DefaultGeoreferenceable changes for revisions 24972:24973

This commit contains new methods added as a result of changes in GeoAPI interfaces. Some of those methods (getGeoreferencedParameters()) were automatically generated by the IDE, and a regenerated in the same way by NetBeans.

Reverting this change causes a compilation failures, which are resolved by putting back the same method signatures (can be done automatically by the IDE). Next, the method bodies have been replaced by more complete implementations by the Geotk/SIS authors.

The deprecated method has been removed.

Action: all contributions forced by changes in GeoAPI interfaces (mostly import statements and method signatures) have been rewritten from scratch by creating an empty Java class implementing the interface, clicking on the "Implement all abstract methods" contextual menu in NetBeans, removing the <? extends> part in parameterized type of collections, adding the synchronized keyword (for now) and finally adding the corresponding private fields. This action has been committed in the Apache SIS JDK7 branch at revision 1458238.

Command line:

svn diff --extensions "--unified --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style" -r24972:24973
Revision 24972Revision 24973
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.CellGeometry;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.Georeferenceable;
import org.opengis.util.InternationalString;

// Geotools dependencies
import org.geotools.resources.Utilities;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.CellGeometry;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.Georeferenceable;
import org.opengis.util.InternationalString;
import org.opengis.util.Record;

// Geotools dependencies
import org.geotools.resources.Utilities;
 * Terms which support grid data georeferencing.
private Object parameters;

 * Reference providing description of the parameters.
 * Terms which support grid data georeferencing.
private Record parameters;

 * Reference providing description of the parameters.
 * Terms which support grid data georeferencing.
public Object getParameters() {
    return parameters;

 * Set terms which support grid data georeferencing.
public synchronized void setParameters(final Object newValue) {
    parameters = newValue;
 * Terms which support grid data georeferencing.
 * @deprecated please use getGeoreferencedParameters
public Object getParameters() {
    return getGeoreferencedParameters();

 * Terms which support grid data georeferencing.
public Record getGeoreferencedParameters() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

 * Set terms which support grid data georeferencing.
 * @deprecated please use setGeoreferencedParameters
public synchronized void setParameters(final Object newValue) {
    parameters = (Record) newValue;

 * Set terms which support grid data georeferencing.
public synchronized void setGeoreferencedParameters(final Record newValue) {
    parameters = newValue;
protected void freeze() {
    orientationParameterDescription = (InternationalString) unmodifiable(orientationParameterDescription);
    parameters                      = (Object)              unmodifiable(parameters);
    parameterCitation               = (Collection)          unmodifiable(parameterCitation);
protected void freeze() {
    orientationParameterDescription = (InternationalString) unmodifiable(orientationParameterDescription);
    parameters                      = (Record)              unmodifiable(parameters);
    parameterCitation               = (Collection)          unmodifiable(parameterCitation);