AbstractCoordinateOperation changes for revisions 28105:28106

This commit propagates the method signature changes in GeoAPI. Reverting this change causes compilation errors, which are fixed by reapplying the changes in a similar (but not identical) way. For example getValidArea() has been renamed getDomainOfValidity(), which we have no choice to add in SIS too. But the old method has been removed from SIS and the field has also been renamed.

Command line:

svn diff --extensions "--unified --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style" -r28105:28106 https://svn.osgeo.org/geotools/trunk/modules/library/referencing/src/main/java/org/geotools/referencing/operation/AbstractCoordinateOperation.java
Revision 28105Revision 28106
 * @see #getAccuracy()
public Collection<PositionalAccuracy> getPositionalAccuracy() {
    if (positionalAccuracy == null) {
        return Collections.emptySet();
    return positionalAccuracy;

 * Convenience method returning the accuracy in meters. The default implementation delegates
 * @see #getAccuracy()
public Collection<PositionalAccuracy> getPositionalAccuracy() {
    return getCoordinateOperationAccuracy();

 * Convenience method returning the accuracy in meters. The default implementation delegates
public double getAccuracy() {
    return getAccuracy0(this);

 * Convenience method returning the accuracy in meters for the specified operation. This method
 * try each of the following procedures and returns the first successful one:
public double getAccuracy() {
    return getAccuracy0(this);
 * Estimate(s) of the impact of this operation on point accuracy. Gives
 * position error estimates for target coordinates of this coordinate
 * operation, assuming no errors in source coordinates.
 * @return The position error estimates, or an empty collection if not available.
public Collection<PositionalAccuracy> getCoordinateOperationAccuracy() {
    if (positionalAccuracy == null) {
        return Collections.emptySet();
    return positionalAccuracy;
 * Convenience method returning the accuracy in meters for the specified operation. This method
 * try each of the following procedures and returns the first successful one:
public Extent getValidArea() {
    return validArea;

 * Description of domain of usage, or limitations of usage, for which this operation is valid.
public InternationalString getScope() {
public Extent getValidArea() {
    return validArea;
 * Area or region or timeframe in which this coordinate operation is valid.
 * @return The coordinate operation valid domain, or {@code null} if not available.
public Extent getDomainOfValidity() {
    return validArea;
 * Description of domain of usage, or limitations of usage, for which this operation is valid.
public InternationalString getScope() {