MolodenskyTransform changes for revisions 13436:13437

That assertion statement has been removed in Apache SIS.

Command line:

svn diff --extensions "--unified --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style" -r13436:13437
Revision 13436Revision 13437
private final double daa, da_a;

 * The square of excentricity of the ellipsoid: e² = (a²-b²)/a² where
 * <var>a</var> is the semi-major axis length and
 * <var>b</var> is the semi-minor axis length.
private final double daa, da_a;

 * The square of excentricity of the ellipsoid: e� = (a�-b�)/a� where
 * <var>a</var> is the semi-major axis length and
 * <var>b</var> is the semi-minor axis length.
    // Assertions: computes the inverse transform in the 3D-case only
    //             (otherwise the transform is too approximative).
    final float error;
    assert !(target3D && srcPts!=dstPts &&
            (error=maxError(null, srcPts, srcOff, null, dstPts, dstOff, numPts)) > EPS) : error;

    // Assertions: computes the inverse transform in the 3D-case only
    //             (otherwise the transform is too approximative).
    final float error;
    error=maxError(null, srcPts, srcOff, null, dstPts, dstOff, numPts);

    assert !(target3D && srcPts!=dstPts && error > EPS) : error;

    // Assertions: computes the inverse transform in the 3D-case only
    //             (otherwise the transform is too approximative).
    final float error;
    assert !(target3D && srcPts!=dstPts &&
            (error=maxError(srcPts, null, srcOff, dstPts, null, dstOff, numPts)) > EPS) : error;

    // Assertions: computes the inverse transform in the 3D-case only
    //             (otherwise the transform is too approximative).
    final float error;
    error=maxError(srcPts, null, srcOff, dstPts, null, dstOff, numPts);
    assert !(target3D && srcPts!=dstPts &&error > EPS) : error;
