Sling user manager UI sample --------------------- WHY THIS SAMPLE? ---------------- This demonstrates some sample UI for user/group discovery, creation and update. PRE-REQUISITES -------------- This sample uses the i18n support provided by the bundle, so that bundle must be installed into your sling instance first. HOW TO INSTALL -------------- Build this bundle and install it in Sling. For example, if Sling is running on port 8888 (which happens if you start the launchpad/builder module with "mvn launchpad:run"), this will build and install it: mvn -P autoInstallBundle clean install -Dsling.url=http://localhost:8888/system/console To verify that the bundle is correctly installed: 1) http://localhost:8888/libs/sling/usermgmt/page.html.esp must return the page.html.esp script. 2) The console at http://localhost:8888/system/console/bundles must list the bundle named "Apache Sling User Manager UI sample" as active. HOW TO TEST ----------- Login to sling as the admin user. Open http://localhost:8888/system/userManager.html Use the links in the left sidebar to get to the pages that enable you to find, update or create users/groups.