# SpamAssassin rules file: known non-spam mailers ("ratware") # # Please don't modify this file as your changes will be overwritten with # the next update. Use @@LOCAL_RULES_DIR@@/local.cf instead. # See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of either the Artistic License or the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the file "License" in the top level of the SpamAssassin source # distribution for more details. # ########################################################################### ## If a USER_AGENT rule is added, make sure to modify the USER_AGENT rule to counter. header USER_AGENT_PINE Message-Id =~ /^", # tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, # tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, MsgIdPfx, getpid (), fqdn); # MsgIdPfx = (MsgIdPfx == 'Z') ? 'A' : MsgIdPfx + 1; # The code from mutt 1.4 is adds a 'G' for some reason: # snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "<%d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.G%c%d@%s>", header __VALID_MUTT_MSGID Message-Id =~ /^<[1-9]\d{3}[01]\d[0-3]\d[0-2]\d(?:[0-5]\d){2}\.G?[A-Z]\d+\@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+>$/ header __USER_AGENT_MUTT User-Agent =~ m@^Mutt/\d(?:\.\d+){1,4}@ meta USER_AGENT_MUTT __USER_AGENT_MUTT && __VALID_MUTT_MSGID describe USER_AGENT_MUTT User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (Mutt) header USER_AGENT_MOZILLA_UA User-Agent =~ /^Mozilla\/5\.\d+ \(.*\) Gecko\/\d{8}(?: |$)/ describe USER_AGENT_MOZILLA_UA User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (Mozilla) header USER_AGENT_MOZILLA_XM X-Mailer =~ /^Mozilla 4\.\d{2} \[[a-z]{2}\]/ describe USER_AGENT_MOZILLA_XM X-Mailer header indicates a non-spam MUA (Netscape) header USER_AGENT_MACOE User-Agent =~ /^Microsoft[ -]Outlook[ -]Express[ -]Macintosh[ -]Edition/ describe USER_AGENT_MACOE User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (Outlook Express) header USER_AGENT_ENTOURAGE User-Agent =~ /^Microsoft-Entourage\/\d{1,2}(?:\.\d){1,2}\.\d{4}$/ describe USER_AGENT_ENTOURAGE User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (Entourage) header USER_AGENT_KMAIL User-Agent =~ /^KMail\/1\.\d\.\d+$/ describe USER_AGENT_KMAIL User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (KMail) header USER_AGENT_IMP User-Agent =~ /^Internet Messaging Program \(IMP\) [34]\.\d/ describe USER_AGENT_IMP User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (IMP) header USER_AGENT_TONLINE X-Mailer =~ /^T-Online (?:e|Web)Mail \d\.\d+$/ describe USER_AGENT_TONLINE X-Mailer header indicates a non-spam MUA (T-Offline) header USER_AGENT_APPLEMAIL X-Mailer =~ /^Apple Mail \(\d\.\d+\)$/ describe USER_AGENT_APPLEMAIL X-Mailer header indicates a non-spam MUA (Apple Mail) header USER_AGENT_GNUS_UA User-Agent =~ /^Gnus\/\d\.\d+ / describe USER_AGENT_GNUS_UA User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (Gnus) header USER_AGENT_GNUS_XM X-Mailer =~ /^Gnus v\d(?:\.\d+){1,2}\/X?Emacs \d+\.\d+/ describe USER_AGENT_GNUS_XM X-Mailer header indicates a non-spam MUA (Gnus) header USER_AGENT_VM X-Mailer =~ /^\s*VM\s+\d+\.\d+\s+under\s+.{0,30}?[Ee]macs\b/ describe USER_AGENT_VM X-Mailer header indicates a non-spam MUA (VM) # frequently forged, needs some correlation meta checks with other headers. header __USER_AGENT_MSN X-Mailer =~ /^MSN Explorer / header __HAS_XOAT X-Originalarrivaltime =~ /FILETIME/ header __HAS_XOIP X-Originating-Ip =~ /^\[/ meta USER_AGENT_MSN (__USER_AGENT_MSN && __HAS_XOAT && __HAS_XOIP) describe USER_AGENT_MSN Headers indicate valid mail from MSN header USER_AGENT_FORTE X-Mailer =~ /^Forte Agent \d\.\d+\/\d+\.\d+$/ describe USER_AGENT_FORTE X-Mailer header indicates a non-spam MUA (Forte) tflags USER_AGENT_PINE nice tflags USER_AGENT_MUTT nice tflags USER_AGENT_MOZILLA_UA nice tflags USER_AGENT_MOZILLA_XM nice tflags USER_AGENT_MACOE nice tflags USER_AGENT_ENTOURAGE nice tflags USER_AGENT_KMAIL nice tflags USER_AGENT_IMP nice tflags USER_AGENT_TONLINE nice tflags USER_AGENT_APPLEMAIL nice tflags USER_AGENT_GNUS_UA nice tflags USER_AGENT_GNUS_XM nice tflags USER_AGENT_VM nice tflags USER_AGENT_MSN nice tflags USER_AGENT_FORTE nice header __XIMIAN_MUA X-Mailer =~ /^(?:Ximian Evolution|Evolution\/\d+\.)/ # interestingly the last word (\S+) always seems to be 'camel' ;) header __XIMIAN_MSGID MESSAGEID =~ /^<\d{10}\.\d+\.\d+\.\S+\@/ meta USER_AGENT_XIMIAN (__XIMIAN_MSGID && __XIMIAN_MUA && !__UNUSABLE_MSGID) describe USER_AGENT_XIMIAN Headers indicate a non-spam MUA (Ximian) tflags USER_AGENT_XIMIAN nice