#!/usr/bin/perl -w ############################################################ # The code in this file is copyright 2001 by Craig Hughes # # It is licensed for use with the SpamAssassin distribution# # under the terms of the Perl Artistic License, the text of# # which is included as the file named "License" # ############################################################ use lib '../lib'; # added by jm for use inside the distro use strict; use Socket; use Carp; use Mail::SpamAssassin; use Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit; use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock); use POSIX qw(setsid); use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; my %resphash = ( EX_OK => 0, # no problems EX_USAGE => 64, # command line usage error EX_DATAERR => 65, # data format error EX_NOINPUT => 66, # cannot open input EX_NOUSER => 67, # addressee unknown EX_NOHOST => 68, # host name unknown EX_UNAVAILABLE => 69, # service unavailable EX_SOFTWARE => 70, # internal software error EX_OSERR => 71, # system error (e.g., can't fork) EX_OSFILE => 72, # critical OS file missing EX_CANTCREAT => 73, # can't create (user) output file EX_IOERR => 74, # input/output error EX_TEMPFAIL => 75, # temp failure; user is invited to retry EX_PROTOCOL => 76, # remote error in protocol EX_NOPERM => 77, # permission denied EX_CONFIG => 78, # configuration error ); # defaults my %opt = ('user-config' => 1); Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); GetOptions( 'auto-whitelist|whitelist|a' => \$opt{'auto-whitelist'}, 'create-prefs!', => \$opt{'create-prefs'}, 'c' => \$opt{'create-prefs'}, 'daemonize!' => \$opt{'daemonize'}, 'd' => \$opt{'daemonize'}, 'help|h' => \$opt{'help'}, 'listen-ip|ip-address|i=s' => \$opt{'listen-ip'}, 'max-children|m=i' => \$opt{'max-children'}, 'port|p=i' => \$opt{'port'}, 'sql-config!' => \$opt{'sql-config'}, 'q' => \$opt{'sql-config'}, 'pidfile|r=s' => \$opt{'pidfile'}, 'syslog|s=s' => \$opt{'syslog'}, 'username|u=s' => \$opt{'username'}, 'vpopmail!' => \$opt{'vpopmail'}, 'v' => \$opt{'vpopmail'}, 'configpath|C=s' => \$opt{'configpath'}, 'user-config!' => \$opt{'user-config'}, 'x' => sub{$opt{'user-config'}=0}, 'allowed-ips|A=s' => \@{$opt{'allowed-ip'}}, 'debug!', => \$opt{'debug'}, 'D' => \$opt{'debug'}, 'add-from!' => \$opt{'add-from'}, 'F=i' => \$opt{'add-from'}, 'local!' => \$opt{'local'}, 'L' => \$opt{'local'}, 'paranoid!' => \$opt{'paranoid'}, 'P' => \$opt{'paranoid'}, 'stop-at-threshold!' => \$opt{'stop-at-threshold'}, 'S' => \$opt{'stop-at-threshold'} ) or pod2usage(-exitval => $resphash{'EX_USAGE'}, -verbose => 0); $opt{'user-config'} = 1 unless defined $opt{'user-config'}; $opt{'add-from'} = 1 unless defined $opt{'add-from'}; $opt{'help'} and pod2usage(-exitval => $resphash{'EX_USAGE'}, -verbose => 0, -message => 'For more details, use "man spamd"'); # These can be changed on command line with -A flag my %allowed = (); if(@{$opt{'allowed-ip'}}) { %allowed = map { $_ => 1 } split /,/,join(',',@{$opt{'allowed-ip'}}); } else { %allowed = ( '' => 1 ); } # This can be changed on the command line with the -s flag my $log_facility; if($opt{'syslog'}) { $log_facility = $opt{'syslog'}; } else { $log_facility = 'mail'; } my $dontcopy = 1; if ($opt{'create-prefs'}) { $dontcopy = 0; } my $extrapid = 5000; $extrapid = $opt{'max-children'} if defined($opt{'max-children'}) && $opt{'max-children'} > 0; if (defined $ENV{'HOME'}) { delete $ENV{'HOME'}; # we do not want to use this when running spamd } my $spamtest = Mail::SpamAssassin->new({ dont_copy_prefs => $dontcopy, rules_filename => ($opt{'configpath'} || 0), local_tests_only => ($opt{'local'} || 0), stop_at_threshold => ($opt{'stop-at-threshold'} || 0), debug => ($opt{'debug'} || 0), paranoid => ($opt{'paranoid'} || 0), }); # Do whitelist later in tmp dir. Side effect: this will be done as -u user. sub spawn; # forward declaration sub logmsg; # forward declaration sub cleanupchildren; setlogsock('unix'); my $port = $opt{'port'} || 783; my $addr = gethostbyname($opt{'listen-ip'} || ''); my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp'); ($port) = $port =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "invalid port"; # Be a well-behaved daemon socket(Server, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!"; setsockopt(Server,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,pack("l",1)) || die "setsockopt: $!"; bind(Server, sockaddr_in($port, $addr)) || die "bind: $!"; listen(Server,SOMAXCONN) || die "listen: $!"; $opt{'daemonize'} and daemonize(); # support non-root use (after we bind to the port) my $setuid_to_user = 0; if ($opt{'username'}) { my $uuid = getpwnam($opt{'username'}); if (!defined $uuid || $uuid == 0) { die "fatal: cannot run as nonexistent user or root with -u option\n"; } $> = $uuid; # effective uid $< = $uuid; # real uid. we now cannot setuid anymore if ($> != $uuid and $> != ($uuid-2**32)) { die "fatal: setuid to uid $uuid failed\n"; } } elsif ($> == 0) { $setuid_to_user = 1; } # We should set $ENV{HOME} in /tmp. $ENV{'HOME'} = (-d '/tmp' ? '/tmp' : $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP})."/spamassassin-$$"; mkdir("$ENV{'HOME'}",0700) or die "fatal: Can't create $ENV{'HOME'}"; mkdir("$ENV{'HOME'}/.spamassassin", 0700) or die "fatal: Can't create $ENV{'HOME'}/.spamassassin"; # This might be slightly paranoid. Good. $opt{'auto-whitelist'} and eval { require Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList; # create a factory for the persistent address list my $addrlistfactory = Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList->new(); $spamtest->set_persistent_address_list_factory ($addrlistfactory); }; $spamtest->compile_now(0); # ensure all modules etc. are loaded $/ = "\n"; # argh, Razor resets this! Bad Razor! unlink <$ENV{HOME}/.spamassassin/*>,<$ENV{HOME}/*>; rmdir "$ENV{HOME}/.spamassassin"; rmdir $ENV{HOME}; system "/bin/rm -Rf /tmp/spamassassin-$$"; delete $ENV{'HOME'}; my $current_user; my $paddr; sub REAPER { # Adapted from the perlipc manpage cleanupchildren; $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; } if ($opt{'max-children'}) { $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; } else { $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; } $SIG{INT} = \&kill_handler; $SIG{TERM} = \&kill_handler; # now allow waiting processes to connect, if they're watching the log. # The test suite does this! if ($opt{'debug'}) { warn "server started on port $port\n"; warn "server pid: $$\n"; } logmsg "server started on port $port"; for ( ; ($paddr = accept(Client,Server)) ; close Client) { my $start = time; my($port,$iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr); my $name = gethostbyaddr($iaddr,AF_INET); if ($allowed{inet_ntoa($iaddr)} ) { logmsg "connection from $name [", inet_ntoa($iaddr),"] at port $port"; } else { logmsg "unauthorized connection from $name [", inet_ntoa($iaddr),"] at port $port"; next; } spawn sub { $|=1; # always immediately flush output # First request line off stream local $_ = ; if (!defined $_) { protocol_error ("(closed before headers)"); return 1; } chomp; # It may be s SKIP message, meaning that the client (spamc) # thinks it is too big to check. So we don't do any real work # in that case. if (/SKIP SPAMC\/(.*)/) { logmsg "skipped large message in ". sprintf("%3d", time - $start) ." seconds.\n"; return 0; } # It might be a CHECK message, meaning that we should just check # if it's spam or not, then return the appropriate response. elsif (/(CHECK|SYMBOLS|REPORT) SPAMC\/(.*)/) { my $method = $1; my $version = $2; my $expected_length; # Protocol version 1.0 and greater may have "User:" and # "Content-length:" headers. But they're not required. if($version > 1.0) { while(1) { $_ = ; if(!defined $_) { protocol_error ("(EOF during headers)"); return 1; } if (/^\r\n/s) { last; } # We'll run handle user unless we've been told not # to process per-user config files. Otherwise # we'll check and see if we need to try SQL # lookups. If $opt{'user-config'} is true, we need to try # their config file and then do the SQL lookup. # If $opt{'user-config'} IS NOT true, we skip the conf file and # only need to do the SQL lookup if $opt{'sql-config'} IS # true. (I got that wrong the first time.) if (/^User: (.*)\r\n/) { $current_user = $1; if (!$opt{'user-config'}) { if ($opt{'sql-config'}) { handle_user_sql($current_user); } } else { handle_user($current_user); } } if (/^Content-length: ([0-9]*)\r\n/i) { $expected_length = $1; } } } if ( $setuid_to_user && $> == 0 ) { if ($spamtest->{'paranoid'}) { logmsg "PARANOID: still running as root, closing connection."; die; } logmsg "Still running as root: user not specified, ". "not found, or set to root. Fall back to nobody."; my $uid = getpwnam('nobody'); $> = $uid; if ( !defined($uid) || ($> != $uid and $> != ($uid-2**32))) { logmsg "fatal: setuid to nobody failed"; die; } } my $resp = "EX_OK"; # Now read in message my @msglines = (); my $actual_length; for (@msglines) { $actual_length += length; } my $mail = Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit->new ( data => \@msglines, add_From_line => $opt{'add-from'} ); # Check length if we're supposed to if($expected_length) { if($actual_length != $expected_length) { protocol_error ("(Content-length mismatch: $expected_length vs. $actual_length)"); return 1; } } # Now use copy-on-writed (hopefully) SA object my $status = $spamtest->check($mail); my $msg_score = sprintf("%.1f",$status->get_hits); my $msg_threshold = sprintf("%.1f",$status->get_required_hits); my $was_it_spam; if ($status->is_spam) { print "SPAMD/1.1 $resphash{$resp} $resp\r\nSpam: True ; $msg_score / $msg_threshold\r\n\r\n"; $was_it_spam = 'identified spam'; } else { print "SPAMD/1.1 $resphash{$resp} $resp\r\nSpam: False ; $msg_score / $msg_threshold\r\n\r\n"; $was_it_spam = 'clean message'; } print $status->get_names_of_tests_hit,"\r\n" if ($method eq "SYMBOLS"); print $status->get_report,"\r\n" if ($method eq "REPORT"); $current_user ||= '(unknown)'; logmsg "$was_it_spam ($msg_score/$msg_threshold) for $current_user:$> in ". sprintf("%3d", time - $start) ." seconds, $actual_length bytes.\n"; $status->finish(); # added by jm to allow GC'ing } # If we get the PROCESS command, the client is going to send a # message that we need to filter. This is were all the real # work is one. elsif (/PROCESS SPAMC\/(.*)/) { my $version = $1; my $expected_length; # Protocol version 1.0 and greater may have "User:" and # "Content-length:" headers. But they're not required. if($version > 1.0) { while(1) { $_ = ; if(!defined $_) { protocol_error ("(EOF during headers)"); return 1; } if (/^\r\n/s) { last; } # We'll run handle user unless we've been told not # to process per-user config files. Otherwise # we'll check and see if we need to try SQL # lookups. If $opt{'user-config'} is true, we need to try # their config file and then do the SQL lookup. # If $opt{'user-config'} IS NOT true, we skip the conf file and # only need to do the SQL lookup if $opt{'sql-config'} IS # true. (I got that wrong the first time.) if (/^User: (.*)\r\n/) { $current_user = $1; if (!$opt{'user-config'}) { if ($opt{'sql-config'}) { handle_user_sql($current_user); } } else { handle_user($current_user); } } if (/^Content-length: ([0-9]*)\r\n/i) { $expected_length = $1; } } } if ( $setuid_to_user && $> == 0 ) { if ($spamtest->{paranoid}) { logmsg "PARANOID: still running as root, closing connection."; die; } logmsg "Still running as root: user not specified, ". "not found, or set to root. Fall back to nobody."; my $uid = getpwnam('nobody'); $> = $uid; if ( !defined($uid) || ($> != $uid and $> != ($uid-2**32))) { logmsg "fatal: setuid to nobody failed"; die; } } my $resp = "EX_OK"; # Now read in message my @msglines = (); my $actual_length; for (@msglines) { $actual_length += length; } my $mail = Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit->new ( data => \@msglines, add_From_line => $opt{'add-from'} ); # Check length if we're supposed to if($expected_length) { if($actual_length != $expected_length) { protocol_error ("(Content-length mismatch: $expected_length vs. $actual_length)"); return 1; } } # Now use copy-on-writed (hopefully) SA object my $status = $spamtest->check($mail); $status->rewrite_mail; #if $status->is_spam; # Build the message to send back and measure it my $msg_resp = join '',$mail->header,"\n",@{$mail->body}; my $msg_resp_length = length($msg_resp); if($version >= 1.2) # Spamc protocol 1.2 means it accepts content-length { print "SPAMD/1.1 $resphash{$resp} $resp\r\n", "Content-length: $msg_resp_length\r\n\r\n", $msg_resp; } else # Earlier than 1.2 didn't accept content-length { print "SPAMD/1.0 $resphash{$resp} $resp\r\n", $msg_resp; } my $was_it_spam; if($status->is_spam) { $was_it_spam = 'identified spam'; } else { $was_it_spam = 'clean message'; } my $msg_score = sprintf("%.1f",$status->get_hits); my $msg_threshold = sprintf("%.1f",$status->get_required_hits); $current_user ||= '(unknown)'; logmsg "$was_it_spam ($msg_score/$msg_threshold) for $current_user:$> in ". sprintf("%3d", time - $start) ." seconds, $actual_length bytes.\n"; $status->finish(); # added by jm to allow GC'ing } # If it was none of the above, then we don't know what it was. else { protocol_error ($_); } }; # Clean up any defunct processes. (Not perfect, as usually leaves at # least one around until next connection, but avoids handling SIGCHLD.) # Needed on SunOS, where SIGCHLD=IGNORE doesn't make it automatic. # Not sure if this is still needed with SIGCHLD=\&REAPER which # essentially does this! cleanupchildren; } sub protocol_error { local $_ = shift; my $resp = "EX_PROTOCOL"; print "SPAMD/1.0 $resphash{$resp} Bad header line: $_\r\n"; logmsg "bad protocol: header error: $_"; } sub spawn { my $coderef = shift; unless (@_ == 0 && $coderef && ref($coderef) eq 'CODE') { confess "usage: spawn CODEREF"; } my $pid; cleanupchildren; wait if ($opt{'max-children'} && $extrapid <= 0); $extrapid--; if (!defined($pid = fork)) { logmsg "cannot fork: $!"; $extrapid++; return; } elsif ($pid) { return; # I'm the parent } # else I'm the child -- go spawn close Server; open(STDIN, "<&Client") || die "can't dup client to stdin"; open(STDOUT, ">&Client") || die "can't dup client to stdout"; exit &$coderef(); } sub handle_user { my $username = shift; # # If vpopmail config enabled then look up userinfo for vpopmail uid # as defined by $opt{'username'} # my $userid = ''; if ($opt{'vpopmail'} && $opt{'username'}) { $userid = $opt{'username'}; } else { $userid = $username; } my ($name,$pwd,$uid,$gid,$quota,$comment,$gcos,$dir,$etc) = getpwnam($userid); if ( !$spamtest->{'paranoid'} && !defined($uid) ) { #if we are given a username, but can't look it up, #Maybe NIS is down? lets break out here to allow #them to get 'defaults' when we are not running paranoid. logmsg "handle_user() -> unable to find user [$userid]!\n"; return 0; } if ($setuid_to_user) { $> = $uid; if ( !defined($uid) || ($> != $uid and $> != ($uid-2**32))) { logmsg "fatal: setuid to $username failed"; die; # make it fatal to avoid security breaches } else { logmsg "info: setuid to $username succeeded"; } } # # If vpopmail config enabled then set $dir to virtual homedir # if ($opt{'vpopmail'} && $opt{'username'}) { $dir = `$dir/bin/vuserinfo -d $username`; $dir =~ s/\n//g; } my $cf_file = $dir."/.spamassassin/user_prefs"; # # If vpopmail config enabled then pass virtual homedir onto create_default_cf_needed # if ($opt{'vpopmail'} && $opt{'username'}) { create_default_cf_if_needed ($cf_file, $username, $dir); } else { create_default_cf_if_needed ($cf_file, $username); } $spamtest->read_scoreonly_config ($cf_file); return 1; } sub handle_user_sql { my $username = shift; $spamtest->load_scoreonly_sql ($username); return 1; } sub create_default_cf_if_needed { my ($cf_file, $username, $userdir) = @_; # Parse user scores, creating default .cf if needed: if( ! -r $cf_file && ! $spamtest->{'dont_copy_prefs'}) { logmsg "Creating default_prefs [$cf_file]"; # # If vpopmail config enabled then pass virtual homedir onto create_default_prefs # via $userdir # $spamtest->create_default_prefs ($cf_file,$username,$userdir); if ( ! -r $cf_file ) { logmsg "Couldn't create readable default_prefs for [$cf_file]"; } } } sub logmsg { my $old = $SIG{'PIPE'}; $SIG{'PIPE'} = sub { $main::SIGPIPE_RECEIVED++; }; openlog('spamd','cons,pid',$log_facility); syslog('info',"@_"); if ($opt{'debug'}) { warn "logmsg: @_\n"; } if ($main::SIGPIPE_RECEIVED) { # SIGPIPE recieved when writing to syslog - this has been # found to occur with syslog-ng after syslog-ng restarts. # Close and reopen the log handle, then try again. closelog(); openlog('spamd','cons,pid',$log_facility); syslog('info',"@_"); # now report what happend my $msg = "SIGPIPE received - reopening log socket"; if ($opt{'debug'}) { warn "logmsg: $msg\n"; } syslog('warning', $msg); # if we've received multiple sigpipes, logging is probably # still broken. if ($main::SIGPIPE_RECEIVED > 1) { warn "logging failure: multiple SIGPIPEs received\n"; } $main::SIGPIPE_RECEIVED = 0; } $SIG{'PIPE'} = $old if defined($old); } sub kill_handler { my ($sig) = @_; logmsg "server killed by SIG$sig, shutting down"; close Server; defined($opt{'pidfile'}) and unlink($opt{'pidfile'}); exit 0; } sub cleanupchildren { while ( my $kid = waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG) > 0 ) { $extrapid++; } } use POSIX 'setsid'; sub daemonize { chdir '/' or die "Can't chdir to '/': $!"; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { logmsg($_[0]); }; open STDIN,'/dev/null' or die "Can't read '/dev/null': $!"; open STDOUT,'>/dev/null' or die "Can't write '/dev/null': $!"; defined(my $pid=fork) or die "Can't fork: $!"; exit if $pid; setsid or die "Can't start new session: $!"; open STDERR,'>&STDOUT' or die "Can't duplicate stdout: $!"; if(defined($opt{'pidfile'})) { open PIDF,">$opt{'pidfile'}" or warn "Can't open PID file: $!"; print PIDF $$."\n"; close PIDF; } } =head1 NAME spamd - daemonized version of spamassassin =head1 SYNOPSIS spamd [options] Options: -a, --auto-whitelist, --whitelist Use auto-whitelists -c, --create-prefs Create user preferences files -C path, --configpath=path Path for default config files -d, --daemonize Daemonize -h, --help Print usage message. -i ipaddr, --listen-ip=ipaddr,... Listen on the IP ipaddr (default: -m num, --max-children num Allow maximum num children -p port, --port Listen on specified port (default: 783) -q, --sql-config Enable SQL config (only useful with -x) -r pidfile, --pidfile Write the process id to pidfile -s facility, --syslog=facility Specify the syslog facility (default: mail) -u username, --username=username Run as username -v, --vpopmail Enable vpopmail config -x, --nouser-config Disable user config files -A host,..., --allowed-ips=..,.. Limit ip addresses which can connect -D, --debug Print debugging messages -F 0|1, --add-from, --noadd-from Remove/add 'From ' line (default: add) -L, --local Use local tests only (no DNS) -P, --paranoid Die upon user errors -S, --stop-at-threshold Stop tests after the threshold is reached =head1 OPTIONS Options of the long form can be shortened as long as they remain unambiguous. (i.e. B<--dae> can be used instead of B<--daemonize>) Also, boolean options (like B<--auto-whitelist>) can be negated by adding I<--no> (B<--noauto-whitelist>), however, this is usually unnecessary. =over =item B<-a>, B<--auto-whitelist>, B<--whitelist> Use auto-whitelists. Auto-whitelists track the long-term average score for each sender and then shift the score of new messages toward that long-term average. This can increase or decrease the score for messages, depending on the long-term behavior of the particular correspondent. See the README file for more details. =item B<-c>, B<--create-prefs> Create user preferences files if they don't exist (default: don't). =item B<-C> I, B<--configpath>=I Use the specified path for locating configuration files. Ignore the default directories. =item B<-d>, B<--daemonize> Detach from starting process and run in background (daemonize). =item B<-h>, B<--help> Print a brief help message, then exit without further action. =item B<-i> I, B<--listen-ip>=I, B<--ip-address>=I Tells spamd to listen on the specified IP address [defaults to]. Use to listen on all interfaces. =item B<-p> I, B<--port>=I Optionally specifies the port number for the server to listen on. =item B<-q>, B<--sql-config> Turn on SQL lookups even when per-user config files have been disabled with B<-x>. this is useful for spamd hosts which don't have user's home directories but do want to load user preferences from an SQL database. =item B<-r> I, B<--pidfile>=I Write the process ID of the spamd parent to the file specified by I. The file will be unlinked when the parent exits. =item B<-v>, B<--vpopmail> Enable vpopmail config (only useful with -u set to vpopmail user). This option is useful for vpopmail virtual users who do not have an entry in the system /etc/passwd file. This allows spamd to lookup/create user_prefs in the vpopmail users own maildir. =item B<-s> I, B<--syslog>=I Specify the syslog facility to use (default: mail). =item B<-u> I, B<--username>=I Run as the named user. The alternative, default behaviour is to setuid() to the user running C, if C is running as root. =item B<-x>, B<--nouser-config>, B<--user-config> Turn off(on) per-user config files. All users will just get the default configuration. =item B<-A> I, B<--allowed-ips>=I Specify a list of authorized hosts which can connect to this spamd instance. The list is one of valid IP addresses, separated by commas. By default, connections are only accepted from localhost ( =item B<-D>, B<--debug> Print debugging messages =item B<-L>, B<--local> Perform only local tests on all mail. In other words, skip DNS and other network tests. Works the same as the C<-L> flag to C. =item B<-S>, B<--stop-at-threshold> Stop spam checking as soon as the spam threshold is reached, to increase performance. This option also turns off Razor reporting. =item B<-P>, B<--paranoid> Die on user errors (for the user passed from spamc) instead of falling back to user I and using the default configuration. =item B<-F> I<0 | 1>, B<--add-from>, B<--noadd-from> Ensure that the output email message either always starts with a 'From ' line (I<1>) for UNIX mbox format, or ensure that this line is stripped from the output (I<0>). (default: 1) =item B<-m> I, B<--max-children>=I Specify a maximum number of children to spawn. Spamd will wait until another child finishes before forking again. Meanwhile, incoming connections will be queued. Please note that there is a OS specific maximum of connections that can be queued. (Try C to find this maximum) =back =head1 DESCRIPTION The purpose of this program is to provide a daemonized version of the spamassassin executable. The goal is improving throughput performance for automated mail checking. This is intended to be used alongside C, a fast, low-overhead C client program. See the README file in the C directory of the SpamAssassin distribution for more details. Note: Although spamd will check per-user config files for every message, any changes to the system-wide config files will require restarting spamd for the changes to take effect. =head1 SEE ALSO spamc(1) spamassassin(1) Mail::SpamAssassin(3) Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf(3) =head1 AUTHOR Craig R Hughes Ecraig@hughes-family.orgE =head1 PREREQUISITES C =cut