Sling JCR-based applications framework Copyright 2007 The Apache Software Foundation. This product includes software developed at The Apache Software Foundation ( FreeMarker templates support is provided by the FreeMarker libraries, which are licensed under a BSD-like license ( The original FreeMarker software can be downloaded at . Ruby templates support is provided by the JRuby libraries, which are licensed under CPL 1.0 license. The original JRuby software can be downloaded at . Server-side javascript support is provided by the Rhino libraries, which are open-source software licensed under an MPL 1.1 license [1]. The original Rhino software can be downloaded at . Notes: [1] Reciprocity Required by some Components: Some included third-party works are licensed under terms that require distribution of derivative works to be made available under the same license as the original work. See the Apache product's LICENSE file to find the applicable third-party licenses. [2] See for the ASF third-party licenses policy.