getSecurityToken(); if ($token == null) { $this->sendSecurityError(); return; } $request = $this->parseGetRequest($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $this->dispatch($request, $token); } /** * parses all $_GET parameters according to rpc spec * @see * * @param string $parameters should be $_GET on production * @return array */ public function parseGetRequest($parameterString) { // we have to parse the query parameters by hand because parse_str or the built in // $_GET replace '.' with '_' in parameter keys $parameters = array(); $pairs = explode('&', $parameterString); foreach ($pairs as $pair) { if (strpos($pair, '=') !== false) { list($key, $value) = explode('=', $pair); $parameters[$key] = urldecode($value); } } $request = array(); foreach($parameters as $key => $value) { // parse value lists like field=1,2,3,4,5 if (strpos($value, ',') !== false) { $parsedValue = explode(',', $value); } else { $parsedValue = $value; } // handle multidimensional nested keys like field.nested=value if (strpos($key, '.') > 0) { $keyParts = explode('.', $key); $request = $this->getMultiDimensionalArray($request, $keyParts, $parsedValue); } else { $request = $this->getMultiDimensionalArray($request, array($key), $parsedValue); } } return $request; } /** * parses a multidimensional parameter * e.g. to 'params' => array('foo' => 'bar') * * @param array $request * @param array $keyParts * @param mixed $value * @return array */ private function getMultiDimensionalArray($request, $keyParts, $value) { if (! $keyParts) { return $value; } $key = array_shift($keyParts); $matches = array(); // handle something like field(0).nested1=value1&field(1).nested2=value2 if (preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\(([0-9]*)\)$/', $key, $matches)) { $key = $matches[1]; array_unshift($keyParts, $matches[2]); } if (! isset($request[$key])) { $request[$key] = array(); } $value = $this->getMultiDimensionalArray($request[$key], $keyParts, $value); if (is_array($value)) { $request[$key] = $value + $request[$key]; } else { $request[$key] = $value; } return $request; } /** * RPC Post request */ public function doPost() { $token = $this->getSecurityToken(); if ($token == null || $token == false) { $this->sendSecurityError(); return; } if (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']) || isset($_POST['request'])) { $requestParam = isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']) ? $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] : (get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_POST['request']) : $_POST['request']); $request = json_decode($requestParam, true); if ($request == $requestParam) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Malformed json string"); } } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Missing POST data"); } if ((strpos($requestParam, '[') !== false) && strpos($requestParam, '[') < strpos($requestParam, '{')) { // Is a batch $this->dispatchBatch($request, $token); } else { $this->dispatch($request, $token); } } /** * * @param array $batch * @param SecurityToken $token */ public function dispatchBatch($batch, $token) { $responses = array(); // Gather all Futures. We do this up front so that // the first call to get() comes after all futures are created, // which allows for implementations that batch multiple Futures // into single requests. for ($i = 0; $i < count($batch); $i ++) { $batchObj = $batch[$i]; $requestItem = new RpcRequestItem($batchObj, $token); $responses[$i] = $this->handleRequestItem($requestItem); } // Resolve each Future into a response. // TODO: should use shared deadline across each request $result = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($batch); $i ++) { $batchObj = $batch[$i]; $key = isset($batchObj["id"]) ? $batchObj["id"] : null; $responseItem = $this->getJSONResponse($key, $this->getResponseItem($responses[$i])); $result[] = $responseItem; } $this->encodeAndSendResponse($result); } /** * * @param array $request * @param SecurityToken $token */ public function dispatch($request, $token) { $key = null; if (isset($request["id"])) { $key = $request["id"]; } $requestItem = new RpcRequestItem($request, $token); // Resolve each Future into a response. // TODO: should use shared deadline across each request $a = $this->handleRequestItem($requestItem); $response = $this->getResponseItem($a); $result = $this->getJSONResponse($key, $response); $this->encodeAndSendResponse($result); } /** * * @param string $key * @param ResponseItem $responseItem * @return array */ private function getJSONResponse($key, ResponseItem $responseItem) { $result = array(); if ($key != null) { $result["id"] = $key; } if ($responseItem->getError() != null) { $result["error"] = $this->getErrorJson($responseItem); } else { $response = $responseItem->getResponse(); $converted = $response; if ($response instanceof RestfulCollection) { // FIXME this is a little hacky because of the field names in the RestfulCollection $converted->list = $converted->entry; unset($converted->entry); $result[$this->resultKey] = $converted; } elseif ($response instanceof DataCollection) { $result[$this->resultKey] = $converted->getEntry(); } else { $result[$this->resultKey] = $converted; } } return $result; } // TODO(doll): Refactor the responseItem so that the fields on it line up with this format. // Then we can use the general converter to output the response to the client and we won't // be harcoded to json. /** * * @param ResponseItem $responseItem * @return array */ private function getErrorJson(ResponseItem $responseItem) { $error = array(); $error["code"] = $responseItem->getError(); $error["message"] = $responseItem->getErrorMessage(); return $error; } /** * encodes data to json, adds jsonp callback if requested and sends response * to client * * @param array $data * @return string */ private function encodeAndSendResponse($data) { // TODO: Refactor this class to use the OutputJsonConverter, so that we do not have to duplicate // encoding and JSONP handling here if (isset($_GET['callback']) && preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\_\.]*$/', $_GET['callback'])) { echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . json_encode($data) . ')'; return; } echo json_encode($data); } /** * * @param ResponseItem $responseItem */ public function sendError(ResponseItem $responseItem) { $error = $this->getErrorJson($responseItem); $this->encodeAndSendResponse($error); } }