Apache Singa
A General Distributed Deep Learning Library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NsingaLicensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements
 CMSRARef: [He, Zhang, Ren and Sun 2015]: Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification
 CXavierRef: [Bengio and Glorot 2010] Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks
 CBinFileReaderBinfilereader reads tuples from binary file with key-value pairs
 CBinFileWriterBinFile stores training/validation/test tuples
 CReaderGeneral Reader that provides functions for reading tuples
 CTextFileReaderTextFileReader reads tuples from CSV file
 CTextFileWriterTextFileWriter write training/validation/test tuples in CSV file
 CWriterGeneral Writer that provides functions for writing tuples
 C_CppTo implemente functions using cpp libraries
 C_CudaTo implemente functions using cuda libraries
 C_OpenclTo implement function using opencl libraries
 CAccuracyCompute the accuray of the prediction, which is matched against the ground truth labels
 CBlockBlock represent a chunk of memory (on device or host)
 CChannelChannel for appending metrics or other information into files or screen
 CConstraintApply constraints for parameters (gradient)
 CCppCPURepresent a CPU device which may have multiple threads/executors
 CCSVDecoderDecode the string of csv formated data into data tensor (dtype is kFloat32) and optionally a label tensor (dtype is kInt)
 CCSVEncoderConvert values from tensors into a csv formated string
 CDecoderThe base decoder that converts a string into a set of tensors
 CDeviceAllocate memory and execute Tensor operations
 CEncoderBase encoder class that convert a set of tensors into string for storage
 CFeedForwardNetThe feed-forward neural net
 CLayerThe base layer class
 CLocalUpdaterLocalUpdater do gradient aggregation and update gradient calling the wrapped Optimizer on a specific device (i.e., CPU or GPU)
 CLossThe base loss class, which declares the APIs for computing the objective score (loss) for a pair of prediction (from the model) and the target (i.e
 CMetricThe base metric class, which declares the APIs for computing the performance evaluation metrics given the prediction of the model and the ground truth, i.e., the target
 CMSEMSE is for mean squared error or squared euclidean distance
 COptimizerThe base class for gradient descent algorithms used to update the model parameters in order to optimize the objective (loss) function
 CPlatformThis class queries all available calculating devices on a given machine grouped according to manufacturer or device drivers
 CRegularizerApply regularization for parameters (gradient), e.g., L1 norm and L2 norm
 CSchedulerScheduling Tensor operations with dependency detection
 CSnapshotThe snapshot management
 CSoftmaxCrossEntropySoftmax + cross entropy for multi-category classification
 CTensorA Tensor instance is a multi-dimensional array resident on a Device (default device is the host CPU)
 CTimerFor benchmarking the time cost of operations
 CTokenizerTokenize a string
 CTransformerBase apply class that does data transformations in pre-processing stage
 CUpdaterBasic Updater class just forward all the method function call to the wrapped Optimizer
 CVirtualMemoryManage device memory pool including garbage collection, memory opt
 CFactoryFactory template to generate class (or a sub-class) object based on id
 CPriorityQueueThread safe priority queue
 CSafeQueueThread-safe queue
 CSingletonThread-safe implementation for C++11 according to