TransformSeparator (previously DimensionFilter) history

This class was named DimensionFilter in GeoTools.

Click on the commit message for inspecting the diff and how the code has been rewritten.

Command line:

svn log -r31996:1
Rev. Date Author Message
306412008-06-12acusterCopyright headers: lib/referencing, this time with feeling (and the el in Toolkit)
306392008-06-12acusterCopyright headers: cleanup library/referencing
305212008-06-05acusterCopyright: Update referencing headers
302582008-05-08acusterReshuffle the top level repo: drop uDig, move up trunk, tags, and branches.
302572008-05-08acusterMove trunk/gt/ directory contents up to trunk/ and drop gt
298292008-04-07desruisseauxInside synchronized blocks, avoid to call methods that user could override.
298062008-04-04desruisseauxAdded the capability to use a custom DimensionFilter on GridGeometry2D construction.
290922008-02-05desruisseauxDocumentation updates. Java 5 type safety mostly in EPSG factories. LogarithmicTransform1D optimization by using the new (and presumably more accurate) Java 5 Math.log10(double) method.
289742008-01-27desruisseauxGEOT-1659 fix: CRS.decode(...) search for URN factory even if system hints contains "force longitude first" hint.
289222008-01-24acusterBump the (at)since version to 2.5 since WKTParser was cut from 2.4
287182008-01-11simboss-adding constructor with hints
285402007-12-29acusterHide buttons which are not yet used
285272007-12-28desruisseauxGridCoverage2D.evaluate(DirectPosition) now reprojects on the fly if the DirectPosition CRS is different than the GridCoverage CRS.
285202007-12-27desruisseauxAdded @Override annotation for safety.
280812007-11-27desruisseauxJava 5 constructs: replaced some StringBuffer by StringBuilder in order to avoid unecessary synchronisation; rely on auto-boxing in order to give a chance to the JVM to reuse its cached values.
275752007-10-22desruisseauxConverted Java source files from ISO-LATIN-1 encoding to UTF-8 (GEOT-1516).
250502007-04-06jgarnettexample of custom file based TestSutie, copy JTS parsing code over to unsupported/geometry
223272006-10-23desruisseauxGEOT-982: regroup 'module', 'plugin', 'ext' and 'unsupported' in a common directory.
223152006-10-22desruisseauxReorganisation of directory tree structure (GEOT-982) phase 1: moved 'src' to 'src/main/java'.
208742006-08-07jgarnettip review
176722006-01-19desruisseauxAdded @source tag.
176602006-01-18desruisseauxFixed SVN attributes, including the addition of URL attribute.
153502005-08-16desruisseauxMerged the 'split-main' branch to trunk (GEOT-662)
153252005-08-13desruisseauxCreated a matrix package on top of vecmath / Fixed 'getPositionalAccuracy' issues
152562005-08-09desruisseauxExtraction of referencing module from main
152552005-08-09desruisseauxPrepare branch for splitting main
148342005-07-20desruisseauxReorganized I18N resources
139252005-05-30desruisseauxAdded @since javadoc tag
139222005-05-29desruisseauxRenaming of remainding GeoAPI implementations. Renaming is now finished.
129652005-04-05desruisseauxMerged 'factory-hints' branch r12393:12964 into the trunk. Added 'getImplementationHints()' method after the merge into Factory implementations, in order to get Geotools to compile with Maven.
119602005-03-10desruisseauxFirst draft of GridCoverage 'resampler' operation port
116542005-02-25desruisseauxGridGeometry work, which includes a first working version of DimensionFilter
116232005-02-24desruisseauxCompleted the port of 'separateInput'. 'separateOutput' remain to be done. Both are needed for GridGeometry in the grid coverage package.
115722005-02-23desruisseauxInitial port of sub-transform, required for some grid coverages