# History Original work come from http://google-jstemplate.googlecode.com and was included at 2009-04-03. # Running Tests You need to download JsUnit from http://jsunit.net/ and unzip to this folder, or create a symlink 'jsunit' to your local jsunit directory. Then you can run the tests for OpenSocial Template library by running the following script in a unix-like environment: firefox jsunit/testRunner.html?testpage=$PWD/ost_test.html TODO: Instructions for loading test page for other operating system/browser environments. N.B.: Has been verified only on FF1.5 and FF2. N.B.: These tests run in the jsunit.net version JsUnit, other than the jsunit.berlios.de version used in the tests for other features. The heavy use of client-side objects requires a browser-based JsUnit. This rules out the other version, which uses an embedded Rhino engine. jsnuit.net does not support Maven, so we cannot integrate the testing into Maven build process.