# SpamAssassin rules file: known spam mailers # # Sometimes these leave 'sent by mailername' fingerprints in the # headers, which provide a nice way for us to catch them. # # Please don't modify this file as your changes will be overwritten with # the next update. Use @@LOCAL_RULES_DIR@@/local.cf instead. # See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details. # # <@LICENSE> # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ########################################################################### header RATWARE_EGROUPS X-Mailer =~ /eGroups Message Poster/ describe RATWARE_EGROUPS Bulk email fingerprint (eGroups) found # Note that the tests which look at the "ALL" pseudoheader are slower than # the specific header. # 100% overlap with X-Stormpost-To: header, but seems wise to leave it in header RATWARE_OE_MALFORMED X-Mailer =~ /^Microsoft Outlook Express \d(?:\.\d+){3} \w+$/ describe RATWARE_OE_MALFORMED X-Mailer has malformed Outlook Express version header RATWARE_MOZ_MALFORMED User-Agent =~ /Mozilla\/5\.0\d\d/ describe RATWARE_MOZ_MALFORMED Bulk email fingerprint (Mozilla malformed) found header RATWARE_MPOP_WEBMAIL X-Mailer =~ /mPOP Web-Mail/i describe RATWARE_MPOP_WEBMAIL Bulk email fingerprint (mPOP Web-Mail) ########################################################################### # Now, detect forgeries of real MUAs # # NOTE: these rules should specify version numbers! # first define situations where servers rewrite message id so we can't use message id to detect forgeries header __HOTMAIL_BAYDAV_MSGID MESSAGEID =~ /^<[A-Z]{3}\d+-(?:DAV|SMTP)\d+[A-Z0-9]{25}\@phx\.gbl>$/m header __IPLANET_MESSAGING_SERVER Received =~ /iPlanet Messaging Server/ header __LYRIS_EZLM_REMAILER List-Unsubscribe =~ /$/ header __SYMPATICO_MSGID MESSAGEID =~ /^$/m header __WACKY_SENDMAIL_VERSION Received =~ /\/CWT\/DCE\)/ meta __UNUSABLE_MSGID (__LYRIS_EZLM_REMAILER || __GATED_THROUGH_RCVD_REMOVER || __WACKY_SENDMAIL_VERSION || __IPLANET_MESSAGING_SERVER || __HOTMAIL_BAYDAV_MSGID || __SYMPATICO_MSGID) ## now on to the forgery rules # AOL header __AOL_MUA X-Mailer =~ /\bAOL\b/ # Internet Mail Service header __IMS_MUA X-Mailer =~ /Internet Mail Service/ header __IMS_MSGID MESSAGEID =~ /^<[A-F\d]{36,40}\@\S+>$/m meta FORGED_MUA_IMS (__IMS_MUA && !__IMS_MSGID && !__UNUSABLE_MSGID) describe FORGED_MUA_IMS Forged mail pretending to be from IMS # Message ID format introduced by Vista MAPI, maybe also Windows 2003 Server SP2 header __VISTA_MSGID MESSAGEID =~ /^<[A-F\d]{32}\@\S+>$/m # Outlook Express 4, 5, and 6 header __OE_MUA X-Mailer =~ /\bOutlook Express [456]\./ header __OE_MSGID_1 MESSAGEID =~ /^<[A-Za-z0-9-]{7}[A-Za-z0-9]{20}\@hotmail\.com>$/m header __OE_MSGID_2 MESSAGEID =~ /^<(?:[0-9a-f]{8}|[0-9a-f]{12})\$[0-9a-f]{8}\$[0-9a-f]{8}\@\S+>$/m meta __FORGED_OE (__OE_MUA && !__OE_MSGID_1 && !__OE_MSGID_2 && !__UNUSABLE_MSGID) # Outlook versions that usually use "dollar signs" header __OUTLOOK_DOLLARS_MUA X-Mailer =~ /^Microsoft Outlook(?: 8| CWS, Build 9|, Build 10)\./ header __OUTLOOK_DOLLARS_OTHER MESSAGEID =~ /^<\!\~\!/m meta __FORGED_OUTLOOK_DOLLARS (__OUTLOOK_DOLLARS_MUA && !__OE_MSGID_2 && !__OUTLOOK_DOLLARS_OTHER && !__VISTA_MSGID && !__IMS_MSGID && !__UNUSABLE_MSGID) # use new meta rules to implement FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK rule from 2.60 # bug 5496: avoid some FPs header __FMO_EXCL_O3416 X-Mailer =~ /^Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.3416$/ header __FMO_EXCL_OE3790 X-Mailer =~ /^Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.3790.3959$/ # bug 5910: __VISTA_MSGID also now used by Outlook Express from XP SP3 # meta FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK ((__FORGED_OE || __FORGED_OUTLOOK_DOLLARS) && !__FMO_EXCL_O3416 && !__FMO_EXCL_OE3790 && !__VISTA_MSGID) describe FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook # Outlook IMO (Internet Mail Only) header __OIMO_MUA X-Mailer =~ /Outlook IMO/ header __OIMO_MSGID MESSAGEID =~ /^<[A-P]{26}A[ABC]\.[-\w.]+\@\S+>$/m meta FORGED_MUA_OIMO (__OIMO_MUA && !__OIMO_MSGID && !__OE_MSGID_2 && !__UNUSABLE_MSGID) describe FORGED_MUA_OIMO Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook IMO # QUALCOMM Eudora # Note: uses X_LOOP and X_MAILING_LIST as subrules # X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0 (and 5.1) # X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version # updated to fix bugs 2047, 2598, 2654 # NOTE: this is the *only* spammish Eudora MUA pattern that wasn't # ignored using __OLD_EUDORA1 and __OLD_EUDORA2 under previous rules. header __EUDORA_MUA X-Mailer =~ /^QUALCOMM Windows Eudora (?:Pro |Light )?Version [3456]\./ header __EUDORA_MSGID MESSAGEID =~ /^<(?:\d\d?\.){3,5}\d{14}\.[a-f0-9]{8}\@\S+(?:\sport\s\d+)?>$/m header __HAS_X_LOOP exists:X-Loop header __HAS_X_MAILING_LIST exists:X-Mailing-List meta FORGED_MUA_EUDORA (__EUDORA_MUA && !__EUDORA_MSGID && !__UNUSABLE_MSGID && !__HAS_X_LOOP && !__HAS_X_MAILING_LIST) describe FORGED_MUA_EUDORA Forged mail pretending to be from Eudora # From private mail with developers. Some top tips here! header __THEBAT_MUA X-Mailer =~ /The Bat!/ header __THEBAT_MUA_V1 X-Mailer =~ /^The Bat! \(v1\./ #header __THEBAT_MUA_V2 X-Mailer =~ /^The Bat! \(v2\./ #header __THEBAT_MUA_V3 X-Mailer =~ /^The Bat! \(v3\./ header __CTYPE_CHARSET_QUOTED Content-Type =~ /charset=\"/i header __CTYPE_HAS_BOUNDARY Content-Type =~ /boundary/i header __BAT_BOUNDARY Content-Type =~ /boundary=\"?-{10}/ header __MAILMAN_21 X-Mailman-Version =~ /\d/ meta FORGED_MUA_THEBAT_CS (__THEBAT_MUA && __CTYPE_CHARSET_QUOTED) meta FORGED_MUA_THEBAT_BOUN (__THEBAT_MUA_V1 && __CTYPE_HAS_BOUNDARY && !__BAT_BOUNDARY && !__MAILMAN_21) describe FORGED_MUA_THEBAT_CS Mail pretending to be from The Bat! (charset) describe FORGED_MUA_THEBAT_BOUN Mail pretending to be from The Bat! (boundary) # bug 4649: bulk mail sent via Yahoo! often looks forged, even when it is not header __YAHOO_BULK Received =~ /from \[\S+\] by \S+\.(?:groups|scd|dcn)\.yahoo\.com with NNFMP/ meta FORGED_OUTLOOK_HTML (!__YAHOO_BULK && __ANY_OUTLOOK_MUA && MIME_HTML_ONLY) describe FORGED_OUTLOOK_HTML Outlook can't send HTML message only # bug 2525: FORGED_IMS_HTML fp'ing because new IMS *DOES* use text/html # ctype. ARGH. This was noted in build 5.5.2656.59, so permit builds # after that to get away with it. header __IMS_HTML_BUILDS X-Mailer =~ /^Internet Mail Service .(?:[6789]\.|5\.[6789]|5\.5\.(?:[3456789]|2[789]|26[6789]|265[6789]))/ header __IMS_HTML_RCVD Received =~ /\bby \S+ with Internet Mail Service .(?:[6789]\.|5\.[6789]|5\.5\.(?:[3456789]|2[789]|26[6789]|265[6789]))/ meta FORGED_IMS_HTML (!__YAHOO_BULK && __IMS_MUA && MIME_HTML_ONLY && !(__IMS_HTML_BUILDS && __IMS_HTML_RCVD)) describe FORGED_IMS_HTML IMS can't send HTML message only meta FORGED_THEBAT_HTML (__THEBAT_MUA_V1 && MIME_HTML_ONLY) describe FORGED_THEBAT_HTML The Bat! can't send HTML message only # bug 2513 header __REPTO_OVERQUOTE Reply-To =~ /"[\w. -]+"\s*\$/ header __MIME_VERSION_APPLEMAIL Mime-Version =~ /^1\.0 \(Apple Message framework v\d+(?:\.\d+)?\)$/ meta __USER_AGENT_APPLEMAIL !__CTYPE_HTML && __X_MAILER_APPLEMAIL && (__MSGID_APPLEMAIL || __MIME_VERSION_APPLEMAIL) # 2003-02-23: quinlan # some useful meta rule sub-elements header __CTYPE_HTML Content-Type =~ /text\/html/i header __ANY_IMS_MUA X-Mailer =~ /^Internet Mail Service\b/ header __ANY_OUTLOOK_MUA X-Mailer =~ /^Microsoft Outlook\b/ header __ANY_QUALCOMM_MUA X-Mailer =~ /\bQUALCOMM\b/ meta FORGED_QUALCOMM_TAGS (__ANY_QUALCOMM_MUA && __MIME_HTML && !__TAG_EXISTS_HTML) describe FORGED_QUALCOMM_TAGS QUALCOMM mailers can't send HTML in this format meta FORGED_IMS_TAGS (!__YAHOO_BULK && __ANY_IMS_MUA && __MIME_HTML && !(__TAG_EXISTS_HTML && __TAG_EXISTS_HEAD && __TAG_EXISTS_META && __TAG_EXISTS_BODY)) describe FORGED_IMS_TAGS IMS mailers can't send HTML in this format meta FORGED_OUTLOOK_TAGS (!__YAHOO_BULK && __ANY_OUTLOOK_MUA && __MIME_HTML && !(__TAG_EXISTS_HTML && __TAG_EXISTS_HEAD && __TAG_EXISTS_META && __TAG_EXISTS_BODY)) describe FORGED_OUTLOOK_TAGS Outlook can't send HTML in this format # Send-Safe ratware (idea from Alan Curry) # random alphanumerics, separated into groups of 16 by dashes (the first # and last group may be shorter), with a lowercase "l" and a number # appended. The final number is the length of the whole string not # including the dashes or the "l". Why? I have no idea. It's # not a tracking code - the spamware does not save it locally. # # jm: it's specifically to throw off MIME base64 encoding, to evade AOL's # filters. # # http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=atp1ip0n22%40enews3.newsguy.com rawbody RATWARE_HASH_DASH /[a-z\d]-[a-z\d]{16}-[a-z\d]{1,16}(?-i:l)\d/i describe RATWARE_HASH_DASH Contains a hashbuster in Send-Safe format # spammer tool, sometimes has "netIP with HTTP;" in Received: header # this is really badly faked. Also the spammer who uses "25250101" # for the build is a total hippie. header RATWARE_GECKO_BUILD User-Agent =~ /Gecko\/(?!200\d\d\d\d\d)\d/ describe RATWARE_GECKO_BUILD Bulk email fingerprint (Gecko faked) found ######################################################################## # Most ratware uses message templates I would guess. # Here's two popular ones... ######################################################################## # This ratware always uses a +0000 TZ in the Date header, and has a multiplicity # of From: header formats. ("From" header samples from Steven Champeon # via the spamtools.lists.abuse.net and SPAM-L lists). # # "First Last" 1 # "First Last" 1 # "First Last" 1 # "First Last" 1 # "First Last" 1 # "First Last" 2 # "First Last" 2 # "First Last" 2 # "First Last" 2 # "First Last" 2 # "First Last" 3 # "First M. Last" 4 # "First M. Last" 4 # "First M. Last" 5 # "First M. Last" 5 # "First M. Last" 5 # "First M. Last" 6 # "First M. Last" 7 # "First M. Last" 7 header __0_TZ_1 From =~ /^\"(\w)(\w+) (\w+)\" <\1\2[\._]?\3_?[a-z][a-z]\@/i header __0_TZ_2 From =~ /^\"(\w)(\w+) (\w+)\" <\1[\._]?\3_?[a-z][a-z]\@/i header __0_TZ_3 From =~ /^\"(\w)(\w+) (\w+)\" <\3_?[a-z][a-z]\@/i header __0_TZ_4 From =~ /^\"(\w)(\w+) (\w)\. (\w+)\" <\1\2[\._]?\4_?[a-z][a-z]\@/i header __0_TZ_5 From =~ /^\"(\w)(\w+) (\w)\. (\w+)\" <\1\2[\._]?\3[\._]?\4_?[a-z][a-z]\@/i header __0_TZ_6 From =~ /^\"(\w)(\w+) (\w)\. (\w+)\" <\1\3\4_?[a-z][a-z]\@/i header __0_TZ_7 From =~ /^\"(\w)(\w+) (\w)\. (\w+)\" <\3[\._]?\4_?[a-z][a-z]\@/i header __RATWARE_0_TZ_DATE Date =~ / \+0000$/ meta RATWARE_ZERO_TZ (__RATWARE_0_TZ_DATE && __CTYPE_HTML && (__0_TZ_1 || __0_TZ_2 || __0_TZ_3 || __0_TZ_4 || __0_TZ_5 || __0_TZ_6 || __0_TZ_7)) describe RATWARE_ZERO_TZ Bulk email fingerprint (+0000) found header X_MESSAGE_INFO exists:X-Message-Info describe X_MESSAGE_INFO Bulk email fingerprint (X-Message-Info) found # case-sensitive rule # only significant rules with no FPs, hit recently, on 2+ corpuses header HEADER_SPAM ALL =~ /^(Alternate-Recipient|Antivirus|Approved|Delivery-Notification|Disclose-Recipients|Error-path|Language|Location|Mime-Subversion|Newsletter-ID|PID|Rot|UID|X-BounceTrace|X-CS-IP|X-Company-Address|X-Company-City|X-Company-Country|X-Company-State|X-Company-Zip|X-E(?:[Mm]ail)?|X-Encoding|X-Originating-Company|X-RMD-Text|X-SG4|X-SP-Track-ID|X-Webmail-Time|X-bounce-to):/m describe HEADER_SPAM Bulk email fingerprint (header-based) found header RATWARE_RCVD_PF Received =~ / \(Postfix\) with ESMTP id [^;]+\; \S+ \d+ \S+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ \S+$/s describe RATWARE_RCVD_PF Bulk email fingerprint (Received PF) found header RATWARE_RCVD_AT Received =~ / by \S+\@\S+ with Microsoft SMTPSVC/ describe RATWARE_RCVD_AT Bulk email fingerprint (Received @) found header __RCVD_WITH_EXCHANGE Received =~ /with Microsoft Exchange Server/ meta RATWARE_OUTLOOK_NONAME __MSGID_DOLLARS_OK && !__HAS_X_MAILER && !__RCVD_WITH_EXCHANGE describe RATWARE_OUTLOOK_NONAME Bulk email fingerprint (Outlook no name) found header __MIMEOLE_MS X-MIMEOLE =~ /^Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE/ meta RATWARE_MS_HASH __MSGID_DOLLARS_OK && !__MIMEOLE_MS && !__RCVD_WITH_EXCHANGE describe RATWARE_MS_HASH Bulk email fingerprint (msgid ms hash) found ########################################################################### ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::HeaderEval header __GATED_THROUGH_RCVD_REMOVER eval:gated_through_received_hdr_remover() header __RATWARE_NAME_ID eval:check_ratware_name_id() meta RATWARE_NAME_ID __RATWARE_0_TZ_DATE && __RATWARE_NAME_ID describe RATWARE_NAME_ID Bulk email fingerprint (msgid from) found header RATWARE_EFROM eval:check_ratware_envelope_from() describe RATWARE_EFROM Bulk email fingerprint (envfrom) found endif ########################################################################### ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEEval body __MIME_HTML eval:check_for_mime_html() endif ########################################################################### ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::HTMLEval body __TAG_EXISTS_BODY eval:html_tag_exists('body') body __TAG_EXISTS_HEAD eval:html_tag_exists('head') body __TAG_EXISTS_HTML eval:html_tag_exists('html') body __TAG_EXISTS_META eval:html_tag_exists('meta') endif