Title: Links Here are some links to other resources ## Articles * [Java Content Repository: The Best Of Both Worlds](http://java.dzone.com/articles/java-content-repository-best) - by Bertrand Delacretaz on Javalobby - uses the Sling HTTP interface to demonstrate JCR features. * [Accessing Relational Data as SLING RESTful URLs](http://www.lucamasini.net/Home/sling-and-cq5/accessing-relational-data-as-sling-restful-urls) - by Luca Masini * [Your First Day With Sakai Nakamura](http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/KERNDOC/Your+First+Day+With+Sakai+Nakamura) - Sakai Nakamura is based on Sling, that introductory article has very good explanations of REST and Sling basics, and on why hierarchies are useful on the Web. ## About Sling * [Sling on dev.day.com](http://dev.day.com/microsling/content/blogs/main.html?category=sling) - Day's developers blog, regularly includes articles on Sling and JCR. Powered by Sling, of course. * [Sling on Lars Trieloff's Blog](http://weblogs.goshaky.com/weblogs/lars/tags/sling) - Lars regularly writes on his experiences with Sling. Most notably the mini series of three entries introducing Sling and microsling. * [Sling links at del.icio.us](http://del.icio.us/tag/sling+jcr) - If you're a del.icio.us user, please tag Sling-related posts with both *sling* and *jcr* tags, so that they appear in that list. * [Sling on Fisheye](http://fisheye6.atlassian.com/browse/sling) - code repository viewer, activity statistics, etc. * [Sling on ohloh](https://www.ohloh.net/p/sling) - activity and community statistics. * [Sling on MarkMail](http://sling.markmail.org/) - searchable mailing list archives. ## Projects using Sling * Gert Vanthienen succeeded in installing Sling into the new Apache ServiceMix kernel and documented his experience [Sling On ServiceMix Kernel](http://servicemix.apache.org/SMX4KNL/running-apache-sling-on-servicemix-kernel.html) ## Sling Presentations and Screencasts * [Presentations tagged with "sling" at slideshare](http://www.slideshare.net/tag/sling) The following screencasts demonstrate Day Software's CRX quickstart product, powered by Sling: * [First Steps with CRX Quickstart](http://dev.day.com/microsling/content/blogs/main/firststeps1.html) * [TheServerSide.com in 15 minutes](http://dev.day.com/microsling/content/blogs/main/firststeps2.html) ## From ApacheCon EU 08 * [ApacheCon EU 08 Fast Feather Track Presentation on Sling](/res/docs/ApacheConEU08_FFT_Sling.pdf) * [JCR Meetup Presentation on Sling Architecture](/res/docs/ApacheConEU08_JCR_Meetup_Sling_Architecture.pdf) ## From ApacheCon US 07 * [ApacheCon US 07 Fast Feather Track Presentation on Sling](/res/docs/ApacheConUS07_FFT_Sling.pdf) * [Feathercast On Day 4 with an interview on Sling with Felix](http://feathercast.org/?p=59) ## Technology used by Sling * [Apache Jackrabbit](http://jackrabbit.apache.org) - The reference implementation of the Content Repository for Java (JCR) Specification. This implementation is used in Sling as the primary repository. * [JSR 170: Content Repository for Java{tm} technology API](http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=170) - The specification of the repository API. * [Apache Felix](http://felix.apache.org) - The OSGi Framework implementation we use in Sling. * [The OSGi Alliance](http://www.osgi.org) - The OSGi Alliance is the specification body defining the OSGi Core and Compendium Services. These specifications are at the center of making Sling possible.