MathTransformTestCase changes for revisions 25008:25050

Removed those factories from Apache SIS MathTransformTestCase.

Command line:

svn diff --extensions "--unified --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style" -r25008:25050
Revision 25008Revision 25050
import junit.framework.TestCase;

// Geotools dependencies
import org.geotools.referencing.FactoryFinder;

// OpenGIS dependencis
import junit.framework.TestCase;

// Geotools dependencies
import org.geotools.referencing.ReferencingFactoryFinder;

// OpenGIS dependencis
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;

// Geotools dependencies
import org.geotools.geometry.DirectPosition2D;
import org.geotools.geometry.GeneralDirectPosition;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;

// Geotools dependencies
import org.geotools.factory.Hints;
import org.geotools.geometry.DirectPosition2D;
import org.geotools.geometry.GeneralDirectPosition;
 * The default datum factory.
protected static final DatumFactory datumFactory = FactoryFinder.getDatumFactory(null);

 * The default coordinate reference system factory.
protected static final CRSFactory crsFactory = FactoryFinder.getCRSFactory(null);

 * The default math transform factory.
protected static final MathTransformFactory mtFactory = FactoryFinder.getMathTransformFactory(null);

 * The default transformations factory.
protected static final CoordinateOperationFactory opFactory = FactoryFinder.getCoordinateOperationFactory(null);

 * Random numbers generator.
 * The default datum factory.
protected static DatumFactory datumFactory;

 * The default coordinate reference system factory.
protected static CRSFactory crsFactory;

 * The default math transform factory.
protected static MathTransformFactory mtFactory;

 * The default transformations factory.
protected static CoordinateOperationFactory opFactory;

 * Random numbers generator.

 * Convenience method for checking if a boolean value is false.
public static void assertFalse(final boolean value) {

protected void setUp() throws Exception {

    Hints hints = getHintsForTesting();

    datumFactory = ReferencingFactoryFinder.getDatumFactory( hints );
    crsFactory = ReferencingFactoryFinder.getCRSFactory( hints );
    mtFactory = ReferencingFactoryFinder.getMathTransformFactory( hints );
    opFactory = ReferencingFactoryFinder.getCoordinateOperationFactory( hints );

 * Subclass can overrride
 * @return null
protected Hints getHintsForTesting(){
    return null;
 * Convenience method for checking if a boolean value is false.
public static void assertFalse(final boolean value) {