Title: Operators ### Contains `[name*=value]` Select resources that have property `name` containing `value`: // select children pages titled 'foo', 'foo bar', 'bar foo bar', 'foofoofoo', etc. $(resources).children("cq:Page[jcr:content/jcr:title*=foo]") ### Contains a word `[name~=value]` Select resources that have property `name` containing word `value` delimited with spaces: // select children pages titled 'foo', 'foo bar', 'bar foo bar', but not 'foofoofoo' $(resources).children("cq:Page[jcr:content/jcr:title~=foo]") ### Ends with `[name$=value]` Select resources that have property `name` ending with `value`: // select children pages titled 'foo', 'bar foo', etc. $(resources).children("cq:Page[jcr:content/jcr:title$=foo]") ### Equals `[name=value]` Select resources that have property `name` that equals to `value`: $(resources).children("cq:Page[jcr:content/jcr:title=foo]") ### Not equal `[name!=value]` Select resources that have property `name` that not equals to `value`: $(resources).children("cq:Page[jcr:content/jcr:title!=foo]") ### Starts with `[name^=value]` Select resources that have property `name` starting with `value`: // select children pages titled 'foo', 'foo bar', etc. $(resources).children("cq:Page[jcr:content/jcr:title^=foo]") ### Has attribute `[name]` Select resources that have property `name`: $(resources).find("[markerProperty]")