realRequest = $request; $this->checkCanApprove(); if ($this->needApproval()) { $this->buildAznUrl(); // break out of the content fetching chain, we need permission from // the user to do this return $this->buildOAuthApprovalResponse(); } elseif ($this->needAccessToken()) { $this->getAccessToken($request); $this->saveAccessToken(); $this->buildClientAccessState(); } return $this->fetchData(); } /** * Do we need to get the user's approval to access the data? * * @return boolean */ protected function needApproval() { if ($this->accessorInfo == NULL) { return true; } else { return ($this->accessorInfo->getAccessor()->accessToken == null && ! $this->requestParams->getReceivedCallback()); } } /** * Do we need to exchange a request token for an access token? * * @return boolean */ protected function needAccessToken() { return ($this->accessorInfo->getAccessor()->accessToken == null && $this->requestParams->getReceivedCallback()); } /** * Get honest-to-goodness user data. * * @return RemoteContentRequest */ protected function fetchData() { try { $headers = 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $this->accessorInfo->getAccessor()->accessToken; $this->realRequest->setHeaders($headers); $remoteFetcherClass = Config::get('remote_content_fetcher'); $fetcher = new $remoteFetcherClass(); $content = $fetcher->fetchRequest($this->realRequest); $statusCode = $content->getHttpCode(); //TODO is there a better way to detect an SP error? For example: if ($statusCode == 401) { $tokenKey = $this->buildTokenKey(); $this->tokenStore->removeTokenAndSecret($tokenKey); } else if ($statusCode >= 400 && $statusCode < 500) { $message = $this->parseAuthHeader(null, $content); if ($message->get_parameter(ShindigOAuth::$OAUTH_PROBLEM) != null) { throw new ShindigOAuthProtocolException($message); } } // Track metadata on the response $this->addResponseMetadata($content); return $content; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new GadgetException("INTERNAL SERVER ERROR: " . $e); } } /** * Builds the URL the client needs to visit to approve access. */ protected function buildAznUrl() { // At some point we can be clever and use a callback URL to improve // the user experience, but that's too complex for now. $accessor = $this->accessorInfo->getAccessor(); $azn = $accessor->consumer->callback_url->userAuthorizationURL; $authUrl = $azn->url; if (strstr($authUrl, "?") == FALSE) { $authUrl .= "?"; } else { $authUrl .= "&"; } $authUrl .= "client_id="; $authUrl .= urlencode($accessor->consumer->key); $authUrl .= '&response_type=code'; $callbackState = new OAuthCallbackState($this->oauthCrypter); $callbackUrl = "http://" . getenv('HTTP_HOST') . "/gadgets/oauthcallback"; $callbackState->setRealCallbackUrl($callbackUrl); $state = $callbackState->getEncryptedState(); $authUrl .= "&state=" . urlencode($state); $this->aznUrl = $authUrl; } /** * * @param RemoteContentRequest $request * @throws GadgetException */ protected function getAccessToken(RemoteContentRequest $request) { try { $accessor = $this->accessorInfo->getAccessor(); $url = $accessor->consumer->callback_url->accessTokenURL; $msgParams = array(); $callbackUrl = $this->requestParams->getReceivedCallback(); if (strlen($callbackUrl) > 0) { $parsed_url = parse_url($callbackUrl); parse_str($parsed_url["query"], $url_params); $this->handleErrorResponse($url_params); if (strlen($url_params["code"])) { $msgParams['code'] = $url_params["code"]; $msgParams['grant_type'] = 'authorization_code'; } else { throw new GadgetException("Invalid received callback URL: ".$callbackUrl); } } $msgParams['client_id'] = urlencode($accessor->consumer->key); $msgParams['client_secret'] = urlencode($accessor->consumer->secret); $msgParams['redirect_uri'] = "http://" . getenv('HTTP_HOST') . "/gadgets/oauthcallback"; $request = new RemoteContentRequest($url->url); $request->setMethod('POST'); $request->setPostBody($msgParams); $remoteFetcherClass = Config::get('remote_content_fetcher'); $fetcher = new $remoteFetcherClass(); $content = $fetcher->fetchRequest($request); $responseObject = json_decode($content->getResponseContent(), true); $this->handleErrorResponse($responseObject); if (! isset($responseObject['access_token'])) { throw new GadgetException("invalid access token response"); } $accessor->accessToken = $responseObject['access_token']; } catch (Exception $e) { // It's unfortunate the OAuth libraries throw a generic Exception. throw new GadgetException("INTERNAL SERVER ERROR: " . $e); } } /** * * @param array $parameters */ protected function handleErrorResponse(array $parameters) { if (isset($parameters['error'])) { throw new GadgetException('Received OAuth error ' . $parameters['error'] . (isset($parameters['error_description']) ? ' ' . $parameters['error_description'] : '') . (isset($parameters['error_uri']) ? ' see: ' . $parameters['error_uri'] : '')); } } }