Title: JCR Mocks Mock implementation of selected JCR APIs for easier testing. It stores all data in-memory in a HashMap to ensure instantly creating and destroying of the JCR repository. [TOC] ## Maven Dependency #!xml org.apache.sling org.apache.sling.testing.jcr-mock See latest version on the [downloads page](/downloads.cgi). ## Implemented mock features The mock implementation supports: * Reading and writing all data (primitive values, arrays, binary data) via the JCR API * Creating any number of nodes and properties (stored in-memory in a hash map) * Register namespaces * Queries are supported by setting expected results for a given query The following features are *not supported*: * Node types are supported in the API, but their definitions and constraints are not applied * Versioning not supported * Transactions not supported * Observation events can be registered but are ignored * Access control always grants access * Exporting/Importing data via document and system views not supported * Workspace management methods not supported ## Usage ### Getting JCR mock objects The factory class `MockJcr` allows to instantiate the different mock implementations. Example: #!java // get session Session session = MockJcr.newSession(); // get repository Repository repository = MockJcr.newRepository(); The repository is empty and contains only the root node. You can use the JCR API to read or write content. ### Mocking queries If you want to test code that contains a JCR query you can simulate a query execution and set the result to return during setting up your unit test. Example: #!java // prepare mocked search result List resultNodes = ImmutableList.of(node1, node2, node3); // return this result for all queries MockJcr.setQueryResult(session, resultNodes); // return this result for a specific query MockJcr.setQueryResult(session, "your query statement", Query.JCR_SQL2, resultNodes); Alternatively you can use the `MockJcr.addQueryResultHandler` method to pass a callback object that allows you to return a query result after inspecting the given query object.