def svnBase = "" // all modules should be listed here // keys: // - location ( required ) : the SVN directory relatory to svnBase // - jdks (optional) : override the default jdks to use for build // - downstream (optional): list of downstream projects // - archive (optional): list of archive patterns // - extraGoalsParams (optional): additional string for the Maven goals to execute // - rebuildDaily (optional): boolean, when enabled configures the build to run once every // 24 hours,even if no changes are found in source control def modules = [ [ location: 'bundles/api' ], [ location: 'bundles/auth/core' ], [ location: 'bundles/auth/form' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/classloader' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/compiler' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/johnzon', ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/log' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/log-webconsole' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/logservice' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/mime' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/osgi' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/scheduler' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/testing' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/threaddump' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/threads' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/fsclassloader' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/contentdetection' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/metrics' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/metrics-rrd4j' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/' ], [ location: 'bundles/commons/' ], [ location: 'bundles/engine' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/adapter' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/bundleresource' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/caconfig/api' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/caconfig/impl' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/caconfig/integration-tests' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/caconfig/spi' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/dea' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/discovery/api' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/discovery/impl' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/discovery/standalone' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/discovery/support' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/discovery/commons' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/discovery/base' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/discovery/oak' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/event/api' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/event/resource' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/feature-flags' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/framework-extension-activation' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/framework-extension-transaction' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/framework-extension-ws' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/framework-extension-xml' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/fsresource' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/healthcheck/api' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/healthcheck/annotations' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/healthcheck/core' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/healthcheck/it' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/healthcheck/junit-bridge' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/healthcheck/samples' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/healthcheck/support' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/healthcheck/webconsole' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/javax.activation' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/models/api' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/models/impl' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/models/jackson-exporter' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/models/integration-tests' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/models/validation-impl' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/serviceusermapper' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/settings' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/validation/api' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/validation/core' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/validation/examples' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/validation/test-services' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/webconsolebranding' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/webconsolesecurityprovider' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/i18n' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/xss' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/resourcebuilder' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/servlet-helpers' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/repoinit/it' ], [ location: 'bundles/extensions/repoinit/parser' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/api' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/base' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/classloader' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/contentloader' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/contentparser' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/davex' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/it-resource-versioning' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/jackrabbit-accessmanager' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/jackrabbit-base' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/jackrabbit-usermanager' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/jcr-wrapper' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/oak-server', rebuildDaily : true ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/registration' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/resource' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/webconsole' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/webdav' ], [ location: 'bundles/jcr/repoinit' ], [ location: 'bundles/resourceaccesssecurity/core' ], [ location: 'bundles/resourceaccesssecurity/it' ], [ location: 'bundles/resourceresolver' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/api' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/core' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/el-api' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/javascript' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/jsp-api' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/jsp-jstl' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/jsp-taglib' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/jsp' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/sightly/compiler' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/sightly/java-compiler' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/sightly/engine', downstream: [ 'bundles/scripting/sightly/testing-content', 'bundles/scripting/sightly/testing' ] ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/sightly/js-use-provider' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/sightly/models-use-provider' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/sightly/repl' ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/sightly/testing-content', downstream: ['bundles/scripting/sightly/testing'] ], [ location: 'bundles/scripting/sightly/testing' ], [ location: 'bundles/servlets/get' ], [ location: 'bundles/servlets/post' ], [ location: 'bundles/servlets/resolver' ], [ location: 'contrib/auth/' ], [ location: 'contrib/auth/' ], [ location: 'contrib/auth/' ], [ location: 'contrib/commons/html' ], [ location: 'contrib/commons/mom/api' ], [ location: 'contrib/commons/mom/jms' ], [ location: 'contrib/commons/mom/jobs/core' ], [ location: 'contrib/commons/mom/jobs/it-services' ], [ location: 'contrib/commons/mom/jobs/it' ], [ location: 'contrib/crankstart/launcher', extraGoalsParams: '-Dorg.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories=,' ], [ location: 'contrib/crankstart/test-services' ], [ location: 'contrib/crankstart/test-model' ], [ location: 'contrib/explorers/resourceeditor' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/cache/api' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/cache/container-test' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/cache/ehcache' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/cache/impl' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/cache/infinispan' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/cache/portal' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/cassandra' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/collection' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/datasource' ], [ location: "contrib/extensions/sling-pipes" ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/distribution/api' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/distribution/core' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/distribution/it', archive: ["**/logs/error.log"] ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/distribution/sample' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/hapi/samplecontent' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/hapi/core' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/hapi/client' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/jmxprovider' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/leak-detector' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/logback-groovy-fragment' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/mongodb' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/reqanalyzer' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/resource-inventory' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/resourcemerger' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/rewriter' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/security' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/slf4j-mdc' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/sling-query' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/startup-filter-disabler' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/startup-filter' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/superimposing' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/tenant' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/urlrewriter' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/tracer' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/logtail' ], [ location: 'contrib/nosql/couchbase-client' ], [ location: 'contrib/nosql/couchbase-resourceprovider' ], [ location: 'contrib/nosql/generic' ], [ location: 'contrib/nosql/launchpad' ], [ location: 'contrib/nosql/mongodb-resourceprovider' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/sling-dynamic-include' ], [ location: 'contrib/extensions/oak-restrictions' ], [ location: 'contrib/jcr/resourcesecurity' ], [ location: 'contrib/jcr/js/nodetypes' ], [ location: 'contrib/launchpad/debian' ], [ location: 'contrib/launchpad/testing' ], [ location: 'contrib/scripting/freemarker' ], [ location: 'contrib/scripting/groovy' ], [ location: 'contrib/scripting/java' ], [ location: 'contrib/scripting/script-console' ], [ location: 'contrib/scripting/xproc' ], [ location: 'contrib/scripting/' ], [ location: "installer/console" ], [ location: "installer/core" ], [ location: 'installer/factories/configuration' ], [ location: 'installer/factories/deploymentpck' ], [ location: 'installer/factories/packages' ], [ location: 'installer/factories/subsystems' ], [ location: 'installer/factories/subsystem_base' ], [ location: "installer/hc" ], [ location: "installer/it" ], [ location: "installer/providers/jcr" ], [ location: "installer/providers/file" ], [ location: 'karaf/' ], [ location: 'karaf/' ], [ location: 'karaf/' ], [ location: 'karaf/' ], [ location: 'karaf/' ], [ location: 'launchpad/api' ], [ location: 'launchpad/base' ], [ location: 'launchpad/builder', downstream: ["launchpad/testing", "launchpad/testing-war"], archive: ["**/logs/error.log"] ], [ location: 'launchpad/content', downstream: ['launchpad/builder'] ], [ location: 'launchpad/installer' ], [ location: 'launchpad/integration-tests' ], [ location: 'launchpad/test-bundles', downstream: ["launchpad/testing", "launchpad/testing-war"] ], [ location: 'launchpad/test-fragment', downstream: ["launchpad/test-bundles"] ], [ location: 'launchpad/test-services-war', downstream: ["launchpad/test-bundles"] ], [ location: 'launchpad/test-services', downstream: ["launchpad/test-bundles"] ], [ location: 'launchpad/testing-war', archive: ["**/logs/error.log"], jdks: ['1.8','9'] ], [ location: 'launchpad/testing', archive: ["**/logs/error.log"], jdks: ['1.8','9'] ], [ location: "parent" ], [ location: 'samples/custom-login-form' ], [ location: 'samples/espblog' ], [ location: 'samples/fling' ], [ location: 'samples/javashell' ], [ location: 'samples/mail-archive/james-wrapper' ], [ location: 'samples/mail-archive/server' ], [ location: 'samples/mail-archive/stats' ], [ location: 'samples/mail-archive/ui' ], [ location: 'samples/path-based-rtp' ], [ location: 'samples/post-servlet-extensions' ], [ location: 'samples/slingbucks' ], [ location: 'samples/slingshot' ], [ location: 'samples/testing/bundle-with-it' ], [ location: 'samples/testing/module-with-it' ], [ location: 'testing/email' ], [ location: 'testing/junit/core', downstream: ["launchpad/test-bundles"] ], [ location: 'testing/junit/healthcheck' ], [ location: 'testing/junit/performance' ], [ location: 'testing/junit/remote', downstream: ["launchpad/test-bundles"] ], [ location: 'testing/junit/scriptable', downstream: ["launchpad/test-bundles"] ], [ location: 'testing/junit/teleporter' ], [ location: 'testing/junit/rules' ], [ location: 'testing/mocks/caconfig-mock-plugin' ], [ location: 'testing/mocks/jcr-mock' ], [ location: 'testing/mocks/osgi-mock' ], [ location: 'testing/mocks/resourceresolver-mock' ], [ location: 'testing/mocks/sling-mock' ], [ location: 'testing/mocks/logging-mock' ], [ location: 'testing/mocks/sling-mock-oak' ], [ location: 'testing/sling-pax-util' ], [ location: 'testing/tools' ], [ location: 'testing/hamcrest' ], [ location: 'testing/http/clients' ], [ location: 'testing/serversetup' ], [ location: 'testing/' ], [ location: 'tooling/bnd/caconfig-bnd-plugin' ], [ location: 'tooling/bnd/models-bnd-plugin' ], [ location: 'tooling/support/install' ], [ location: 'tooling/support/provisioning-model' ], [ location: 'tooling/support/source' ] ] // TODO - move job definitions to separate file to separate data from code // should be sorted from the oldest to the latest version // so that artifacts built using the oldest version are // deployed for maximum compatibility def defaultJdks = ["1.8"] def defaultMvn = "Maven 3.3.9" def defaultSlave = "ubuntu" def jdkMapping = [ "1.7": "JDK 1.7 (latest)", "1.8": "JDK 1.8 (latest)", "9" : "JDK 9 b181" ] modules.each { module -> def svnDir = svnBase +"/" + module.location def jdks = module.jdks ?: defaultJdks def deploy = true def downstreamProjects = module.downstream?: [] def downstreamEntries = modules.findAll { downstreamProjects.contains(it.location) } def downstreamJobs = [] downstreamEntries.each { downstreamEntry -> def downstreamJdks = downstreamEntry.jdks?: defaultJdks def downstreamLocation = downstreamEntry.location downstreamJdks.each { downstreamJdk -> downstreamJobs.add(jobName(downstreamLocation,downstreamJdk)) } } jdks.each { jdkKey -> mavenJob(jobName(module.location, jdkKey)) { description('''

This build was automatically generated and any manual edits will be lost.

See Sling Jenkins Setup for more details

''') logRotator { numToKeep(15) } scm { svn(svnDir) { svnNode -> svnNode / browser(class: 'hudson.scm.browsers.ViewSVN') / url << '' } } blockOnUpstreamProjects() triggers { snapshotDependencies(true) scm('H/15 * * * *') def rebuildFrequency = module.rebuildDaily ? '@daily' : '@weekly' cron(rebuildFrequency) } // timeout if the job takes 4 times longer than the average // duration of the last 3 jobs. Defaults to 30 minutes if // no previous job executions are found wrappers { timeout { elastic(400, 3, 30) } } blockOnUpstreamProjects() jdk(jdkMapping.get(jdkKey)) mavenInstallation(defaultMvn) // we have no use for archived artifacts since they are deployed on // so speed up the build a bit (and probably // save on disk space) archivingDisabled(true) label(defaultSlave) // ensure that only one job deploys artifacts // besides being less efficient, it's not sure which // job is triggered first and we may end up with a // mix of Java 7 and Java 8 artifacts for projects which // use these 2 versions def extraGoalsParams = module.extraGoalsParams ?: "" goals( (deploy ? "-U clean deploy" : "-U clean verify") + " " + extraGoalsParams) publishers { if ( deploy && downstreamJobs ) { downstream(downstreamJobs) } if (module.archive) { archiveArtifacts() { module.archive.each { archiveEntry -> pattern(archiveEntry) } } } // TODO - can we remove the glob and rely on the defaults? archiveJunit('**/target/surefire-reports/*.xml,**/target/failsafe-reports/*.xml') { allowEmptyResults() } // send emails for each broken build, notify individuals as well mailer('', false, true) } deploy = false } } } String jobName(String location, String jdk) { return "sling-" + location.replaceAll('/','-')+'-' + jdk; }