software fingerprint (hash 2 v2) found in headers header RATWARE_JPFREE X-Mailer =~ /jpfree Group Mail Express/ describe RATWARE_JPFREE Bulk email software fingerprint (jpfree) found in headers header RATWARE_VC_IPA X-Mailer =~ /2\.0-b55-VC_IPA/ describe RATWARE_VC_IPA Bulk email software fingerprint (VC_IPA) found in headers # Note that the tests which look at the "ALL" pseudoheader are slower than # the specific header. header RATWARE_GROUPMAIL ALL =~ /Group Mail/ describe RATWARE_GROUPMAIL Bulk email software fingerprint (Group Mail) found in headers header RATWARE_GR X-Mailer =~ /GRMessageQueue/ describe RATWARE_GR Bulk email software fingerprint (GRMessageQueue) found in headers header RATWARE_OE_PI X-Mailer =~ /Out[Ll]ook Express 3\.14159/ describe RATWARE_OE_PI X-Mailer contains "OutLook Express 3.14159" header RATWARE_STORM X-Mailer =~ /StormPost/ describe RATWARE_STORM Bulk email software fingerprint (StormPost) found in headers header RATWARE_JIXING X-Mailer =~ /JiXing .{0,30}Design By JohnnieHuang/ describe RATWARE_JIXING Bulk email software fingerprint (JiXing) found in headers header RATWARE_SCREWUP_1 X-Mailer =~ /^X-Mailer: / describe RATWARE_SCREWUP_1 Bulk email software fingerprint (screwup 1) found in headers header RATWARE_MMAILER X-Mailer =~ /MMailer v3\.0/ describe RATWARE_MMAILER Bulk email software fingerprint (MMailer) found in headers header RATWARE_OE_MALFORMED X-Mailer =~ /^Microsoft Outlook Express \d(?:\.\d+){3} \w+$/ describe RATWARE_OE_MALFORMED X-Mailer contains malformed Outlook Express version header RATWARE_EVAMAIL X-Mailer =~ /EVAMAIL/ describe RATWARE_EVAMAIL Bulk email software fingerprint (EVAMAIL) found in headers header RATWARE_SCREWUP_2 X-Mailer =~ /^: / describe RATWARE_SCREWUP_2 Bulk email software fingerprint (screwup 2) found in headers header RATWARE_IMKTG ALL =~ /Internet Marketing/ describe RATWARE_IMKTG Bulk email software fingerprint (IMktg) found in headers header RATWARE_XMAILER X-Mailer =~ /{%xmailer%}/ describe RATWARE_XMAILER Bulk email software fingerprint (xmailer tag) found in headers header RATWARE_POWERC X-Mailer =~ /PowerCampaign/ describe RATWARE_POWERC Bulk email software fingerprint (PowerCampaign) found in headers header RATWARE_DIFFOND ALL =~ /DiffondiCool/ describe RATWARE_DIFFOND Bulk email software fingerprint (DiffondiCool) found in headers header RATWARE_CHARSET X-Mailer =~ /\Qcharset(89)\E/ describe RATWARE_CHARSET Bulk email software fingerprint (charset) found in headers header RATWARE_CHARSET_V2 X-Mailer =~ /^normal \W \W\s*charset.*=\"/ describe RATWARE_CHARSET_V2 Bulk email software fingerprint (charset 2) found in headers header RATWARE_CARETOP X-Mailer =~ /Caretop 2604/ describe RATWARE_CARETOP Bulk email software fingerprint (Caretop) found in headers header RATWARE_LC_OUTLOOK X-Mailer =~ /^outlook$/ describe RATWARE_LC_OUTLOOK Bulk email software fingerprint ("outlook") found in headers header RATWARE_EMWAC Received =~ /EMWAC SMTPRS/ describe RATWARE_EMWAC Bulk email software fingerprint ("EMWAC SMTPRS") found in headers header RATWARE_BANG_HASH X-Mailer =~ /!.*\#.*\*/ describe RATWARE_BANG_HASH Bulk email software fingerprint (bang-hash) found in headers header RATWARE_FLOAT X-Mailer =~ /^\d\.\d\d/ describe RATWARE_FLOAT Bulk email software fingerprint (float) found in headers header RATWARE_DIRECT_EMAIL X-Mailer =~ /Direct Email/i describe RATWARE_DIRECT_EMAIL Bulk email software fingerprint (Direct Email) found in headers ########################################################################### # Now, detect forgeries of real MUAs # Dec 17 2002 jm: this means "message ID is either too old or has been # rewritten by a gateway". Made into an eval test since meta tests cannot # (yet) chain from other meta tests. header __UNUSABLE_MSGID eval:check_messageid_not_usable() # The Bat! forgeries header __THEBAT_MUA X-Mailer =~ /The Bat!/ header __THEBAT_MSGID MESSAGEID =~ /^<\d+\.\d+\@\S+>$/m meta FORGED_MUA_THEBAT (__THEBAT_MUA && !__THEBAT_MSGID) describe FORGED_MUA_THEBAT Forged mail pretending to be from The Bat! # forgeries of MSN Explorer. See "20_anti_ratware.cf" for the meta subrules meta FORGED_MUA_MSN (__USER_AGENT_MSN && (!__HAS_XOAT || !__HAS_XOIP)) describe FORGED_MUA_MSN Forged mail pretending to be from MSN # AOL header __AOL_MUA X-Mailer =~ /\bAOL\b/ header __AOL_MSGID MESSAGEID =~ /^<[0-9a-f]{1,3}\.[0-9a-f]{6,8}\.[0-9a-f]{8}\@aol.com>$/m meta FORGED_MUA_AOL (__AOL_MUA && !__UNUSABLE_MSGID && !__AOL_MSGID) describe FORGED_MUA_AOL Forged mail pretending to be from AOL # Internet Mail Service header __IMS_MUA X-Mailer =~ /Internet Mail Service/ header __IMS_MSGID MESSAGEID =~ /^<[A-F\d]{36,40}\@\S+>$/m meta FORGED_MUA_IMS (__IMS_MUA && !__UNUSABLE_MSGID && !__IMS_MSGID) describe FORGED_MUA_IMS Forged mail pretending to be from IMS # Outlook # Note: this uses __IMS_MSGID from above header __OUTLOOK_MUA X-Mailer =~ /\bOutlook\b(?! IMO| Express Mac)/ header __OUTLOOK_MSGID_1 MESSAGEID =~ /^<[0-9a-f]{12}\$[0-9a-f]{8}\$[0-9a-f]{8}\@\S+>$/m # See bug 1488 for details header __OUTLOOK_MSGID_2 MESSAGEID =~ /^<[A-Za-z0-9-]{7}[A-Za-z0-9]{20}\@hotmail\.com>$/m meta FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK (__OUTLOOK_MUA && !__UNUSABLE_MSGID && !(__OUTLOOK_MSGID_1 || __OUTLOOK_MSGID_2 || __IMS_MSGID)) describe FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook # Outlook IMO (Internet Mail Only) header __OIMO_MUA X-Mailer =~ /Outlook IMO/ header __OIMO_MSGID MESSAGEID =~ /^<[A-P]{26}A[AB]\.[-_\w.]+\@\S+>$/m meta FORGED_MUA_OIMO (__OIMO_MUA && !__OIMO_MSGID && !__UNUSABLE_MSGID) describe FORGED_MUA_OIMO Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook IMO # QUALCOMM Eudora header __EUDORA_MUA X-Mailer =~ /\b(?:QUALCOMM|Eudora)\b/ header __MAC_EUDORA_MUA X-Mailer =~ /Eudora for Macintosh/ header __OLD_EUDORA1 X-Mailer =~ /Eudora\s+Pro\s+Version\s+[1-4]\.\b/ header __OLD_EUDORA2 X-Mailer =~ /\bEudora\s+(?:(?:Pro|Light)\s+)?Version\s+[1-4]\.\b/ header __QUALCOMM X-Mailer =~ /\bQUALCOMM\b/ header __EUDORA_MSGID MESSAGEID =~ /^<(?:\d\d?\.){4,5}\d{14}\.[a-f0-9]{8}\@\S+>$/m # Note: uses X_LOOP and X_MAILING_LIST as subrules meta FORGED_MUA_EUDORA (__EUDORA_MUA && !__EUDORA_MSGID && !__UNUSABLE_MSGID && !X_LOOP && !X_MAILING_LIST && !__MAC_EUDORA_MUA && !__OLD_EUDORA1 && !(__OLD_EUDORA2 && !__QUALCOMM)) describe FORGED_MUA_EUDORA Forged mail pretending to be from Eudora