Apache Singa
A General Distributed Deep Learning Library
singa::Constraint Member List

This is the complete list of members for singa::Constraint, including all inherited members.

Apply(int epoch, const Tensor &value, Tensor &grad, int step=-1)singa::Constraint
Apply(int epoch, const vector< Tensor > &values, const vector< Tensor > &grads, int step=-1)singa::Constraint
Constraint()=default (defined in singa::Constraint)singa::Constraint
Constraint(const ConstraintConf &conf) (defined in singa::Constraint)singa::Constraintinlineexplicit
Constraint(const string &type, float threshold) (defined in singa::Constraint)singa::Constraintinline
Setup(const ConstraintConf &conf) (defined in singa::Constraint)singa::Constraint
Setup(const string &conf_str) (defined in singa::Constraint)singa::Constraintinline