Apache Singa
A General Distributed Deep Learning Library
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Csinga::lang::_CppTo implemente functions using cpp libraries
 Csinga::lang::_CudaTo implemente functions using cuda libraries
 Csinga::lang::_OpenclTo implement function using opencl libraries
 Csinga::BlockBlock represent a chunk of memory (on device or host)
 Csinga::ChannelChannel for appending metrics or other information into files or screen
 Csinga::ConstraintApply constraints for parameters (gradient)
 Csinga::DecoderThe base decoder that converts a string into a set of tensors
 Csinga::CSVDecoderDecode the string of csv formated data into data tensor (dtype is kFloat32) and optionally a label tensor (dtype is kInt)
 Csinga::DeviceAllocate memory and execute Tensor operations
 Csinga::CppCPURepresent a CPU device which may have multiple threads/executors
 Csinga::EncoderBase encoder class that convert a set of tensors into string for storage
 Csinga::CSVEncoderConvert values from tensors into a csv formated string
 CFactory< T, ID >Factory template to generate class (or a sub-class) object based on id
 Csinga::FeedForwardNetThe feed-forward neural net
 Csinga::init::MSRARef: [He, Zhang, Ren and Sun 2015]: Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification
 Csinga::init::XavierRef: [Bengio and Glorot 2010] Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks
 Csinga::LayerThe base layer class
 Csinga::LossThe base loss class, which declares the APIs for computing the objective score (loss) for a pair of prediction (from the model) and the target (i.e
 Csinga::MSEMSE is for mean squared error or squared euclidean distance
 Csinga::SoftmaxCrossEntropySoftmax + cross entropy for multi-category classification
 Csinga::MetricThe base metric class, which declares the APIs for computing the performance evaluation metrics given the prediction of the model and the ground truth, i.e., the target
 Csinga::AccuracyCompute the accuray of the prediction, which is matched against the ground truth labels
 Csinga::OptimizerThe base class for gradient descent algorithms used to update the model parameters in order to optimize the objective (loss) function
 Csinga::PlatformThis class queries all available calculating devices on a given machine grouped according to manufacturer or device drivers
 CPriorityQueue< T >Thread safe priority queue
 Csinga::io::ReaderGeneral Reader that provides functions for reading tuples
 Csinga::io::BinFileReaderBinfilereader reads tuples from binary file with key-value pairs
 Csinga::io::TextFileReaderTextFileReader reads tuples from CSV file
 CRegistra< Base, Sub, ID >
 Csinga::RegularizerApply regularization for parameters (gradient), e.g., L1 norm and L2 norm
 CSafeQueue< T, Container >Thread-safe queue
 CSafeQueue< Element, std::priority_queue< Element > >
 Csinga::SchedulerScheduling Tensor operations with dependency detection
 CSingleton< T >Thread-safe implementation for C++11 according to
 Csinga::SnapshotThe snapshot management
 Csinga::TensorA Tensor instance is a multi-dimensional array resident on a Device (default device is the host CPU)
 Csinga::TimerFor benchmarking the time cost of operations
 Csinga::TokenizerTokenize a string
 Csinga::TransformerBase apply class that does data transformations in pre-processing stage
 Csinga::UpdaterBasic Updater class just forward all the method function call to the wrapped Optimizer
 Csinga::LocalUpdaterLocalUpdater do gradient aggregation and update gradient calling the wrapped Optimizer on a specific device (i.e., CPU or GPU)
 Csinga::VirtualMemoryManage device memory pool including garbage collection, memory opt
 Csinga::io::WriterGeneral Writer that provides functions for writing tuples
 Csinga::io::BinFileWriterBinFile stores training/validation/test tuples
 Csinga::io::TextFileWriterTextFileWriter write training/validation/test tuples in CSV file