Sling ESP blog sample --------------------- WHY THIS SAMPLE? ---------------- This demonstrates the use of ESP server-side javascript to implement a simple blog, with file attachments. A java service uses JCR observation to detect incoming files (either uploaded via the blog forms, or copied via WebDAV), and creates thumbnails of files image files, to demonstrate observation and OSGi SCR services. HOW TO INSTALL -------------- Build this bundle and install it in Sling. For example, if Sling is running on port 8888 (which happens if you start the launchpad/testing module with "mvn jetty:run"), this will build and install it: mvn -P autoInstallBundle clean install -Dsling.url=http://localhost:8888/system/console To verify that the bundle is correctly installed: 1) http://localhost:8888/apps/espblog/html.esp must return the html.esp script. 2) The console at http://localhost:8888/system/console/bundles must list the bundle named "Sling - ESP blog sample" as active. HOW TO TEST ----------- Start by logging in at http://localhost:8888/?sling:authRequestLogin=true, using username=admin and password=admin (TODO: there should be a link for that on the sling index.html page). Once logged in, this should display the "Welcome to the Sling Launchpad" index.html page. Then, http://localhost:8888/content/espblog/*.html should display the "Sling ESP blog sample" page, with the Home/Admin/New Post/... menu. If you get Sling's default HTML rendition instead ("Resource dumped by HtmlRendererServlet") that's probably because the "path-based-rtp" bundle is not installed. Run the above "mvn...clean install" command in the sling/samples/path-based-rtp folder to install it, and reload the page. Create a new post using the "New Post" menu. The post can include an attachment, if that's an image the included ThumbnailGeneratorService generates thumbnails in different sizes, displayed on the post's page. This happens asynchronously, so depending on your machine's speed the thumbnails might only appear after a few seconds. The ESP scripts are found under /apps/espblog in the repository.