microsling homepage

The microsling code from the sling-whiteboard is OBSOLETE, see the microsling-code module in the main Sling code repository instead.

Sling request processing, reduced to the max!


The goal of microsling is to demonstrate the Sling HTTP request processing in the simplest possible way, to help the community converge on the goals and architecture of this module.

microsling test links

Show me the code

Here's a brief description of how microsling processes HTTP requests. Follow the links to the source code for more details.

If you have followed the links to source code in the above descriptions, you've seen most or all of the interesting microsling source code. What's remaining are a few simple support classes.


To keep things simple, microsling does not use OSGi. We will of course continue to use OSGi in the real Sling, and there are many places in the code which say TODO - use OSGi plugins here. Keeping things "static" for this example makes it easier to concentrate on the basics.

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