Interface ConfigurableHashService

    • Method Detail

      • setPrivateSalt

        void setPrivateSalt​(ByteSource privateSalt)
        Sets the 'private' (internal) salt to be paired with a 'public' (random or supplied) salt during hash computation.
        privateSalt - the 'private' internal salt to be paired with a 'public' (random or supplied) salt during hash computation.
      • setHashIterations

        void setHashIterations​(int iterations)
        Sets the number of hash iterations that will be performed during hash computation.
        iterations - the number of hash iterations that will be performed during hash computation.
      • setRandomNumberGenerator

        void setRandomNumberGenerator​(RandomNumberGenerator rng)
        Sets a source of randomness used to generate public salts that will in turn be used during hash computation.
        rng - a source of randomness used to generate public salts that will in turn be used during hash computation.