Apache Singa
A General Distributed Deep Learning Library
20 #include "singa/model/layer.h"
21 #include "singa/model/loss.h"
22 #include "singa/model/metric.h"
23 #include "singa/model/updater.h"
24 #include <thread>
25 #include <memory>
26 namespace singa {
32  public:
33  FeedForwardNet() = default;
42  std::shared_ptr<Layer> Add(std::shared_ptr<Layer> layer);
44  // TODO(wangwei) add ConcatenateLayer and SliceLayer
45  // AddConcatenateLayer(vector<Layer*> src, Layer *dst);
46  // AddSliceLayer(Layer* layer, vector<Layer*> dst);
52  std::shared_ptr<Layer> Add(const LayerConf& conf,
53  const Shape* sample_shape = nullptr);
63  void Compile(bool shuffle, Optimizer* opt, Loss* loss, Metric* metric);
73  void Compile(bool shuffle, bool to_register, std::shared_ptr<Updater> updater,
74  Loss* loss, Metric* metric);
82  void Train(size_t batchsize, int nb_epoch, const Tensor& x, const Tensor& y,
83  float val_split = 0.0f);
89  void Train(size_t batchsize, int nb_epoch, const Tensor& x, const Tensor& y,
90  const Tensor& val_x, const Tensor& val_y);
92  const std::pair<float, float> TrainOnBatch(int epoch, const Tensor& x,
93  const Tensor& y);
103  std::pair<Tensor, Tensor> Evaluate(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& y,
104  size_t batchsize = 128);
106  std::pair<Tensor, Tensor> EvaluateOnBatch(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& y);
114  const Tensor Predict(const Tensor& x, size_t batchsize = 128);
116  const Tensor PredictOnBatch(const Tensor& x);
120  const Tensor Forward(int flag, const Tensor& x);
123  const vector<Tensor> Backward(int flag, const Tensor& grad);
127  FeedForwardNet Clone(std::shared_ptr<Device> device);
129  void ToDevice(std::shared_ptr<Device> device);
130  void ToHost() { ToDevice(defaultDevice); }
132  void AsType(DataType dtype);
135  std::thread TrainThread(size_t batchsize, int nb_epoch, const Tensor& x,
136  const Tensor& y, const Tensor& val_x,
137  const Tensor& val_y) {
138  return std::thread(
139  [=]() { Train(batchsize, nb_epoch, x, y, val_x, val_y); });
140  }
143  std::thread TrainThread(size_t batchsize, int nb_epoch, const Tensor& x,
144  const Tensor& y) {
145  return std::thread([=]() { Train(batchsize, nb_epoch, x, y); });
146  }
148  const vector<std::shared_ptr<Layer>> layers() const { return layers_; }
149  const vector<string> GetParamNames() const;
150  const vector<ParamSpec> GetParamSpecs() const;
151  const vector<Tensor> GetParamValues() const;
153  protected:
154  vector<std::shared_ptr<Layer>> layers_;
155  std::shared_ptr<Updater> updater_;
156  Loss* loss_;
157  Metric* metric_;
159  bool shuffle_ = true;
160  Device* device_ = nullptr;
161  DataType dtype_ = kFloat32;
162 };
164 } /* singa */
Delete all layers.
const vector< Tensor > Backward(int flag, const Tensor &grad)
Backward layers one by one using the gradient batch &#39;grad&#39;.
const Tensor PredictOnBatch(const Tensor &x)
Predict for one batch data.
A Tensor instance is a multi-dimensional array resident on a Device (default device is the host CPU)...
Definition: tensor.h:56
void Train(size_t batchsize, int nb_epoch, const Tensor &x, const Tensor &y, float val_split=0.0f)
Conduct the training giving the training data &#39;x&#39; and label &#39;y&#39;.
const std::pair< float, float > TrainOnBatch(int epoch, const Tensor &x, const Tensor &y)
Train the neural net over one batch of training data.
std::pair< Tensor, Tensor > EvaluateOnBatch(const Tensor &x, const Tensor &y)
Evaluate the neural net for one batch of data.
std::thread TrainThread(size_t batchsize, int nb_epoch, const Tensor &x, const Tensor &y)
A wrapper method to spawn a thread to execute Train() method.
Definition: feed_forward_net.h:143
std::thread TrainThread(size_t batchsize, int nb_epoch, const Tensor &x, const Tensor &y, const Tensor &val_x, const Tensor &val_y)
A wrapper method to spawn a thread to execute Train() method.
Definition: feed_forward_net.h:135
Allocate memory and execute Tensor operations.
Definition: device.h:56
void Compile(bool shuffle, Optimizer *opt, Loss *loss, Metric *metric)
Set some fields used for training and evaluating the neural net.
The base loss class, which declares the APIs for computing the objective score (loss) for a pair of p...
Definition: loss.h:31
std::shared_ptr< Device > defaultDevice
a singleton CppDevice as the host for all devices.
std::pair< Tensor, Tensor > Evaluate(const Tensor &x, const Tensor &y, size_t batchsize=128)
Evaluate the neural net with given data.
void AsType(DataType dtype)
Set the data type of each layer.
void ToDevice(std::shared_ptr< Device > device)
Move the layer data to the given device.
const Tensor Forward(int flag, const Tensor &x)
Forward layers one by one using the data batch &#39;x&#39;.
const Tensor Predict(const Tensor &x, size_t batchsize=128)
Predict the probability distributation over candicate classes for each data sample.
The base metric class, which declares the APIs for computing the performance evaluation metrics given...
Definition: metric.h:32
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements...
Definition: common.h:48
The feed-forward neural net.
Definition: feed_forward_net.h:31
The base class for gradient descent algorithms used to update the model parameters in order to optimi...
Definition: optimizer.h:41
FeedForwardNet Clone(std::shared_ptr< Device > device)
Clone the neuaral net by cloning every layer to the given device.
std::shared_ptr< Layer > Add(std::shared_ptr< Layer > layer)
Add a layer with the assumption that.