# Complete example with several intermixed statement types create service user user1, u-ser_2 set ACL on /libs,/apps remove * for user1,u-ser_2 allow jcr:read for user1,u-ser_2 deny jcr:write for u-ser_2 deny jcr:lockManagement for user1 remove jcr:understand,some:other for u3 end create service user bob_the_service # Verify that indent is not required set ACL on /tmp allow some:otherPrivilege for bob_the_service end # Nodetypes inside the path apply to just that path element create path /content/example.com(sling:Folder) # A nodetype in front is used as the default for all path elements create path (nt:unstructured) /var set ACL for alice, bob,fred remove * on / allow jcr:read on /content,/var deny jcr:write on /content/example.com deny jcr:all on / nodetypes example:Page end set ACL for restrictions_examples deny jcr:modifyProperties on /apps, /content nodetypes sling:Folder, nt:unstructured restriction(rep:itemNames,prop1,prop2) allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps restriction(rep:ntNames,sling:Folder,nt:unstructured) allow jcr:modifyProperties on /apps restriction(rep:ntNames,sling:Folder,nt:unstructured) restriction(rep:itemNames,prop1,prop2) allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps,/content restriction(rep:glob,/cat/*,*/cat,*cat/*) end register namespace ( NSprefix ) uri:someURI/v1.42 register nodetypes <<=== << [slingevent:Event] > nt:unstructured, nt:hierarchyNode - slingevent:topic (string) - slingevent:properties (binary) ===>> create user userE with password {someEncoding} afdgwdsdf create user one_with-more-chars.ok:/123456 with password {encoding_with.ok-:/12345} pw-with.ok-:/13456 create service user the-last-one disable service user svc1 : "This is the message"