OAuthFetcherFactoryCreate($oauthCrypter, $tokenStore); } elseif (isset($fetcher)) { $this->OAuthFetcherFactoryInit($fetcher); } else { throw new Exception('Wrong number of parameters in the OAuthFetcherFactory constuct'); } } /** * Initialize the OAuth factory with a default implementation of * BlobCrypter and consumer keys/secrets read from oauth.js * * @param SigningFetcher $fetcher */ public function OAuthFetcherFactoryInit($fetcher) { try { $BBC = new BasicBlobCrypter(); $this->oauthCrypter = new BasicBlobCrypter(srand($BBC->MASTER_KEY_MIN_LEN)); $specFactory = new BasicGadgetSpecFactory(); $OAuthStore = Config::get('oauth_store'); $gadgetOAuthTokenStore = Config::get('gadget_oauth_token_store'); $basicStore = new $gadgetOAuthTokenStore(new $OAuthStore, $specFactory); $basicStore->initFromConfigFile($fetcher); $this->tokenStore = $basicStore; } catch (Exeption $e) {} } /** * Creates an OAuthFetcherFactory based on prepared crypter and token store. * * @param $oauthCrypter used to wrap client side state * @param OAuthStore $tokenStore used as interface to persistent token store. */ protected function OAuthFetcherFactoryCreate($oauthCrypter, $tokenStore) { $this->oauthCrypter = $oauthCrypter; $this->tokenStore = $tokenStore; } /** * Produces an OAuthFetcher that will sign requests and delegate actual * network retrieval to the {@code fetcher} * * @param RemoteContentFetcher $fetcher The fetcher that will fetch real content * @param SecurityToken $token The gadget token used to identity the user and gadget * @param OAuthRequestParams $params The parsed parameters the gadget requested * @param string $authType the oauth auth type to use, either "oauth" or "oauth2" * @return OAuthFetcher * @throws GadgetException */ public function getOAuthFetcher(RemoteContentFetcher $fetcher, SecurityToken $token, OAuthRequestParams $params, $authType) { switch ($authType) { case RemoteContentRequest::$AUTH_OAUTH: return new OAuthFetcher($this->tokenStore, $this->oauthCrypter, $fetcher, $token, $params); break; case RemoteContentRequest::$AUTH_OAUTH2: return new OAuth2Fetcher($this->tokenStore, $this->oauthCrypter, $fetcher, $token, $params); break; } throw new Exception('invalid oauth authType ' . $authType); } }