Class CasToken

    • Method Detail

      • getPrincipal

        public Object getPrincipal()
        Description copied from interface: AuthenticationToken
        Returns the account identity submitted during the authentication process.

        Most application authentications are username/password based and have this object represent a username. If this is the case for your application, take a look at the UsernamePasswordToken, as it is probably sufficient for your use.

        Ultimately, the object returned is application specific and can represent any account identity (user id, X.509 certificate, etc).

        Specified by:
        getPrincipal in interface AuthenticationToken
        the account identity submitted during the authentication process.
        See Also:
      • getCredentials

        public Object getCredentials()
        Description copied from interface: AuthenticationToken
        Returns the credentials submitted by the user during the authentication process that verifies the submitted account identity.

        Most application authentications are username/password based and have this object represent a submitted password. If this is the case for your application, take a look at the UsernamePasswordToken, as it is probably sufficient for your use.

        Ultimately, the credentials Object returned is application specific and can represent any credential mechanism.

        Specified by:
        getCredentials in interface AuthenticationToken
        the credential submitted by the user during the authentication process.
      • isRememberMe

        public boolean isRememberMe()
        Description copied from interface: RememberMeAuthenticationToken
        Returns true if the submitting user wishes their identity (principal(s)) to be remembered across sessions, false otherwise.
        Specified by:
        isRememberMe in interface RememberMeAuthenticationToken
        true if the submitting user wishes their identity (principal(s)) to be remembered across sessions, false otherwise.
      • setRememberMe

        public void setRememberMe​(boolean isRememberMe)