context = $context; libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $doc = new DOMDocument(); if (! $doc->loadXML($xmlContent, LIBXML_NOCDATA)) { throw new GadgetSpecException("Error parsing gadget xml:\n" . XmlError::getErrors($xmlContent)); } //TODO: we could do a XSD schema validation here, but both the schema and most of the gadgets seem to have some form of schema // violatons, so it's not really practical yet (and slow) // $doc->schemaValidate('gadget.xsd'); $gadgetSpecClass = Config::get('gadget_spec_class'); $gadget = new $gadgetSpecClass(); $gadget->checksum = md5($xmlContent); $this->parseModuleTag($doc, $gadget); $this->parseModulePrefs($doc, $gadget); $this->parseUserPrefs($doc, $gadget); $this->parseViews($doc, $gadget); //TODO: parse pipelined data return $gadget; } /** * Parse the gadget views * * @param DOMDocument $doc * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parseViews(DOMDocument &$doc, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { $views = $doc->getElementsByTagName('Content'); if (! $views || $views->length < 1) { throw new GadgetSpecException("A gadget needs to have at least one view"); } $gadget->views = array(); foreach ($views as $viewNode) { if ($viewNode->getAttribute('type' == 'url') && $viewNode->getAttribute('href') == null) { throw new GadgetSpecException("Malformed href value"); } foreach (explode(',', $viewNode->getAttribute('view')) as $view) { $view = trim($view); $href = trim($viewNode->getAttribute('href')); $type = trim(strtoupper($viewNode->getAttribute('type'))); if (empty($type)) { $type = 'html'; } $dataPipeliningRequests = array(); if (! empty($href) && $type == 'HTML') { require_once 'src/gadgets/templates/DataPipelining.php'; // a non empty href & type == 'HTML' means there might be data-pipelining tags in the content section $dataPipeliningRequests = DataPipelining::parse($viewNode); } if (isset($gadget->views[$view])) { $gadget->views[$view]['content'] .= $viewNode->nodeValue; } else { $gadget->views[$view] = array('view' => $view, 'type' => $type, 'href' => $href, 'preferedHeight' => $viewNode->getAttribute('prefered_height'), 'preferedWidth' => $viewNode->getAttribute('prefered_width'), 'quirks' => $viewNode->getAttribute('quirks'), 'content' => $viewNode->nodeValue, 'authz' => $viewNode->getAttribute('authz'), 'oauthServiceName' => $viewNode->getAttribute('oauth_service_name'), 'oauthTokenName' => $viewNode->getAttribute('oauth_token_name'), 'oauthRequestToken' => $viewNode->getAttribute('oauth_request_token'), 'oauthRequestTokenSecret' => $viewNode->getAttribute('oauth_request_token_secret'), 'signOwner' => $viewNode->getAttribute('sign_owner'), 'signViewer' => $viewNode->getAttribute('sign_viewer'), 'refreshInterval' => $viewNode->getAttribute('refresh_interval'), 'dataPipelining' => $dataPipeliningRequests); } } } } /** * * @param string $attribute * @return array */ private function parseViewAttribute($attribute) { if (! $attribute) { return array(); } return explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $attribute)); } /** * Parses the UserPref entries * * @param DOMDocument $doc * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parseUserPrefs(DOMDocument &$doc, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { $gadget->userPrefs = array(); if (($userPrefs = $doc->getElementsByTagName('UserPref')) != null) { foreach ($userPrefs as $prefNode) { $pref = array('name' => $prefNode->getAttribute('name'), 'displayName' => $prefNode->getAttribute('display_name'), 'datatype' => strtoupper($prefNode->getAttribute('datatype')), 'defaultValue' => $prefNode->getAttribute('default_value'), 'required' => $prefNode->getAttribute('required')); if ($pref['datatype'] == 'ENUM') { if (($enumValues = $prefNode->getElementsByTagName('EnumValue')) != null) { $enumVals = array(); foreach ($enumValues as $enumNode) { $enumVals[] = array( 'value' => $enumNode->getAttribute('value'), 'displayValue' => $enumNode->getAttribute('display_value')); } } $pref['enumValues'] = $enumVals; } $gadget->userPrefs[] = $pref; } } } /** * Parses the link spec elements * * @param DOMElement $modulePrefs * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parseLinks(DOMElement &$modulePrefs, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { $gadget->links = array(); if (($links = $modulePrefs->getElementsByTagName('Link')) != null) { foreach ($links as $linkNode) { $gadget->links[] = array('rel' => $linkNode->getAttribute('rel'), 'href' => $linkNode->getAttribute('href'), 'method' => strtoupper($linkNode->getAttribute('method'))); } } } /** * * @param DOMDocument $doc * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parseModuleTag(DOMDocument &$doc, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { $moduleTag = $doc->getElementsByTagName("Module"); if ($moduleTag->length < 1) { throw new GadgetSpecException("Missing Module block"); } elseif ($moduleTag->length > 1) { throw new GadgetSpecException("More then one Module block found"); } $moduleTag = $moduleTag->item(0); $specVersion = $moduleTag->getAttribute('specificationVersion'); if ($specVersion) { $gadget->specificationVersion = new OpenSocialVersion(str_replace(' ', '', $specVersion)); } else { $gadget->specificationVersion = new OpenSocialVersion(); } } /** * Parses the ModulePrefs section of the xml structure. The ModulePrefs * section is required, so if it's missing or if there's 2 an GadgetSpecException will be thrown. * * This function also parses the ModulePref's child elements (Icon, Features, Preload and Locale) * * @param DOMDocument $doc * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parseModulePrefs(DOMDocument &$doc, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { $modulePrefs = $doc->getElementsByTagName("ModulePrefs"); if ($modulePrefs->length < 1) { throw new GadgetSpecException("Missing ModulePrefs block"); } elseif ($modulePrefs->length > 1) { throw new GadgetSpecException("More then one ModulePrefs block found"); } $modulePrefs = $modulePrefs->item(0); // parse the ModulePrefs attributes $knownAttributes = array('title', 'author', 'authorEmail', 'description', 'directoryTitle', 'screenshot', 'thumbnail', 'titleUrl', 'authorAffiliation', 'authorLocation', 'authorPhoto', 'authorAboutme', 'authorQuote', 'authorLink', 'showStats', 'showInDirectory', 'string', 'width', 'height', 'category', 'category2', 'singleton', 'renderInline', 'scaling', 'scrolling', 'doctype'); foreach ($modulePrefs->attributes as $key => $attribute) { $attrValue = trim($attribute->value); // var format conversion from directory_title => directoryTitle $attrKey = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))); $attrKey[0] = strtolower($attrKey[0]); if (in_array($attrKey, $knownAttributes)) { $gadget->$attrKey = $attrValue; } } // And parse the child nodes $this->parseLinks($modulePrefs, $gadget); $this->parseIcon($modulePrefs, $gadget); $this->parseFeatures($modulePrefs, $gadget); $this->parsePreloads($modulePrefs, $gadget); $this->parseLocales($modulePrefs, $gadget); $this->parseOAuth($modulePrefs, $gadget); $this->parseContainerSpecific($modulePrefs, $gadget); } /** * Parses optional container specific moduleprefs * override if needed * * @param DOMElement $modulePrefs * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ protected function parseContainerSpecific(DOMElement &$modulePrefs, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { } /** * Parses the (optional) Icon element, returns a Icon class or null * * @param DOMElement $modulePrefs * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parseIcon(DOMElement &$modulePrefs, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { if (($iconNodes = $modulePrefs->getElementsByTagName('Icon')) != null) { if ($iconNodes->length > 1) { throw new GadgetSpecException("A gadget can only have one Icon element"); } elseif ($iconNodes->length == 1) { $icon = $iconNodes->item(0); $gadget->icon = $icon->nodeValue; } } } /** * Parses the Required and Optional feature entries in the ModulePrefs * * @param DOMElement $modulePrefs * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parseFeatures(DOMElement &$modulePrefs, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { $requiredNodes = $modulePrefs->getElementsByTagName('Require'); $gadget->requiredFeatures = $this->parseFeatureNodes($requiredNodes, $gadget); $optionalNodes = $modulePrefs->getElementsByTagName('Optional'); $gadget->optionalFeatures = $this->parseFeatureNodes($optionalNodes, $gadget); } /** * * @param DOMNodeList $nodes * @param GadgetSpec $gadget * @return array */ private function parseFeatureNodes(DOMNodeList &$nodes, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { $features = array(); foreach ($nodes as $feature) { $features[$feature->getAttribute('feature')] = array( 'views' => $this->parseViewAttribute($feature->getAttribute('views')), ); // Content-rewrite is a special case since it has Params as child nodes if ($feature->getAttribute('feature') == 'content-rewrite') { $this->parseContentRewrite($feature, $gadget); } elseif ($feature->getAttribute('feature') == 'opensocial-templates') { $this->parseOpenSocialTemplates($feature, $gadget); } } return $features; } /** * Parses the gadget's OAuth entries, the OAuth entry would look something like: * * * * * * * * * And the resulting $gadgetSpec->oauth structure: * * Array ( * [access] => Array ( * [url] => * [method] => GET * ) * [request] => Array ( * [url] => * [method] => GET * ) * [authorization] => Array ( * [url] => * [method] => GET * ) * ) * * @param DOMElement $modulePrefs * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parseOAuth(DOMElement &$modulePrefs, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { $this->parseOAuthNodes($modulePrefs->getElementsByTagName('OAuth'), $gadget); $this->parseOAuthNodes($modulePrefs->getElementsByTagName('OAuth2'), $gadget); } /** * parses the actual oauth or oauth2 DOM node * * @param DOMNodeList $oauthNodes * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parseOAuthNodes(DOMNodeList $oauthNodes, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { if ($oauthNodes != null) { if ($oauthNodes->length > 1) { throw new GadgetSpecException("A gadget can only have one OAuth element (though multiple service entries are allowed in that one OAuth element)"); } $oauth = array(); if ($oauthNodes->length > 0) { $oauthNode = $oauthNodes->item(0); if (($serviceNodes = $oauthNode->getElementsByTagName('Service')) != null) { foreach ($serviceNodes as $service) { $oauthService = new OAuthService($service); $oauth[$oauthService->getName()] = $oauthService; } } $gadget->oauth = $oauth; } } } /** * Parses the opensocial-template params (if any), supported params are: * * * false * * @param DOMElement $feature * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parseOpenSocialTemplates(DOMElement $feature, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { $requireLibraries = array(); if (($paramNodes = $feature->getElementsByTagName('Param')) != null) { foreach ($paramNodes as $param) { $paramName = $param->getAttribute('name'); $paramValue = trim($param->nodeValue); if ($paramName == 'disableAutoProcessing') { $gadget->templatesDisableAutoProcessing = $paramValue != 'false'; } elseif ($paramName == 'requireLibrary') { $requireLibraries[] = $paramValue; } } } if (count($requireLibraries)) { $gadget->templatesRequireLibraries = $requireLibraries; } } /** * Parses the content-rewrite feature's params, possible params entries are: * 86400 * * * .png * .tmp * true * true * true * * This sets the $gadgetSpec->rewrite to a structure like: * Array ( * [expires] => 86400 * [include-url] => Array ( * [0] => * * ) * [exclude-url] => Array ( * [0] => .png * [1] => .tmp * ) * [minify-css] => true * [minify-js] => true * [minify-html] => true * ) * @param DOMElement $feature * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parseContentRewrite(DOMElement $feature, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { $contentRewrite = array(); if (($paramNodes = $feature->getElementsByTagName('Param')) != null) { foreach ($paramNodes as $param) { $paramName = $param->getAttribute('name'); $paramValue = $param->nodeValue; if ($paramName == 'include-url' || $paramName == 'exclude-url') { if (! isset($contentRewrite[$paramName]) || ! is_array($contentRewrite[$paramName])) { $contentRewrite[$paramName] = array(); } $contentRewrite[$paramName][] = $paramValue; } else { $contentRewrite[$paramName] = $paramValue; } } } $gadget->rewrite = $contentRewrite; } /** * Parses the preload elements * * @param DOMElement $modulePrefs * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parsePreloads(DOMElement &$modulePrefs, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { $gadget->preloads = array(); if (($preloadNodes = $modulePrefs->getElementsByTagName('Preload')) != null) { foreach ($preloadNodes as $node) { $gadget->preloads[] = array('href' => $node->getAttribute('href'), 'authz' => strtoupper($node->getAttribute('authz')), 'views' => $this->parseViewAttribute($node->getAttribute('views')), 'signViewer' => $node->getAttribute('sign_viewer'), 'signOwner' => $node->getAttribute('sign_owner')); } } } /** * Parses the Locale (message bundle) entries * * @param DOMElement $modulePrefs * @param GadgetSpec $gadget */ private function parseLocales(DOMElement &$modulePrefs, GadgetSpec &$gadget) { $gadget->locales = array(); if (($localeNodes = $modulePrefs->getElementsByTagName('Locale')) != null) { foreach ($localeNodes as $node) { $messageBundle = array(); if (($messages = $node->getElementsByTagName('msg')) != null && $messages->length > 0) { // parse inlined messages foreach ($messages as $msg) { $messageBundle[$msg->getAttribute('name')] = trim($msg->nodeValue); } } $lang = $node->getAttribute('lang') == '' ? 'all' : strtolower($node->getAttribute('lang')); $country = $node->getAttribute('country') == '' ? 'all' : strtoupper($node->getAttribute('country')); $gadget->locales[] = array('lang' => $lang, 'country' => $country, 'messages' => $node->getAttribute('messages'), 'languageDirection' => $node->getAttribute('language_direction'), 'views' => $this->parseViewAttribute($node->getAttribute('views')), 'messageBundle' => $messageBundle); } } } }