MapProjection changes for revisions 11694:11695

The change does not apply to Apache SIS since we do not store the centralMeridian in the map projection base class anymore.

Command line:

svn diff --extensions "--unified --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style" -r11694:11695
Revision 11694Revision 11695
    if (distance > getToleranceForAssertions(longitude, latitude)) {
        // Do not fail for NaN values.
        throw new AssertionError("\u03B5=" + distance +
                                 " (\u0394\u03BB=" + (longitude-centralMeridian) + "\u00B0" +
                                 ", \u0394\u03C6=" + (latitude-latitudeOfOrigin) + "\u00B0)");
} catch (TransformException exception) {
    final AssertionError error = new AssertionError(exception.getLocalizedMessage());
    if (distance > getToleranceForAssertions(longitude, latitude)) {
        // Do not fail for NaN values.
        throw new AssertionError("\u03B5=" + distance +
                                 " (\u0394\u03BB=" + (longitude-Math.toDegrees(centralMeridian)) + "\u00B0" +
                                 ", \u0394\u03C6=" + (latitude-Math.toDegrees(latitudeOfOrigin)) + "\u00B0)");
} catch (TransformException exception) {
    final AssertionError error = new AssertionError(exception.getLocalizedMessage());