AuthorityCodes changes for revisions 25939:25940

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Revision 25939Revision 25940
 * @author Martin Desruisseaux
final class AuthorityCodes extends AbstractSet implements Serializable {
     * The logger name.
 * @author Martin Desruisseaux
final class AuthorityCodes extends AbstractSet implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7105664579449680562L;

     * The logger name.
 * set is in use. This is required because {@link FactoryUsingSQL#finalize} closes the JDBC
 * connections.
private final FactoryUsingSQL factory;

 * The type for this code set. This is translated to the most appropriate
 * set is in use. This is required because {@link FactoryUsingSQL#finalize} closes the JDBC
 * connections.
private final DirectEpsgFactory factory;

 * The type for this code set. This is translated to the most appropriate
public AuthorityCodes(final Connection      connection,
                      final TableInfo       table,
                      final Class           type,
                      final FactoryUsingSQL factory)
    this.factory    = factory;
    this.connection = connection;
public AuthorityCodes(final Connection      connection,
                      final TableInfo       table,
                      final Class           type,
                      final DirectEpsgFactory factory)
    this.factory    = factory;
    this.connection = connection;