Overview of Apache sis-utility module. This Javadoc is only about one specific module. For the full Apache SIS project, see the aggregated Javadoc.

The sis-utility module provides simple data objects and miscellaneous utilities. The services provided by this module include internationalization, operations on common Java types like Arrays and character strings, logging, and more.

Some functionalities provided by this module may overlap some external libraries like common-logging and commons-collections. However this module often implement them in a slightly different way. For example instead of defining new API for logging operations, SIS uses the standard Java logging framework with optional adaptors on top of java.util.logging.Logger for users who want to redirect to other logging frameworks.

Since this is not the purpose of this module to compete with dedicated libraries, this module should be considered as mostly internal to the Apache SIS project. For example any future SIS release may change the collection implementations (how they perform synchronizations, how they handle exceptions, etc.) in order to fit SIS needs.