Interface FilterChainResolver

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface FilterChainResolver
    A FilterChainResolver can resolve an appropriate FilterChain to execute during a ServletRequest. It allows resolution of arbitrary filter chains which can be executed for any given request or URI/URL.

    This mechanism allows for a much more flexible FilterChain resolution than normal web.xml servlet filter definitions: it allows arbitrary filter chains to be defined per URL in a much more concise and easy to read manner, and even allows filter chains to be dynamically resolved or constructed at runtime if the underlying implementation supports it.

    • Method Detail

      • getChain

        FilterChain getChain​(ServletRequest request,
                             ServletResponse response,
                             FilterChain originalChain)
        Returns the filter chain that should be executed for the given request, or null if the original chain should be used.

        This method allows a implementation to define arbitrary security Filter chains for any given request or URL pattern.

        request - the incoming ServletRequest
        response - the outgoing ServletResponse
        originalChain - the original FilterChain intercepted by the ShiroFilter implementation.
        the filter chain that should be executed for the given request, or null if the original chain should be used.