# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # # This file contains localization strings for configuration labels and # descriptions as used in the metatype.xml descriptor generated by the # the SCR plugin config.name=Apache Sling Oak-Based Discovery Service Configuration config.description = The configuration of the Oak based discovery service implementation. connectorPingTimeout.name = Connector Ping timeout (seconds) connectorPingTimeout.description = Configure the timeout (in seconds) after which an announcement \ sent via a topology connector is considered timed out. Default is 120 seconds. connectorPingInterval.name = Connector Ping interval (seconds) connectorPingInterval.description = Configure the interval (in seconds) according to which the \ topology connector pings are exchanged in the topology. Default is 30 seconds. discoveryLiteCheckInterval.name = Discovery-Lite Check interval (seconds) discoveryLiteCheckInterval.description = Configure the interval (in seconds) with which Oak's \ discoveryLite descriptor should be checked for changes. Default is 2 seconds. \ Note that the timeout value is configured within Oak directly. clusterSyncServiceTimeout.name = SyncService timeout (seconds) clusterSyncServiceTimeout.description = Configure the timeout (in seconds) after which \ the SyncService gives up when it did not see sync tokens of peer instances in the cluster. \ The SyncService mechanism ensures switching to a new topology is handled synchronously \ in the cluster and if this timeout is hit, there is a risk of an instance not having \ noticed a new topology just yet. Default is 120 seconds. clusterSyncServiceInterval.name = SyncService interval (seconds) clusterSyncServiceInterval.description = Configure the interval (in seconds) at which \ the SyncService checks for sync tokens or their timeout. Default is 2 seconds. enableSyncToken.name = Enable the SyncService enableSyncToken.description = When enabled, the SyncService that exchanges sync tokens \ upon every topology change is used. The SyncService ensures that a topology change event \ is only sent once all instances have indicated they are aware of the ongoing change. \ Disabling this results in the topology change events being sent out quicker, however \ without a synchronization guarantee. minEventDelay.name = Minimal Event Delay (seconds) minEventDelay.description = Configure a minimal delay (in seconds) between TOPOLOGY_CHANGING \ and TOPOLOGY_CHANGED. Any further changes happening during this delay are accumulated and \ combined in the TOPOLOGY_CHANGED after this delay. This helps avoiding event-flooding. \ Default is 3 seconds. A negative value or zero disables this delay. topologyConnectorUrls.name = Topology Connector URLs topologyConnectorUrls.description = URLs where to join a topology, e.g. \ http://localhost:4502/libs/sling/topology/connector topologyConnectorWhitelist.name = Topology Connector Whitelist topologyConnectorWhitelist.description = List of IPs and/or hostnames which are allowed to \ connect to the connector URL. There are four variants here: 1. provide a plain hostname. \ 2. provide an IP address. 3. provide a hostname or IP address with wildcards (* or ?). \ 4. provide an IP address with a subnet mask, either using the CIDR notation: \ or an IP address, space, subnet mask: discoveryResourcePath.name = Discovery Resource Path discoveryResourcePath.description = Path of resource where to keep discovery information. \ The default is /var/discovery/oak. leaderElectionRepositoryDescriptor.name = Repository Descriptor Name leaderElectionRepositoryDescriptor.description = Name of the repository descriptor to be taken \ into account for leader election: those instances have preference to become leader which have \ the corresponding descriptor value of 'false'. invertRepositoryDescriptor.name = Invert Repository Descriptor invertRepositoryDescriptor.description = Enabling this property allows to invert the \ repository descriptor value that is obtained via the configured 'leaderElectionRepositoryDescriptor' \ (thus only applies if that is configured). Default is 'false' (don't invert). autoStopLocalLoopEnabled.name = Auto-Stop Local-Loops autoStopLocalLoopEnabled.description = If true, and the discovery.impl detects a local-looping \ topology connector, the corresponding topology connector will be automatically stopped. \ This is useful to prevent unnecessary loops with eg pre-configured topology connectors. gzipConnectorRequestsEnabled.name = gzip requests gzipConnectorRequestsEnabled.description = If true, the payloads of topology connector requests \ will be gzipped. This is advisable on certain connector structures, eg in a tree structure, where \ a topology connector announces a large sub-topology. Note that this only works with \ the server running discovery.impl 1.0.4 and onwards. Replies are gzipped automatically. socketConnectTimeout.name = connector's socket.connect() timeout socketConnectTimeout.description = Timeout (in seconds!) for the topology connector's \ socket.connect() soTimeout.name = connector's read timeout soTimeout.description = Topology connector's socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) (in seconds!) which is \ the timeout for waiting for data hmacEnabled.name = Enable Hmac message signatures hmacEnabled.description = If true, and the Shared Key is set to the same value on all members of the \ topology, the messages will be validated using a HMAC of a digest of the body of the message. \ The hmac and message digest are in the HTTP request and response headers. Both requests and responses \ are signed. enableEncryption.name = Enable Message encryption enableEncryption.description = If Message HMACs are enabled and there is a shared key set, setting this to \ true will encrypt the body of the message using 128 bit AES encryption. Once encrypted you will not be able \ debug the messages at the http level. sharedKey.name = Message shared key. sharedKey.description = If message signing and encryption is used, this should be set to the same value \ on all members of the same topology. If any member of the topology has a different key it will effectively \ be excluded from the topology even if it attempts to send messages to other members of the topology. hmacSharedKeyTTL.name = Shared Key TTL hmacSharedKeyTTL.description = Shared keys for message signatures are derived from the configured shared key. \ Each derived key has a lifetime (TTL). Once that time has expired a new key is derived and used for hmac signatures. \ This setting, sets the TTL in ms. Keys that are 2 lifetimes old are ignored. Set according to you level of paranoia, \ but don't set to less than the greatest possible clock drift between members of the topology. The default is 4 hours. Setting \ to a ridiculously low value will increase the turnover of keys. Generating a key takes about 2ms. There is no risk of \ memory consumption with low values, only a risk of the topology falling apart due to incorrectly set clocks. backoffStableFactor.name = Backoff factor for stable connectors backoffStableFactor.description = When a topology connector is stable (ie no changes occuring in the announcements sent), \ then the heartbeat frequency is lowered, ie the heartbeatInterval for this connector is steadily increased, at maximum by the \ backoffStableFactor. backoffStandbyFactor.name = Backoff factor for standby connectors backoffStandbyFactor.description = When a topology connector is in standby mode (ie when it is redundant), the heartbeat \ frequency is lowered, ie the heartbeatInterval for this connector is increased , at maximum by the backoffStandbyFactor