* $context = new GadgetContext('GADGET'); * $params = new MakeRequestOptions('http://www.example.com'); * $params->setAuthz('SIGNED') * ->setNoCache(true) * ->setSignViewer(false) * ->setSecurityTokenString(BasicSecurityToken::getTokenStringFromRequest()); * $result = $this->makeRequest->fetch($context, $params); * $responseCode = $result->getHttpCode(); * $responseText = $result->getResponseContent(); * * More examples can be found in the * {@link /php/src/test/gadgets/MakeRequestTest.php} MakeRequest unit tests. */ class MakeRequest { /* * List of disallowed request headers taken from * /java/gadgets/src/main/java/org/apache/shindig/gadgets/servlet/HttpRequestHandler.java */ static $BAD_REQUEST_HEADERS = array("HOST", "ACCEPT", "ACCEPT-ENCODING"); /* * List of disallowed response headers taken from * /java/gadgets/src/main/java/org/apache/shindig/gadgets/servlet/ProxyBase.java */ static $BAD_RESPONSE_HEADERS = array( "SET-COOKIE", "CONTENT-LENGTH", "CONTENT-ENCODING", "ETAG", "LAST-MODIFIED", "ACCEPT-RANGES", "VARY", "EXPIRES", "DATE", "PRAGMA", "CACHE-CONTROL", "TRANSFER-ENCODING", "WWW-AUTHENTICATE"); /** * @var RemoteContentFetcher */ private $remoteFetcher; /** * Constructor * * @param RemoteContentFetcher remoteFetcher A remote content fetcher intended * to override the default fetcher which will be loaded from the config * file. This allows for injecting a mock into this class for testing. */ public function __construct($remoteFetcher = null) { if (isset($remoteFetcher)) { $this->remoteFetcher = $remoteFetcher; } else { $remoteFetcherClass = Config::get('remote_content_fetcher'); $this->remoteFetcher = new $remoteFetcherClass(); } } /** * Returns the remote fetcher this instance uses for remote requests. * * @return RemoteContentFetcher */ public function getRemoteFetcher() { return $this->remoteFetcher; } /** * Makes a request for remote data. * * @param GadgetContext $context Gadget context used to make the request. * @param MakeRequestOptions $params Parameter array used to configure the remote request. * @return RemoteContentRequest A request/response which has been sent to the target server. */ public function fetch(GadgetContext $context, MakeRequestOptions $params) { $signingFetcherFactory = $gadgetSigner = null; if ($params->getAuthz() == "SIGNED" || $params->getAuthz() == "OAUTH" || $params->getAuthz() == "OAUTH2") { $gadgetSigner = Config::get('security_token_signer'); $gadgetSigner = new $gadgetSigner(); $signingFetcherFactory = new SigningFetcherFactory(Config::get("private_key_file")); } $basicRemoteContent = new BasicRemoteContent($this->remoteFetcher, $signingFetcherFactory, $gadgetSigner); $request = $this->buildRequest($context, $params, $gadgetSigner); $request->getOptions()->ignoreCache = $params->getNoCache(); $request->getOptions()->viewerSigned = $params->getSignViewer(); $request->getOptions()->ownerSigned = $params->getSignOwner(); $result = $basicRemoteContent->fetch($request); $status = (int)$result->getHttpCode(); if ($status == 200) { switch ($params->getResponseFormat()) { case 'FEED': $content = $this->parseFeed($result, $params->getHref(), $params->getNumEntries(), $params->getGetSummaries()); $result->setResponseContent($content); break; } } if ((strpos($result->getContentType(), 'text') !== false || strpos($result->getContentType(), 'application') !== false) && strpos($result->getResponseContent(), '\u')) { $result->setResponseContent($this->decodeUtf8($result->getResponseContent())); } return $result; } /** * Returns a response header array with invalid headers removed. * @param array $headers An associative array of header/value pairs. * The reason this cleaning is not automatic is because some consumers of * MakeRequest may have need to access the stripped headers before * delivering the response to a client. The reason for removing these headers * is also mostly for performance, rather than security. * * @return array An array with the headers defined in * MakeRequest::$BAD_RESPONSE_HEADERS removed. The removal is * case-insensitive. */ public function cleanResponseHeaders($headers) { return $this->stripInvalidArrayKeys($headers, MakeRequest::$BAD_RESPONSE_HEADERS); } /** * Builds a request to retrieve the actual content. * * @param GadgetContext $context The rendering context. * @param MakeRequestOptions $params Options for crafting the request. * @param SecurityTokenDecoder $signer A signer needed for signed requests. * @return RemoteContentRequest An initialized request object. */ public function buildRequest(GadgetContext $context, MakeRequestOptions $params, SecurityTokenDecoder $signer = null) { // Check the protocol requested - curl doesn't really support file:// // requests but the 'error' should be handled properly $protocolSplit = explode('://', $params->getHref(), 2); if (count($protocolSplit) < 2) { throw new Exception("Invalid protocol specified"); } $protocol = strtoupper($protocolSplit[0]); if ($protocol != "HTTP" && $protocol != "HTTPS") { throw new Exception("Invalid protocol specified in url: " . htmlentities($protocol)); } $method = $params->getHttpMethod(); if ($method == 'POST' || $method == 'PUT') { // even if postData is an empty string, it will still post // (since RemoteContentRquest checks if its false) // so the request to POST is still honored $request = new RemoteContentRequest($params->getHref(), null, $params->getRequestBody()); } else if ($method == 'DELETE' || $method == 'GET' || $method == 'HEAD') { $request = new RemoteContentRequest($params->getHref()); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid HTTP method."); } $request->setMethod($method); if ($signer) { switch ($params->getAuthz()) { case 'SIGNED': $request->setAuthType(RemoteContentRequest::$AUTH_SIGNED); break; case 'OAUTH': $request->setAuthType(RemoteContentRequest::$AUTH_OAUTH); $request->setOAuthRequestParams($params->getOAuthRequestParameters()); break; case 'OAUTH2': $request->setAuthType(RemoteContentRequest::$AUTH_OAUTH2); $request->setOAuthRequestParams($params->getOAuthRequestParameters()); break; } $st = $params->getSecurityTokenString(); if ($st === false) { throw new Exception("A security token is required for signed requests"); } $token = $context->validateToken($st, $signer); $request->setToken($token); } // Strip invalid request headers. This limits the utility of the // MakeRequest class a little bit, but ensures that none of the invalid // headers are present in any request going through this class. $headers = $params->getRequestHeadersArray(); if ($headers !== false) { $headers = $this->stripInvalidArrayKeys($headers, MakeRequest::$BAD_REQUEST_HEADERS); $params->setRequestHeaders($headers); } // The request expects headers to be stored as a normal header text blob. // ex: Content-Type: application/atom+xml // Accept-Language: en-us $formattedHeaders = $params->getFormattedRequestHeaders(); if ($formattedHeaders !== false) { $request->setHeaders($formattedHeaders); } return $request; } /** * Decodes UTF-8 numeric codes (&#xXXXX, or \uXXXX) from a content string. * @param string $content The content string to decode. * @return string A UTF-8 string where numeric codes have been converted into * their UTF character representations. */ public function decodeUtf8($content) { if (preg_match("/&#[xX][0-9a-zA-Z]{2,8};/", $content)) { $content = preg_replace("/&#[xX]([0-9a-zA-Z]{2,8});/e", "'&#'.hexdec('$1').';'", $content); } if (preg_match("/\\\\(u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|U[0-9a-fA-F]{8})/", $content)) { $content = preg_replace("/\\\\(u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|U[0-9a-fA-F]{8})/e", "'&#'.hexdec('$1').';'", $content); } return mb_decode_numericentity($content, array(0x0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF), 'UTF-8'); } /** * Removes any invalid keys from an array in a case insensitive manner. * Used for stripping invalid http headers from a request or response. * * @param array $target The associative array to check for invalid keys. * @param array $invalidKeys An array of keys which are invalid. * @return array A copy of $target with any keys matching a value in * $invalidKeys removed. */ private function stripInvalidArrayKeys($target, $invalidKeys) { $cleaned = array(); $upperInvalidKeys = array_map('strtoupper', $invalidKeys); foreach ($target as $key => $value) { $upperKey = strtoupper($key); if (in_array($upperKey, $upperInvalidKeys) === FALSE) { $cleaned[$key] = $value; } } return $cleaned; } /** * Handles (RSS & Atom) Type.FEED parsing using Zend's feed parser * * @param RemoteContentRequest $result * @param string $url * @param int $numEntries * @param boolean $getSummaries * @return response string, either a json encoded feed structure or an error message */ private function parseFeed($result, $url, $numEntries = 3, $getSummaries = false) { require 'external/Zend/Feed.php'; $channel = array(); if ((int)$result->getHttpCode() == 200) { $content = $result->getResponseContent(); try { $feed = Zend_Feed::importString($content); if ($feed instanceof Zend_Feed_Rss) { // Try get author if ($feed->author()) { $author = $feed->author(); } else { if ($feed->creator()) { $author = $feed->creator(); } else { $author = null; } } // Loop over each channel item and store relevant data $counter = 0; $channel['Entry'] = array(); foreach ($feed as $item) { if ($counter >= $numEntries) { break; } $_entry = array(); $_entry['Title'] = $item->title(); $_entry['Link'] = $item->link(); if (!is_string($_entry['Link']) && isset($_entry['Link'][1]) && $_entry['Link'][1] instanceof DOMElement) { $_entry['Link'] = $_entry['Link'][1]->getAttribute('href'); } if ($getSummaries && $item->description()) { $_entry['Summary'] = $item->description(); } $date = 0; if ($item->date()) { $date = strtotime($item->date()); } else { if ($item->pubDate()) { $date = strtotime($item->pubDate()); } } $_entry['Date'] = $date; $channel['Entry'][] = $_entry; // Remember author if first found if (empty($author) && $item->author()) { $author = $item->author(); } else if ($item->creator()) { $author = $item->creator(); } $counter ++; } $channel['Title'] = $feed->title(); $channel['URL'] = $url; $channel['Description'] = $feed->description(); if ($feed->link()) { if (is_array($feed->link())) { foreach ($feed->link() as $_link) { if ($_link->nodeValue) $channel['Link'] = $_link->nodeValue; } } else { $channel['Link'] = $feed->link(); } } if ($author != null) { $channel['Author'] = $author; } } elseif ($feed instanceof Zend_Feed_Atom) { // Try get author if ($feed->author()) { if ($feed->author->name()) { $author = $feed->author->name(); } else if ($feed->author->email()) { $author = $feed->author->email(); } else { $author = $feed->author(); } } else { $author = null; } // Loop over each entries and store relevant data $counter = 0; $channel['Entry'] = array(); foreach ($feed as $entry) { if ($counter >= $numEntries) { break; } $_entry = array(); $_entry['Title'] = $entry->title(); // get Link if rel="alternate" if ($entry->link('alternate')) { $_entry['Link'] = $entry->link('alternate'); } else { // if there's no alternate, pick the one without "rel" attribtue $_links = $entry->link; if (is_array($_links)) { foreach ($_links as $_link) { if (empty($_link['rel'])) { $_entry['Link'] = $_link['href']; break; } } } else { $_entry['Link'] = $_links['href']; } } if ($getSummaries && $entry->summary()) { $_entry['Summary'] = $entry->summary(); } $date = 0; if ($entry->updated()) { $date = strtotime($entry->updated()); } else { if ($entry->published()) { $date = strtotime($entry->published()); } } $_entry['Date'] = $date; $channel['Entry'][] = $_entry; // Remember author if first found if (empty($author) && $entry->author()) { if ($entry->author->name()) { $author = $entry->author->name(); } else if ($entry->author->email()) { $author = $entry->author->email(); } else { $author = $entry->author(); } } elseif (empty($author)) { $author = null; } $counter ++; } $channel['Title'] = $feed->title(); $channel['URL'] = $url; $channel['Description'] = $feed->subtitle(); // get Link if rel="alternate" if ($feed->link('alternate')) { $channel['Link'] = $feed->link('alternate'); } else { // if there's no alternate, pick the one without "rel" attribtue $_links = $feed->link; if (is_array($_links)) { foreach ($_links as $_link) { if (empty($_link['rel'])) { $channel['Link'] = $_link['href']; break; } } } else { $channel['Link'] = $_links['href']; } } if (! empty($author)) { $channel['Author'] = $author; } } else { throw new Exception('Invalid feed type'); } $resp = json_encode($channel); } catch (Zend_Feed_Exception $e) { $resp = 'Error parsing feed: ' . $e->getMessage(); } } else { // feed import failed $resp = "Error fetching feed, response code: " . $result->getHttpCode(); } return $resp; } }