TableInfo changes for revisions 26085:26086

This change has been reverted.

Command line:

svn diff --extensions "--unified --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style" -r26085:26086
Revision 26085Revision 26086
        this.subTypes   = subTypes;
        this.typeNames  = typeNames;
        this.subTypes   = subTypes;
        this.typeNames  = typeNames;

     * We test 'isTypeOf' by checking isAssignableFrom both ways, which may seems strange but try
     * to catch the following use cases:
     * <ul>
     * <li>table.type.isAssignableFrom(kind)
     *    is for the case where a table is for CoordinateReferenceSystem while the user
     *    type is some subtype like GeographicCRS. The GeographicCRS need to be queried
     *    into the CoordinateReferenceSystem table. An additional filter will be applied
     *    inside the AuthorityCodes class implementation.
     * <ul>kind.isAssignableFrom(table.type)
     *    is for the case where the user type is IdentifiedObject or Object, in which
     *    case we basically want to iterate through every tables.
     * </ul>
    public boolean isTypeOf( Class kind ){
        return (type.isAssignableFrom(kind) || kind.isAssignableFrom(type));