= Experimenting with Camel's cwiki-to-svn tools for Sling. =
To test this use
mvn clean install exec:java
Which downloads and renders the SLINGxSITE cwiki pages to
the content folder.
When prompted, enter valid cwiki credentials.
Running several times only renders modified pages (unless flags
force something else, see main method).
= Optional configs =
You will need to pass credentials for a valid confluence user. This can be
done in one of two ways:
1) Command line:
-Dconfluence.user=username -Dconfluence.password=password
2) Profile in .m2/settings.xml
To export the space:
mvn -Pconfluence exec:java -Dcamel.site.output=/path/to/content
should appear in /path/to/content/
In the confluence profile above, you could add a property like:
to simplify passing that into the command.