DefaultExtent changes for revisions 24972:24973

Replacement of boolean primitive type by Boolean wrapper. This change has been forced by a GeoAPI change. This contribution has been "reverted" (actually, rely on auto-unboxing) SIS.

Command line:

svn diff --extensions "--unified --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style" -r24972:24973
Revision 24972Revision 24973
 * ones (if any). All exclusion boxes before the first inclusion box are ignored.
if (candidate == null) {
    if (bounds.getInclusion()) {
        candidate = bounds;
} else {
 * ones (if any). All exclusion boxes before the first inclusion box are ignored.
if (candidate == null) {
    if (bounds.getInclusion().booleanValue()) {
        candidate = bounds;
} else {