reason = $reason; $this->exp = array(); } public function append($token) { array_push($this->exp, $token); } public function evaluate($dataContext) { $this->dataContext = $dataContext; if ($this->reason->type == ExpType::$FUNCTION) { $result = $this->evaluateFunction(); } else { $result = $this->evaluateExpression(); } return $result; } private function evaluateExpression() { $OPERATOR_TYPES = array(ExpType::$UNARY_OP, ExpType::$BINARY_OP, ExpType::$DOT); $PRIMITIVE_TYPES = array(ExpType::$INT, ExpType::$FLOAT, ExpType::$STRING, ExpType::$BOOL, ExpType::$NULL); $COMPOSITE_TYPES = array(ExpType::$ARRAY, ExpType::$OBJECT); $OPERAND_TYPES = array_merge($PRIMITIVE_TYPES, $COMPOSITE_TYPES, array(ExpType::$IDENTITY)); $OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = array('||' => 0, '&&' => 1, '==' => 2, '!=' => 2, '>' => 3, '<' => 3, '>=' => 3, '<=' => 3, '+' => 4, ' - ' => 4, '*' => 5, '/' => 5, '%' => 5, ' -' => 6, '!' => 6, 'empty' => 6, '.' => 7); $operatorStack = array(); $operandStack = array(); foreach ($this->exp as $token) { if (in_array($token->type, $OPERAND_TYPES)) { array_push($operandStack, $token); } elseif (in_array($token->type, $OPERATOR_TYPES)) { $precedence = $OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[$token->value]; while (! empty($operatorStack)) { $previousPrecedence = $OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[end($operatorStack)->value]; if ($precedence > $previousPrecedence || $precedence == $previousPrecedence && $token->type == ExpType::$UNARY_OP) { break; } else { $operator = array_pop($operatorStack); $operandStack = $this->compute($operandStack, $operator); } } array_push($operatorStack, $token); } else { throw new ExpParserException("The expected primitive expression contains complex token: ", print_r($this->exp, true)); } } while ($operator = array_pop($operatorStack)) { $operandStack = $this->compute($operandStack, $operator); } if (count($operandStack) != 1) { throw new ExpParserException("Gramma error on the primitive expression: " . print_r($this->exp, true)); } return $this->evaluateIdentity(array_pop($operandStack)); } private function compute($operandStack, $operator) { $ARITHMETIC_OPS = array('+', ' - ', '*', '/', '%'); // without unary operator ' -' $RELATIONAL_OPS = array('==', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='); $LOGICAL_OPS = array('&&', '||'); // without '!' $sym = $operator->value; if ($operator->type == ExpType::$UNARY_OP) { $operand = $this->evaluateIdentity(array_pop($operandStack)); } else { $rhs = array_pop($operandStack); $rhs = ($sym != '.') ? $this->evaluateIdentity($rhs) : $rhs; $lhs = $this->evaluateIdentity(array_pop($operandStack)); } if ($sym == '.') { if ($lhs->type == ExpType::$NULL || $rhs->type == ExpType::$NULL) { // Dealing with null type $result = new Token(ExpType::$NULL, null); } else { if ($lhs->type == ExpType::$ARRAY) { if ($rhs->type == ExpType::$INT || $rhs->type == ExpType::$STRING || $rhs->type == ExpType::$IDENTITY) $resval = isset($lhs->value[$rhs->value]) ? $lhs->value[$rhs->value] : null; else throw new ExpParserException("Can't reference key typ " . print_r($rhs, true) . " on array"); } elseif ($lhs->type == ExpType::$OBJECT) { if ($rhs->type == ExpType::$IDENTITY) eval('$resval = isset($lhs->value->' . $rhs->value . ')? $lhs->value->' . $rhs->value . ': null;'); else throw new ExpParserException("Can't reference key typ " . print_r($rhs, true) . " on object"); } else { throw new ExpParserException("Can't perform ./[] operation on primitive type " . print_r($lhs, true)); } $result = new Token(ExpType::detectType($resval), $resval); } } elseif ($sym == 'empty') { $result = new Token(ExpType::$BOOL, empty($operand->value)); } elseif (in_array($sym, $ARITHMETIC_OPS)) { $lhs = ExpType::coerceToNumber($lhs); $rhs = ExpType::coerceToNumber($rhs); eval('$resval = $lhs->value ' . $sym . '$rhs->value;'); $result = new Token(ExpType::detectType($resval), $resval); } elseif ($sym == ' -') { // Unary operator '-' $result = ExpType::coerceToNumber($operand); $result = new Token($result->type, -($result->value)); } elseif (in_array($sym, $RELATIONAL_OPS)) { $result = new Token(ExpType::$BOOL); // special case: one of the operator is null if ($lhs->type == ExpType::$NULL && $rhs->type != ExpType::$NULL || $lhs->type != ExpType::$NULL && $rhs->type == ExpType::$NULL) $result->value = in_array($sym, array('<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==')) ? false : true; eval('$result->value = $lhs->value ' . $sym . ' $rhs->value;'); } elseif (in_array($sym, $LOGICAL_OPS)) { $result = new Token(ExpType::$BOOL); $lhs = ExpType::coerceToBool($lhs); $rhs = ExpType::coerceToBool($rhs); eval('$result->value = $lhs->value ' . $sym . ' $rhs->value;'); } elseif ($sym == '!') { $result = ExpType::coerceToBool($operand); $result = new Token(ExpType::$BOOL, ! ($result->value)); } else { throw new ExpParserException("Uncovered operator: " . $sym); } array_push($operandStack, $result); return $operandStack; } private function evaluateIdentity($token) { if ($token->type != ExpType::$IDENTITY) return $token; foreach (array(false, 'Cur', 'My', 'Top') as $scope) { $context = $scope ? $this->dataContext[$scope] : $this->dataContext; if (isset($context[$token->value])) { $val = $context[$token->value]; $newToken = new Token(ExpType::detectType($val), $val); return $newToken; } } throw new ExpParserException("Un-recogonized identity name in the data context: " . $token->value); } private function evaluateFunction() { $FUNCTION_TRANS = array('osx:parseJson' => 'json_decode', 'osx:decodeBase64' => 'base64_decode', 'osx:urlEncode' => 'rawurlencode', 'osx:urlDecode' => 'rawurldecode'); $params = array(); foreach ($this->exp as $param) array_push($params, $param->value); $val = call_user_func_array($FUNCTION_TRANS[$this->reason->value], $params); return new Token(ExpType::detectType($val), $val); } } class ExpParser { private static function scopePop(&$expression, &$scopes, $dataContext) { $value = $expression->evaluate($dataContext); $expression = array_pop($scopes); $expression->append($value); } private static function scopePush(&$expression, &$scopes, $token) { array_push($scopes, $expression); $expression = new PrimitiveExp($token); } public static function parse($tokenStream, $dataContext) { $scopes = array(); $expression = new PrimitiveExp(new Token('final')); while ($token = array_shift($tokenStream)) { // split non-primitive expression into primitive ones switch ($token->type) { case ExpType::$PAREN: switch ($token->value) { case '[': $expression->append(new Token(ExpType::$DOT, '.')); // drop through case '(': ExpParser::scopePush($expression, $scopes, $token); break; case ']': if ($expression->reason->value != '[') throw new ExpParserException("Unbalanced [], should be detected in Lexer"); ExpParser::scopePop($expression, $scopes, $dataContext); break; case ')': if ($expression->reason->value != '(') throw new ExpParserException("Unbalanced (), should be detected in Lexer"); ExpParser::scopePop($expression, $scopes, $dataContext); // close if it's a function if ($expression->reason->type == ExpType::$FUNCTION) ExpParser::scopePop($expression, $scopes, $dataContext); break; default: throw new ExpParserException("Token error: " . print_r($token, true)); } break; case ExpType::$FUNCTION: ExpParser::scopePush($expression, $scopes, $token); break; case ExpType::$TERNARY: if ($token->value != '?') throw new ExpParserException("Ternary token error"); $nextTernary = ExpParser::findNextTernary($tokenStream, 1); $indicator = ExpType::coerceToBool($expression->evaluate($dataContext)); if ($indicator->value) { // parsed?todo:skip $nextCloseSymbol = ExpParser::findNextCloseSymbol($tokenStream, $nextTernary + 1); array_splice($tokenStream, $nextTernary, $nextCloseSymbol - $nextTernary); } else { // parsed?skip:todo $tokenStream = array_slice($tokenStream, $nextTernary + 1); } $expression = new PrimitiveExp($expression->reason); break; case ExpType::$COMMA: if ($expression->reason->value != '(') throw new ExpParserException("Unbalanced (), should be detected in Lexer"); ExpParser::scopePop($expression, $scopes, $dataContext); ExpParser::scopePush($expression, $scopes, new Token(ExpType::$PAREN, '(')); break; default: $expression->append($token); } } if ($expression->reason->type != 'final') throw new ExpParserException("Gramma error on the non-primitive expression"); return $expression->evaluate($dataContext); } private static function findNextTernary($tokenStream, $startPos) { $stackDepth = 0; for ($i = $startPos; $i < count($tokenStream); $i ++) { $token = $tokenStream[$i]; if ($token->type == ExpType::$TERNARY && $token->value == '?') $stackDepth ++; if ($token->type == ExpType::$TERNARY && $token->value == ':') $stackDepth --; if ($stackDepth < 0) break; } return $i; } private static function findNextCloseSymbol($tokenStream, $startPos) { $stackDepth = 0; for ($i = $startPos; $i < count($tokenStream); $i ++) { $token = $tokenStream[$i]; if ($stackDepth == 0 && ExpParser::isCloseSymbol($token, false)) break; if (ExpParser::isOpenSymbol($token)) $stackDepth ++; if (ExpParser::isCloseSymbol($token)) $stackDepth --; } return $i; } private static function isOpenSymbol($token) { if ($token->type == ExpType::$PAREN && in_array($token->value, array('[', '('))) return true; return false; } private static function isCloseSymbol($token, $rigid = true) { if ($token->type == ExpType::$PAREN && in_array($token->value, array(']', ')'))) return true; if (! $rigid && ($token->type == ExpType::$COMMA || $token->type == ExpType::$TERNARY)) return true; return false; } }