EllipsoidToCentricTransform changes for revisions 9130:9131

Addition of pseuso-EPSG names for axis lengths has not be retained for Apache SIS. Addition of EPSG names for operation methods were taken from the EPSG registry.

Command line:

svn diff --extensions "--unified --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style" -r9130:9131 https://svn.osgeo.org/geotools/trunk/modules/library/referencing/src/main/java/org/geotools/referencing/operation/transform/GeocentricTransform.java
Revision 9130Revision 9131
        public static final ParameterDescriptor SEMI_MAJOR = createDescriptor(
                new Identifier[] {
                    new Identifier(Citation.OPEN_GIS, "semi_major"),
// TODO                    new Identifier(Citation.EPSG,     "")
                Double.NaN, 0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, SI.METER);
public static final ParameterDescriptor SEMI_MAJOR = createDescriptor(
        new Identifier[] {
            new Identifier(Citation.OPEN_GIS, "semi_major"),
            new Identifier(Citation.EPSG,     "semi-major axis")   //epsg does not specifically define this parameter
        Double.NaN, 0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, SI.METER);
        public static final ParameterDescriptor SEMI_MINOR = createDescriptor(
                new Identifier[] {
                    new Identifier(Citation.OPEN_GIS, "semi_minor"),
// TODO                    new Identifier(Citation.EPSG,     "")
                Double.NaN, 0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, SI.METER);
public static final ParameterDescriptor SEMI_MINOR = createDescriptor(
        new Identifier[] {
            new Identifier(Citation.OPEN_GIS, "semi_minor"),
            new Identifier(Citation.EPSG,     "semi-minor axis")   //epsg does not specifically define this parameter
        Double.NaN, 0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, SI.METER);
 * The parameters group.
static final ParameterDescriptorGroup PARAMETERS = createDescriptorGroup(
        "Ellipsoid_To_Geocentric", "9602", ResourceKeys.GEOCENTRIC_TRANSFORM);

 * Construct the parameters group.
static ParameterDescriptorGroup createDescriptorGroup(final String ogc,
                                                      final String epsg,
                                                      final int geotools)
    return createDescriptorGroup(new Identifier[] {
            new Identifier(Citation.OPEN_GIS, ogc),
            new Identifier(Citation.EPSG,     epsg),
            new Identifier(Citation.GEOTOOLS, Resources.formatInternational(geotools))
        }, new ParameterDescriptor[] {
 * The parameters group.
static final ParameterDescriptorGroup PARAMETERS = createDescriptorGroup(
        "Ellipsoid_To_Geocentric", "Geographic/geocentric conversions",
        "9602", ResourceKeys.GEOCENTRIC_TRANSFORM);

 * Construct the parameters group.
static ParameterDescriptorGroup createDescriptorGroup(final String ogc,
                                                      final String epsgName,
                                                      final String epsgCode,
                                                      final int geotools)
    return createDescriptorGroup(new Identifier[] {
            new Identifier(Citation.OPEN_GIS, ogc),
            new Identifier(Citation.EPSG,     epsgName),
            new Identifier(Citation.EPSG,     epsgCode),
            new Identifier(Citation.GEOTOOLS, Resources.formatInternational(geotools))
        }, new ParameterDescriptor[] {
 * @todo The EPSG code seems to be the same than for the direct transform.
static final ParameterDescriptorGroup PARAMETERS = createDescriptorGroup(
        "Geocentric_To_Ellipsoid", "9602", ResourceKeys.GEOCENTRIC_TRANSFORM);

 * Create a provider.
 * @todo The EPSG code seems to be the same than for the direct transform.
static final ParameterDescriptorGroup PARAMETERS = createDescriptorGroup(
        "Geocentric_To_Ellipsoid", "Geographic/geocentric conversions",
        "9602", ResourceKeys.GEOCENTRIC_TRANSFORM);

 * Create a provider.