# SpamAssassin rules file: compensation for common false positives # # Please don't modify this file as your changes will be overwritten with # the next update. Use @@LOCAL_RULES_DIR@@/local.cf instead. # See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of either the Artistic License or the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the file "License" in the top level of the SpamAssassin source # distribution for more details. # ########################################################################### # Header compensation tests # # Note: HTML compensation tests are in 20_body_tests.cf require_version @@VERSION@@ # support for Habeas sender-warranted email: http://www.habeas.com/ header HABEAS_SWE eval:message_is_habeas_swe() describe HABEAS_SWE Uses the Habeas warrant mark (http://www.habeas.com/) tflags HABEAS_SWE nice header GENUINE_EBAY_RCVD eval:check_for_from_domain_in_received_headers('ebay.com', 'true') describe GENUINE_EBAY_RCVD Message from eBay tflags GENUINE_EBAY_RCVD nice header APPROVED_BY exists:Approved-By describe APPROVED_BY Has an Approved-By moderated list header tflags APPROVED_BY nice # This is a Bugzilla bug status report e-mail and probably OK header BUGZILLA_BUG eval:message_from_bugzilla() describe BUGZILLA_BUG Looks like a Bugzilla bug tflags BUGZILLA_BUG nice header DEBIAN_BTS_BUG eval:message_from_debian_bts() describe DEBIAN_BTS_BUG Looks like a Debian BTS bug tflags DEBIAN_BTS_BUG nice # give a negative score to Majordomo results. header MAJORDOMO Subject =~ /Majordomo (?:request )?results/ describe MAJORDOMO From Majordomo tflags MAJORDOMO nice header REFERENCES References =~ /^(<(?:[a-zA-Z0-9.!\#\$%&'*\+\/=?\^_{}|~-]+|\".+\")\@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+|\[\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}\])>\s*)+$/ describe REFERENCES Has a valid-looking References header tflags REFERENCES nice # User-Agent isn't usually found with spam, but ignore it if we already account with a compensate rule header __USER_AGENT exists:User-Agent meta USER_AGENT ( __USER_AGENT && !USER_AGENT_PINE && !USER_AGENT_MUTT && !USER_AGENT_MOZILLA_UA && !USER_AGENT_MOZILLA_XM && !USER_AGENT_MACOE && !USER_AGENT_ENTOURAGE && !USER_AGENT_KMAIL && !USER_AGENT_IMP && !USER_AGENT_TONLINE && !USER_AGENT_APPLEMAIL && !USER_AGENT_GNUS_UA && !USER_AGENT_GNUS_XM && !USER_AGENT_VM && !USER_AGENT_MSN && !USER_AGENT_FORTE && !USER_AGENT_XIMIAN ) describe USER_AGENT Has a User-Agent header tflags USER_AGENT nice # these headers have very low correlation with spam header CRON_ENV exists:X-Cron-Env header IN_REP_TO exists:In-Reply-To header X_AUTH_WARNING exists:X-Authentication-Warning header X_MAILING_LIST exists:X-Mailing-List header X_LOOP exists:X-Loop header X_ACCEPT_LANG exists:X-Accept-Language header RESENT_TO exists:Resent-To describe CRON_ENV Has a X-Cron-Env header describe IN_REP_TO Has a In-Reply-To header describe X_AUTH_WARNING Has a X-Authentication-Warning header describe X_MAILING_LIST Has a X-Mailing-List header describe X_LOOP Has a X-Loop header describe X_ACCEPT_LANG Has a X-Accept-Language header describe RESENT_TO Has a Resent-To header tflags CRON_ENV nice tflags IN_REP_TO nice tflags X_AUTH_WARNING nice tflags X_MAILING_LIST nice tflags X_LOOP nice tflags X_ACCEPT_LANG nice tflags RESENT_TO nice # came from a known mailing list system -- but one which does *not* have built-in # (or working!) spam filtering. header KNOWN_MAILING_LIST eval:detect_mailing_list() describe KNOWN_MAILING_LIST Email came from some known mailing list software tflags KNOWN_MAILING_LIST nice # from Theo Van Dinter, see http://www.hughes-family.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=591 body MSN_GROUPS eval:check_for_msn_groups_headers() describe MSN_GROUPS Came from MSN Communities tflags MSN_GROUPS nice # some non-spam rules from http://www.darkmere.gen.nz/2002/0628.html header Q_FOR_SELLER Subject =~ /Question.*(?:for|to|from eBay).*(?:seller|Member)/ describe Q_FOR_SELLER Subject is an eBay question tflags Q_FOR_SELLER nice header SUBJECT_IS_IN_REVIEW Subject =~ /\bin review\b/i describe SUBJECT_IS_IN_REVIEW Subject contains newsletter header (in review) tflags SUBJECT_IS_IN_REVIEW nice header FROM_EGROUPS X-eGroups-Return =~ /^sentto-.*\@returns\.groups\.yahoo\.com$/ describe FROM_EGROUPS Appears to be from yahoo groups tflags FROM_EGROUPS nice # compensate for common false pos on above rule: Yahoo! webmail header YAHOO_MSGID_ADDED ALL =~ /Message-Id: <\S+\.mail\.yahoo\.com>\nReceived: .*by \S+mail\.yahoo\.com via HTTP;/s describe YAHOO_MSGID_ADDED 'Message-Id' was added by yahoo.com, that's OK tflags YAHOO_MSGID_ADDED nice ########################################################################### # Body compensation tests ########################################################################### body HOTMAIL_FOOTER1 /Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device\b/ describe HOTMAIL_FOOTER1 Common footer for Hotmail tflags HOTMAIL_FOOTER1 nice body HOTMAIL_FOOTER2 /Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at\b/ describe HOTMAIL_FOOTER2 Common footer for Hotmail tflags HOTMAIL_FOOTER2 nice body HOTMAIL_FOOTER3 /Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http:\/\/www\.hotmail\.com\./ describe HOTMAIL_FOOTER3 Common footer for Hotmail tflags HOTMAIL_FOOTER3 nice body HOTMAIL_FOOTER5 /Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger\b/ describe HOTMAIL_FOOTER5 Common footer for Hotmail tflags HOTMAIL_FOOTER5 nice body MSN_FOOTER1 /MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos\b/ describe MSN_FOOTER1 Common footer for MSN tflags MSN_FOOTER1 nice body GROUPS_YAHOO_1 /^Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http:\/\/\Qdocs.yahoo.com\E\/info\/terms\// describe GROUPS_YAHOO_1 Yahoo! Groups message tflags GROUPS_YAHOO_1 nice # signature tests full SIGNATURE_SHORT_DENSE eval:check_signature('1', '7', '0') describe SIGNATURE_SHORT_DENSE Short signature present (no empty lines) tflags SIGNATURE_SHORT_DENSE nice full SIGNATURE_SHORT_SPARSE eval:check_signature('1', '7', '1') describe SIGNATURE_SHORT_SPARSE Short signature present (empty lines) tflags SIGNATURE_SHORT_SPARSE nice full SIGNATURE_LONG_DENSE eval:check_signature('8', '15', '0') describe SIGNATURE_LONG_DENSE Long signature present (no empty lines) tflags SIGNATURE_LONG_DENSE nice full SIGNATURE_LONG_SPARSE eval:check_signature('8', '15', '1') describe SIGNATURE_LONG_SPARSE Long signature present (empty lines) tflags SIGNATURE_LONG_SPARSE nice body MAILMAN_CONFIRM /^We have received a request from \S+ for subscription of your email address, \S+, to the \S+ mailing list\./ describe MAILMAN_CONFIRM A MailMan confirm-your-address message tflags MAILMAN_CONFIRM nice rawbody __PGP_BEGIN /^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----$/ rawbody __PGP_MIDDLE /^[0-9A-Za-z+\/]{64}$/ rawbody __PGP_END /^-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----$/ meta PGP_SIGNATURE (__PGP_BEGIN && __PGP_MIDDLE && __PGP_END) describe PGP_SIGNATURE Contains a PGP-signed message tflags PGP_SIGNATURE nice header PGP_SIGNATURE_2 Content-Type =~ /protocol=.?application\/pgp-signature.?;/i describe PGP_SIGNATURE_2 Contains a PGP-signed message (signature attached) tflags PGP_SIGNATURE_2 nice header __SMIME_SIGNED_HDR Content-Type =~ /multipart\/signed;.*protocol=/i full __SMIME_SIGNED_BODY /\nContent-Type: application\/x-pkcs7-signature;/ meta SMIME_SIGNATURE (__SMIME_SIGNED_HDR && __SMIME_SIGNED_BODY) describe SMIME_SIGNATURE Contains an S/MIME-signed message tflags SMIME_SIGNATURE nice rawbody PATCH_UNIFIED_DIFF /^\@\@ [-+0-9]+,[0-9]+ [-+0-9]+,[0-9]+ \@\@$/ describe PATCH_UNIFIED_DIFF Contains what looks like a patch from diff -u tflags PATCH_UNIFIED_DIFF nice rawbody PATCH_CONTEXT_DIFF /^\*{3} \S+\s+.{10,}\b\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s/ describe PATCH_CONTEXT_DIFF Contains what looks like a patch from diff -c tflags PATCH_CONTEXT_DIFF nice body DISCLAIMER_LEGALESE /This e?-?mail.{1,20}confidential.{1,20}legally privileged/i describe DISCLAIMER_LEGALESE Contains what looks like an 'E-Mail Disclaimer' tflags DISCLAIMER_LEGALESE nice # The regexp begins with "(?:\"|--- )?" because, in addition to # possibly begining with a double quote, it might also begin with # "--- ", which is used by the Yahoo! groups web form when # doing attribution. # # The regexp ends with "\s*(?:$|>)" rather than "$" because, by # the time the "body" tests are done, this: # # foo@bar.com writes: # > blah blah blah # # becomes # # foo@bar.com writes: > blah blah blah # body EMAIL_ATTRIBUTION /^(?:\"|--- )?\w.{4,80} (?:wrote|writes):\s*(?:$|>)/ describe EMAIL_ATTRIBUTION Contains what looks like an email attribution tflags EMAIL_ATTRIBUTION nice rawbody QUOTED_EMAIL_TEXT /^>+\s+.{60,72}$/ describe QUOTED_EMAIL_TEXT Contains what looks like a quoted email text tflags QUOTED_EMAIL_TEXT nice body QUOTE_TWICE_1 /^> >\s/ describe QUOTE_TWICE_1 Contains twice quoted reply tflags QUOTE_TWICE_1 nice # spamassassin@davidgreenaway.com (David Greenaway) body FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD /[fF]org[oe]t.{0,25}[pP]assword/ describe FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD Contains a password retrieval system tflags FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD nice ########################################################################### # meta compensation tests ########################################################################### header __EVITE_CTYPE Content-Type =~ /(?:multipart\/alternative|text\/(?:plain|html));/ header __EVITE_RCVD Received =~ /\b(?:evite|evt\S*\.citysearch)\.com/ uri __EVITE_URI /\bevite(?:\.citysearch)?\.com\/.*iid=[A-Z]{20}/ meta EVITE ((__EVITE_RCVD && __EVITE_URI) || (__EVITE_CTYPE && (__EVITE_RCVD || __EVITE_URI))) describe EVITE Message looks like an Evite tflags EVITE nice meta REPLY_WITH_QUOTES ((IN_REP_TO + REFERENCES + EMAIL_ATTRIBUTION + QUOTED_EMAIL_TEXT) > 2) describe REPLY_WITH_QUOTES Reply with quoted text tflags REPLY_WITH_QUOTES nice ########################################################################### # Till now no spammer told me where he's working at :o) # -- Malte # freqs: 2.273 0.383 3.416 0.10 1.00 HAS_ORGANIZATION header HAS_ORGANIZATION exists:Organization describe HAS_ORGANIZATION Where are you working at? tflags HAS_ORGANIZATION nice body HOTMAIL_FOOTER4 /Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail\./ describe HOTMAIL_FOOTER4 Common footer for Hotmail tflags HOTMAIL_FOOTER4 nice header MAILER_DAEMON From =~ /^(?:Mail Delivery \w+ )??(?: \(Mail Delivery \w+\))?$/i describe MAILER_DAEMON From the Mailer-Daemon tflags MAILER_DAEMON nice header FAILURE_NOTICE_1 Subject =~ /^(?:failure notice|returned mail:|Delivery Status Notification|Undeliverable:)/i describe FAILURE_NOTICE_1 Mailer daemon failure notice (1) tflags FAILURE_NOTICE_1 nice body FAILURE_NOTICE_2 /\b(?:Delivery to the following recipients failed|This Message was undeliverable|The following addresses had permanent fatal errors|did not reach the following recipient)\b/i describe FAILURE_NOTICE_2 Mailer daemon failure notice (2) tflags FAILURE_NOTICE_2 nice header FWD_MSG Subject =~ /Fwd:\s/ describe FWD_MSG Forwarded email tflags FWD_MSG nice test FWD_MSG ok Subject: Fwd: Dracula test FWD_MSG ok Subject: [landho] Fwd: tell rod test FWD_MSG fail Subject: Fwd:Pure Opt-In for half the price test FWD_MSG fail Subject: Re: RE: FWD: search results . . . header __ORIG_MESSAGE_AGENT X-Mailer =~ /\b(?:Microsoft Outlook|Internet Mail Service|Mozilla|AOL)\b/ rawbody __ORIG_MESSAGE_LINE /^-{5,8} ?Original Message ?-{5,8}$/ meta ORIGINAL_MESSAGE (__ORIG_MESSAGE_AGENT && __ORIG_MESSAGE_LINE) describe ORIGINAL_MESSAGE Looks like a reply to a message tflags ORIGINAL_MESSAGE nice # 3.351 0.0060 4.5117 0.001 0.97 -1.00 T_MSGID_GOOD_EXCHANGE header MSGID_GOOD_EXCHANGE Message-Id =~ /^<[A-Z]{28}\.\S+\@\S+>$/ describe MSGID_GOOD_EXCHANGE Message-Id indicates the message was sent from MS Exchange tflags MSGID_GOOD_EXCHANGE nice # mailman list reminder mails are getting tagged in 2.41, adding a rule to check for these header __FROM_MAILMAN_OWNER From:addr =~ /^mailman-owner@/ header __SUBJECT_MAILMAN_REMIND Subject =~ /\bmailing list memberships reminder\b/ meta MAILMAN_REMINDER (__FROM_MAILMAN_OWNER && __SUBJECT_MAILMAN_REMIND) describe MAILMAN_REMINDER Mail headers indicate a mailman membership reminder tflags MAILMAN_REMINDER nice