service = new $service(); } } catch (ConfigException $e) { // Do nothing. If service name is not specified in the config file. // All the requests to the handler will throw not implemented exception. // The handler function should invoke checkService method before serving. } } private static $GET_SYNONYMS = array("get"); private static $CREATE_SYNONYMS = array("post", "create"); private static $UPDATE_SYNONYMS = array("put", "update"); private static $DELETE_SYNONYMS = array("delete"); /** * * @param RequestItem $requestItem * @return ResponseItem */ public function handleItem(RequestItem $requestItem) { try { $token = $requestItem->getToken(); $method = strtolower($requestItem->getMethod()); if ($token->isAnonymous() && ! in_array($method, self::$GET_SYNONYMS)) { // Anonymous requests are only allowed to GET data (not create/edit/delete) throw new SocialSpiException("[$method] not allowed for anonymous users", ResponseError::$BAD_REQUEST); } elseif (in_array($method, self::$GET_SYNONYMS)) { $parameters = $requestItem->getParameters(); if (in_array("@supportedFields", $parameters, true)) { $response = $this->getSupportedFields($parameters); } else { $response = $this->handleGet($requestItem); } } elseif (in_array($method, self::$UPDATE_SYNONYMS)) { $response = $this->handlePut($requestItem); } elseif (in_array($method, self::$DELETE_SYNONYMS)) { $response = $this->handleDelete($requestItem); } elseif (in_array($method, self::$CREATE_SYNONYMS)) { $response = $this->handlePost($requestItem); } else { throw new SocialSpiException("Unserviced Http method type", ResponseError::$BAD_REQUEST); } } catch (SocialSpiException $e) { $response = new ResponseItem($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { $response = new ResponseItem(ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error: " . $e->getMessage()); } return $response; } /** * * @param int $appId * @param SecurityToken $token * @return int */ static public function getAppId($appId, SecurityToken $token) { if ($appId == '@app') { return $token->getAppId(); } else { return $appId; } } /** * * @param string $string * @return object */ static public function convertToObject($string) { //TODO should detect if it's atom/xml or json here really. assuming json for now $decoded = json_decode($string); if ($decoded == $string) { throw new Exception("Invalid JSON syntax"); } return $decoded; } /** * To support people/@supportedFields and activity/@supportedFields * * @param array $parameters url parameters to get request type(people/activity) * @return ResponseItem */ public function getSupportedFields($parameters) { $contextClass = Config::get('gadget_context_class'); $context = new $contextClass('GADGET'); $container = $context->getContainer(); $containerConfigClass = Config::get('container_config_class'); $containerConfig = new $containerConfigClass(Config::get('container_path')); $config = $containerConfig->getConfig($container, 'gadgets.features'); $version = $this->getOpenSocialVersion($config); $supportedFields = $config[$version]['supportedFields']; if (in_array('people', $parameters)) { $ret = $supportedFields['person']; } else { $ret = $supportedFields['activity']; } return new ResponseItem(null, null, $ret); } /** * To get OpenSocial version for getting supportedFields * * @param array $config configuration values from container's js files * @return string */ private function getOpenSocialVersion($config) { $str = "opensocial-"; $version = array(); foreach ($config as $key => $value) { if (substr($str, 0, strlen($key)) == $str) { $version[] = $key; } } if (! count($version)) { throw new Exception("Invalid container configuration, opensocial-x.y key not found"); } rsort($version); return $version[0]; } /** * Checks whether the service is initialized. */ protected function checkService() { if (!$this->service) { throw new SocialSpiException("Not Implemented.", ResponseError::$NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } } /** * @param RequestItem $requestItem * @return ResponseItem */ abstract public function handleDelete(RequestItem $requestItem); /** * @param RequestItem $requestItem * @return ResponseItem */ abstract public function handleGet(RequestItem $requestItem); /** * @param RequestItem $requestItem * @return ResponseItem */ abstract public function handlePost(RequestItem $requestItem); /** * @param RequestItem $requestItem * @return ResponseItem */ abstract public function handlePut(RequestItem $requestItem); }